Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan didn't go back until they saw the car disappear. It can be seen that Xiaowan was a little bit reluctant. Su Nan tried to talk to her along the way, and finally made her happy through simple conversations.

Aunt Qin usually has to go to work, but she will come here every Saturday and Sunday, and Qin Xiaowan will be able to see her mother often in the future.

It was exactly seven o'clock in the evening when I got home.

Qin's mother's departure made Su Nan a little worried that Qin Xiaowan would suddenly change back to the way she was before, and wanted to find an excuse to go out for a walk, but as soon as she got home, Qin Xiaowan went back to her room by herself, and closed the door. No sign of wanting to do anything kinky.

The Qin Xiaowan today is very different from a few days ago, Su Nan can only attribute the reason to the fact that her condition has improved or entered a stable period.

But this is a good thing for him, at least he doesn't have to use willpower to control himself all day long, so as not to let himself be impulsive.If possible, Su Nan also plans to discuss with Qin Xiaowan about sleeping separately at night.

At this time, Su Nan heard the notification tone of WeChat, took out his mobile phone to look, and found that it was a message sent by Zhao Xiaomin. Zhao Xiaomin asked him if he was free now, and if he wanted to go shopping.

At this time, there was nothing to do, and even the senior next door was not at home, so Su Nan asked where Zhao Xiaomin was, and after learning that she was in a nearby shopping mall, she packed up her things and went out.

The Yifeng shopping mall, which is less than a few kilometers away from the community where Su Nan's family is located, is less than ten minutes away by bus.

After getting off the car, Su Nan glanced over and saw Zhao Xiaomin standing at the door. She was dressed in a fashionable way today, with a bag on her shoulders, light makeup on her face, and a tall and bumpy figure. A lot of maturity.

Before she knew it, Zhao Xiaomin became more and more able to dress up, and became more and more feminine. Su Nan felt like she was in love from a distance.

Just as he was about to walk over to say hello, Zhao Xiaomin had already seen him, showing his trademark bright smile, and waving at him continuously. At the same time, a figure behind Zhao Xiaomin poked his head out to look at Su Nan, and then immediately retracted.

Zhao Junmin?

Why is she here too?

Su Nan instinctively felt a little guilty, but she still walked over.

"A Nan." Zhao Xiaomin pulled out the younger sister behind him, and said to him, "Today I'm going to buy some clothes for my younger sister, and you can help me refer later."

Zhao Junmin seemed a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and didn't look at Su Nan, but said softly, "Senior, hello."

Zhao Junmin's face seemed a little too rosy, and she looked delicate and green. Su Nan nodded to her calmly, and then said to Zhao Xiaomin: "Let's go, have you decided to go to that store?"

Zhao Xiaomin was clearly prepared: "Chuxi and I visited here last time, there are a few good shops, just go there."

Zhao Xiaomin led the way, and the three of them entered the mall and went upstairs.

Along the way, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin chatted, while Zhao Junmin kept her head down and followed her sister silently, which made Su Nan feel a little embarrassed for no reason.

The clothing store arrived soon, and after saying hello to Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin took her sister to choose clothes and try them on, while Su Nan sat on a chair and waited a little bored.It is estimated that this store has experience. There are always one or two chairs prepared in the store, just for the convenience of people like Su Nan.

After a while, the curtain of the locker room was opened, and a cute and sweet girl came out of it, met Su Nan's slightly astonished gaze, a shy blush appeared on her face, and she subconsciously turned her face away.

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up when she saw her younger sister's outfit, but then she remembered something, hesitated for a while, then walked up to hold her younger sister's hand, and brought her in front of Su Nan.

"Does it look good, my sister?"

Standing behind her sister with her hands on her shoulders, Zhao Xiaomin stuck out her head and asked Su Nan as if offering a treasure, but Su Nan couldn't respond, Zhao Xiaomin probably asked about clothes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a little hesitation, Su Nan praised Zhao Junmin: "The clothes are good, they look good on you."

Zhao Junmin's face was slightly red, and her shoulders trembled slightly, as if she was a little uneasy.

"Really? Then buy this one." Zhao Xiaomin seemed not to notice this, and said happily.

When paying the bill, Su Nan took out her phone to scan the QR code to pay, but she couldn't compete with Zhao Xiaomin, so she let her go.

After leaving this store, Zhao Xiaomin took her sister to several other stores and bought two more before giving up.

Su Nan also breathed a sigh of relief, because Zhao Xiaomin said that she wanted to refer to the boys' opinions, so she urged her sister to change her clothes every time, and then walked up to him to show him, which not only embarrassed the little girl, but also made Su Nan feel a little bit embarrassed. I feel like I am being selected as the judge of the beauty pageant champion.

Carrying a few bags of clothes, passing by Starbucks, Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up, and he suggested, "Let's go in and have a seat."

"I just finished eating, and I'm a bit overwhelmed."

Su Nan sighed, saying that Zhao Xiaomin has been spending a lot of money recently. According to her, she made some money by buying lottery tickets. Is it possible to make money by buying lottery tickets?

"Then go to the movies!"

Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes and said, it was still early, she didn't want Su Nan to go back so soon, since she had already made a promise to her sister, of course she would carry it out.And a movie is at least an hour and a half, which is just used to hold Su Nan and pass the time.

At Zhao Xiaomin's insistence, the three of them climbed up to the top floor of the shopping mall and bought tickets through the APP on their mobile phones. However, Zhao Xiaomin said that the ordinary hall was full of people and didn't like it, so they bought the VIP hall, and there were only the three of them for one game.

Entering the VIP hall, as the movie started to play, Su Nan felt that the movie-watching experience in the VIP hall was not as good as that in the ordinary hall, but the seats were indeed much more comfortable, a lot of food was also given away, and the service was quite good.

In addition, there are only three of us and no other strangers around. Although the price is a bit more expensive, it is worth the money.

Su Nan watched the movie for a while, and lost interest. The movie was chosen by Zhao Xiaomin. It is said to be the most tear-jerking movie of the year. Most girls like it, and most of the audience are girls. But for Su Nan, the plot is a bit bloody.

Even so, Su Nan didn't raise any opinions. After all, everyone's interest in watching movies is different. For example, Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be fascinated by watching, with tears in his eyes, and was moved.

It's too impolite to offer an opinion at a time like this.

Apart from Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Junmin was also staring at the screen without blinking. Although she was not as exaggerated as Zhao Xiaomin, her expression tensed from time to time as the plot of the movie progressed.

Su Nan was a little surprised. Except for those things, Zhao Junmin gave him the impression that he was quite calm. He didn't expect that she would like to watch this kind of movie.

About half an hour later, Zhao Xiaomin pulled Su Nan suddenly. Under the light of the screen, her pretty face seemed a little rosy for some reason, and her breathing was short. She put her hand on Su Nan's thigh.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and she held Zhao Xiaomin's hand to prevent her from making trouble. Facing her puzzled eyes, Su Nan approached her and whispered, "There is monitoring."

Zhao Xiaomin looked disappointed.

Just when Su Nan thought she was giving up, Zhao Xiaomin stood up suddenly, took his hand and said, "A Nan, accompany me to the toilet!"

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