Holding her sister's hand and giving her an encouraging look, Zhao Xiaomin said to Su Nan, "Ah Nan, I'll go up first, and then I'll trouble you to take my sister home."

Su Nan nodded: "Go back, if you have nothing to do, go to bed early, and I will take Junmin home."

It was already late at this time, after Zhao Xiaomin got off, Su Nan urged the driver to hurry up, but for Zhao Junmin, who was sitting by the window and staring out of the car window, he didn't know how to start a conversation, so he simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Zhao Xiaomin watched the car go away, sighed, and walked into the community with a bit of a tangled mood.

Today, I deliberately persuaded my younger sister to take her out to meet Su Nan, so that we could become familiar with each other, and it was only convenient for Su Nanzhong's younger sister to go home after delaying so late.

Now that she has promised her sister, no matter how much Zhao Xiaomin struggles, she must do the same.

Junmin likes Su Nan, and there is no doubt that she does too, but the current situation is that the two sisters cannot do without Su Nan. This is an objective reason, and their only choice is to stay by Su Nan's side together, so no matter how much Suffering should be overcome as much as possible.

The reason why the third sister became like this is that she was infected by herself, and she has more than one younger sister. Zhao Xiaomin decided to learn a lesson and be careful in the future, so as not to harm the second sister.

When the WeChat notification sounded, Zhao Xiaomin took out her phone and looked at it. It was still Chuxi, and asked her if she was back.

Zhao Xiaomin replied with three words: "I'm back."

Five minutes later, Zhao Xiaomin returned home. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Chu Xi sitting on the sofa with a blank expression, as if waiting for her to come back.

Instinctively, Zhao Xiaomin was a little guilty. She closed the door, gritted her teeth, and walked towards Chu Xi. No matter what, she had to confess this matter to Chu Xi. This was not her own business, because Su Nan was not her own Su Nan.

"Well, Chuxi..." Walking in front of Chuxi, Zhao Xiaomin scratched her head, but she didn't know how to say it. It was hard for her sisters to serve a husband or something, and she was also worried that her self-assessment would cause trouble. Chu Xi was angry. After all, the two had come to this day with great difficulty and lived in harmony. Zhao Xiaomin didn't want Chu Xi to have opinions on her because of her own reasons.

Chu Xi glanced at her and said lightly, "Sit down."

Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to sit down, because she was a little nervous, so her body was tense, and her sitting posture was like a primary school student.

Chu Xi shook his head inwardly, and asked, "Is what you told me on WeChat true? You brought your younger sister on a date with Su Nan."

"Yes...really." Bite the bullet and said it, Zhao Xiaomin simply poured it out, and told Chu Xi everything with a small mouth.

Chu Xi was stunned, and it took three seconds to react, then she stared into Zhao Xiaomin's eyes and asked, "Are you serious?"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded affirmatively: "Seriously, Junmin can't do without Anan, and also likes him, that's all I can do."

Chu Xi was a little silent, and didn't know how to evaluate this matter. What Zhao Xiaomin said was realistic and calm, but Chu Xi knew that her mood was definitely not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

In fact, she had thought about this possibility since the day she learned that Zhao Junmin was infected, but later Zhao Xiaomin revealed a faint rejection attitude towards it, which made her let go of her doubts, but she did not expect to come to this day in the end.

"I'm sorry, Chuxi." Zhao Xiaomin suddenly felt guilty: "I did this kind of thing without authorization, and there is one more person to share with Nan. If you feel uncomfortable, scold me."

Chu Xi shook his head, and said in a pitiful tone, "You don't need to apologize to me, do you feel better than me for doing such a thing?"

Zhao Xiaomin's expression darkened.

"The matter has come to this point, it is no longer up to us to decide, we can only accept the facts, just like I accept you, you accept me, just like we accept senior sister Zhan Weiling."

Chu Xi said in the tone of someone who has come here.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Junmin didn't speak along the way.

She understood what her sister meant, but when she actually faced Su Nan, she felt an inexplicable sense of nervousness. Thinking of what her sister said to herself in the morning, she couldn't face Su Nan calmly.

Su Nan also felt that the girl was a little too quiet, but based on what happened between the two of them, it's okay not to speak, but it's embarrassing when she speaks.

Su Nan still can't figure out how the relationship between herself and Zhao Xiaomin's sister became like this. It seems that at the beginning, it was because of the telepathy between the two sisters, and they could perceive everything that happened to each other.

At the time when he and Zhao Xiaomin were eating the forbidden fruit, Zhao Jun was sensitive to the feelings he brought to her sister, and panicked all of a sudden. The girl hated him, or her mind was affected, so she made a series of actions against him. Perverted things.

The above reasons were told by Zhao Xiaomin. Although Su Nan felt that the matter was not that simple, he still chose to believe it.

Later, Zhao Xiaomin said that the telepathy with her sister disappeared temporarily, and Su Nan began to avoid Zhao Junmin to avoid embarrassment for everyone. However, she didn't know if Zhao Junmin still hated herself. Once, she chased him up and kissed him forcefully.

At the end of the memory, Su Nan shook his head in his heart, and stopped thinking about all this. He didn't think about the matter of the monitor and Lu Anya, so let the rest be like this for the time being. Zhao Junmin is quite normal now, it's just that the two met It's just a little embarrassing at times, so just try to avoid meeting her in the future.

The destination arrived while Su Nan was thinking wildly, and Su Nan was about to go down, but found that Zhao Junmin was sitting still, as if in a daze, so he had no choice but to remind him: "It's the place."

Hearing this, Zhao Junmin came to her senses, her pretty face was stained a little red, and she quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing Su Nan getting out of the car, she hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice, "Go back first, I can go alone later."

Su Nan glanced at the dark neighborhood behind her, a little worried: "I'll take you downstairs."

With complicated feelings, Zhao Junmin nodded.

She walked in front, and Su Nan silently followed behind. Normally, she would be a little scared walking such a dark road alone at night, but today she felt inexplicably at ease.

Is it because you like it?

Zhao Junmin sighed, she didn't know, although her sister was very sure, but she couldn't figure out what she was thinking, but one thing my sister said was correct, she would never be able to leave Su Nan, so she agreed to her sister's proposal Ridiculous request.

But just as my sister said, she got a strange disease that cannot be separated from Su Nan, she should feel pain every day, but gradually got used to all this, isn't this a kind of proof.

Unknowingly, Su Nan has walked into her heart, from a boyfriend of her sister to a special person, so special that she doesn't know how to deal with it.

When she came downstairs, realizing that she was about to part, Zhao Junmin felt a surge of emotion in her heart. She stopped and wanted to turn around and say something to this person, but she was at a loss for words.

Su Nan looked suspiciously at Zhao Junmin who was standing in the dark with his back turned to him, not understanding why she didn't go upstairs, he reminded: "I'll take you here, I won't go up."

Access control cards are required to enter and exit this building, so it is inconvenient to enter and wait for exit.

"En." The girl responded softly, swiped the access control card to enter the building, and then looked back at him.As the door closed automatically with a click, she said softly, "Be careful all the way."

There was not enough light inside, but through the gap in the iron door, Su Nan saw a pair of complicated and unspeakable eyes, which still had a sense of familiarity.

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