Su Nan: "???"

Shouldn't you find your younger sister who is also a girl to accompany you?

But since it was his girlfriend's request, Su Nan naturally wouldn't refuse, got up and left the theater with Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Junmin, who was watching the movie engrossedly, just turned her head to look at them, and then continued to return to the movie.

Leaving the cinema hall, it was quiet outside. At this time, all the cinema halls were playing movies, and the audience was all in the cinema halls.

Su Nan accompanied Zhao Xiaomin to the women's toilet and stopped, intending to wait for her outside, but to her surprise, Zhao Xiaomin grabbed his hand and dragged him into the women's toilet.

Faced with such a bold hint from his girlfriend, Su Nan only hesitated for a moment, and then left it to her instinct to make the decision.

Zhao Xiaomin, who entered the women's room, seemed a little anxious, pushed open a door and pushed Su Nan in, then entered by herself, closed the door with a "bang", and then entangled Su Nan in a hurry.

Su Nan was a little dazed, and grabbed Zhao Xiaomin's hand to keep her from moving. Zhao Xiaomin murmured, "Ah Nan, I think..."

"What's the matter?" Although Su Nan was also aroused, she couldn't understand it. No matter what, Zhao Xiaomin's performance was too eager, which seemed a little abnormal.

Zhao Xiaomin raised her head, and her pretty face was as red as fire, looking glamorous and charming. She looked up at Su Nan, her eyes sparkled with blurred colors, and begged softly, "Promise me first..."

Well, facing such a request from his girlfriend, Su Nan couldn't harden his heart, and quickly agreed to her.

Zhao Xiaomin, whose hands were free again, untied him from the chain and swallowed him in one gulp.

After a while, the flushed Zhao Xiaomin stood up, turned her back and lay on the door, looking back at Su Nan expectantly, those beautiful eyes were full of love and love.

Su Nan's head exploded, and the blood rushed straight to his brain. He stopped thinking, let his body obey the instinctive movement, stood up and supported Zhao Xiaomin's slender waist with both hands, and his plump buttocks were hit, and his buttocks were crushed. It turned red.

After being unable to stand still, Su Nan hugged Zhao Xiaomin and sat on the toilet, while Zhao Xiaomin sat on top of him and shook her delicate body, moaning continuously. After another half an hour, they finally stopped.

Zhao Xiaomin was gasping for breath, the tip of her nose was dripping with sweat, lying in Su Nan's arms, too lazy to move.

It was really uncomfortable just now, and suddenly she had an attack while watching a movie. Not only did she not be able to watch the movie, but she also developed a mentality of eagerness to be ashamed, so she shamelessly dragged Su Nan out of the theater and into the women's bathroom to start a war .

After experiencing such a shameful thing at this time, she finally relaxed all over. The comfort that Su Nan brought her, and the comfort after the discomfort subsided, the double comfort made her feel elated.

After resting for a while, Zhao Xiaomin held Su Nan's face and kissed him, then slid down to clean him.

After you're done, deal with it for yourself, then flush everything down the toilet to wipe out all the evidence.

When they left, fortunately, the two of them hadn't played for too long, and there was no one outside.

Zhao Xiaomin took Su Nan's hand and walked in the front. She looked around for a long time, and took Su Nan out of the women's bathroom until she confirmed that there was no one there.

After coming out of the women's toilet, Su Nan was out of danger. Zhao Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, and lazily leaned her body against Su Nan.

Su Nan hugged Zhao Xiaomin halfway and brought her back to the theater.

In the cinema hall, the movie was still playing, but it was at the end, so although he felt that they had been out for too long, Zhao Junmin just turned his head to look at them, and then turned back to stare at the screen to watch the movie again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After watching the movie, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening.

After coming out of the movie theater, Su Nan, who originally wanted to propose to go back early, faced his girlfriend complaining that she was hungry, so she had to take them to have a supper.

Take a seat in the shop.

After ordering food, Zhao Junmin went to the bathroom, Su Nan asked Zhao Xiaomin, "It's so late, your sister won't go back."

Zhao Xiaomin blinked, "You treat my sister..."

He was interrupted by Su Nan before he finished speaking. He had a headache: "I asked you if Jun Min slept with you tonight. Where do you want to go?"

Such a simple sentence can be misunderstood, Zhao Xiaomin was bullied just now, or did he deliberately make such a joke?

"Uh, she has to go back, otherwise Ruomin will starve if she doesn't have breakfast tomorrow morning." Zhao Xiaomin said hastily.

Su Nan was speechless for a moment, knowing that her sister was going home, she was still playing around, and now it was past ten o'clock, and she came at eleven o'clock after supper.

Seemingly knowing that she was in the wrong, Zhao Xiaomin apologized: "It's rare to take my sister out once, I want to play with her more, and I accidentally overplayed it."

Thinking of how fascinated Zhao Junmin was watching the movie just now, it seemed that this was his first time even visiting the movie theater. Su Nan understood Zhao Xiaomin a little bit, and he was not angry, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, it's only after ten o'clock. Just take her home."

Zhao Xiaomin nodded, but was a little embarrassed, "A Nan, Chuxi is looking for me, I want to go back first, can you take my sister home?"

"There's nothing urgent about Chu Xi. I'll take your sister home with you. It won't take long." Su Nan hesitated a little, and didn't want to be alone with Zhao Junmin.

"There may be something urgent. Really, look, she is urging me." Zhao Xiaomin took out her phone to open WeChat in order to increase her persuasiveness. It showed that there were more than a dozen unread messages from Chu Xi.

Zhao Xiaomin said: "I didn't notice it at the movie theater before, but I just saw it on my phone. Chuxi may need me urgently, so I want to go back early."

Su Nan hesitated for a moment before making a decision, "I'll take you back after supper, and I won't get out of the car when I get back to the gate of the community, and then I'll take your sister back."

Su Nan was worried about letting Zhao Xiaomin ride alone in the car so late, and planned to send her back to the community first, and then her sister.

Zhao Xiaomin thought for a while, and nodded her head, thinking it was all right.

After a while, Zhao Junmin came back, and the two ended their conversation.

Then the clerks served the dishes one after another. Because they were in a hurry, the three of them ate very quickly, and they left the store in about fifteen minutes.

Walking out of the shopping mall, the pre-appointed car was already waiting at the main entrance of the shopping mall. The three of them got into the car one after another. Su Nan sat on the left, Zhao Xiaomin was in the middle, and Zhao Junmin was on the right.

It seemed too late, Zhao Junmin was a little sleepy, her body was next to her sister, and Zhao Xiaomin was next to Su Nan.

When the car returned to the gate of the community where she lived, Zhao Junmin, who squinted her eyes, realized something. She opened her eyes and looked at her sister nervously, which made Su Nan feel a little strange.

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