Su Nan was startled, then nodded, "Goodbye."

Su Nan turned around and left without any delay, thinking that it must be an illusion just now.

And Zhao Junmin didn't go upstairs sadly until he saw his figure disappear.

Leaving the community where Zhao Xiaomin's home is located, Su Nan just got on the Internet to book an express train when she received a message from Zhao Xiaomin asking if he had returned home.

Su Nan told her that she was going home, and at the same time asked her and Chu Xi to go to bed early.

Then he put away his phone, closed his eyes and rested his mind, but Zhao Junmin's eyes appeared in his mind just now. He always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw them.

Back at the residence, Su Nan, who had just climbed the stairs, was about to go into the room to sleep, and it was not good to disturb his girlfriends so late.

Just when he took out the key, the door of the senior sister's house next door opened, and a beautiful face poked out the door, showing a faint smile at him.

"Su Nan, you're back. When I heard footsteps, I knew it was you."

"Senior Li Gongting?" Su Nan was very surprised. He actually saw Li Gongting at the door of his house at this point. He couldn't help but ask, "Why are you here?"

"As you can see, I came to Wei Ling's house to spend the night." Li Gongting shrugged and said with a smile: "Today she invited me to come to her house very warmly. We haven't chatted for a long time, and we talked until nearly twelve o'clock."

Su Nan's heart moved, and he asked, "Is it because of what happened that day?"

At present, it seems that everything is normal for Li Gongting, as if he has recovered from the blow that day, and the senior sister said that she will help.

Li Gongting nodded: "Wei Ling said that you are willing to learn martial arts with me, is that true?"

She stared at Su Nan, with a little anticipation in her dark and pure eyes, looking at him as if she was looking at a piece of rough jade.

Su Nan was a little uncomfortable being stared at by her, but still nodded. He had always had this idea, and wanted to train himself systematically so that he could better control his body.

It's just because he didn't realize it at first, but when he realized it, his body had been unknowingly strengthened to an unbelievable level. If he rashly went to a place like a martial arts gym, there would be too many people and it would be easy to be exposed. Finding anomalies can be bad.

The reason why she showed her strength in front of Li Gongting that day was because she trusted this senior. Senior Li Gongting has a sense of justice and is a good friend of senior Zhan Weiling, so she is unlikely to betray him.

The ability that Li Gongting showed last time, although the strength is not worth mentioning in Su Nan's view, but the skills are very suitable for him to learn, so when faced with Li Gongting's inquiry, he wholeheartedly agreed.

Li Gongting's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Smart choice, although you don't know what's going on, you have all the power, but you can't use it freely, but if you are willing to learn some skills from me, use the power freely, guarantee You can go to the next level."

In the past, Li Gongting gave Su Nan a serious impression, and it was rare to see her so excited because of something.

Su Nan was also a little infected by her optimism, and asked jokingly, "How far can it go?"

Unexpectedly, Li Gongting seriously thought about it, and then looked at him deeply and said, "I don't know how strong you are, if it is as strong as you showed that day, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can defeat two, three, or even ten of you at that time. It's not impossible by itself."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Gongting has a deep understanding of how powerful it is to crush an iron birch tree with bare hands, and judging from what Zhan Weiling said, Su Nan seems to have something unusual.

No matter how much ordinary people practice martial arts, from childhood to adulthood, at the peak period, facing the siege of three or four adults who have never practiced martial arts, they are very likely to die in a panic.

The power gap between people will not be so bad, and it is also a very common phenomenon to beat the master to death with random punches.

Therefore, Li Gongting has always upheld the concept that practicing martial arts is just to strengthen the body and increase the slightest possibility, so that he will not have any resistance when facing difficulties.

However, the appearance of Su Nan broke her cognition and subverted her understanding of the word limit. It is no longer the limit that human beings can reach. If Zhan Weiling hadn't repeatedly assured her, she would have thought that Su Nan was a monster in human skin up.

After being hit by Su Nan, she was disheartened for a while, but after she calmed down and thought deeply, she felt that Su Nan's existence was the only shining star in the dark night sky.

For ordinary people, practicing martial arts to her level is already the limit. Although she has not reached the peak of physical fitness at the age of eighteen, she is no worse than some men in their twenties who have also practiced for many years.

Her road has come to an end, at most she will only grow in physical fitness and experience, but Su Nan is different, Su Nan's existence is like letting her see a treasure, those things that have existed deep in her heart since she was a child The romantic fantasy seems to have the possibility of realization.

What she can't do, being able to achieve it through training Su Nan, is another kind of wish fulfillment for her, so when Zhan Weiling mentioned this to her, she couldn't say no.

"You two, how long are you going to talk, it's dawn."

Zhan Weiling's frivolous greeting interrupted their conversation, and both of them looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing Zhan Weiling appearing in front of Su Nan wearing only sexy pajamas, with large patches of white all over her body, Li Gongting was slightly speechless, and reminded: "Weiling, you should go back to your room and change your clothes before you come out."

"I'm going to sleep, why change clothes?" Zhan Weiling smiled, glanced at Su Nan with ambiguous eyes, and continued: "Besides, the court lady, my junior is my boyfriend, you can't even do this kind of thing." Do you want to take care of it?"

Li Gongting's pretty face flushed slightly, probably because she remembered a certain time of recklessness, she said casually: "I'm sleepy, go to bed first, let's chat."

After speaking, return to the room.

Zhan Weiling came over and took Su Nan's hand, while playing with his fingers, she looked at him with a smile in her eyes and asked, "Guest officer, do you want to come in and play?"

Su Nan glanced at the white snow on the senior sister's chest, a little lack of concentration, nodded: "Then come in and sit for a while."

The smile on Zhan Weiling's face deepened, "It won't work for a while, at least half an hour."

Because standing at the door, the pajamas on her body were indeed a bit sexy. Zhan Weiling didn't want to be seen by anyone other than her junior, so she made an ambiguous joke and led her junior by the hand into the door.

After entering the door, Zhan Weiling glanced at her room, and whispered to her junior, "I'll sleep with Gong Ting tonight, it's better to go to another room now, let's move more slowly."

Su Nan really planned to come in and sit for a while before leaving, but now it seems that the senior sister is planning to have something to do with him. If this kind of thing is rejected, it will be too Liu Xiahui, and it will also dampen the enthusiasm of the senior sister. Su Nan is determined not to Make a sound, and follow the senior sister to another room.

Seeing the senior sister close the door and lock it, and then Xi Yingying came over to snuggle in her arms, Su Nan habitually raised her hand and landed on her chest, feeling the greatness there.

The senior sister hurriedly blushed and pressed his troublesome hand and shook her head, panting and said: "Gong Ting is next door, don't move around, it's embarrassing to be heard by her."

Su Nan withdrew her hand in embarrassment, it turned out that the senior sister didn't mean that, it's embarrassing to express wrong feelings.

Zhan Weiling glanced at him unexpectedly, and said with a smile: "So impulsive, they didn't satisfy you?"

Although her tone was sour, her hand landed on Su Nan's weak spot, and she felt his spirit, showing a satisfied smile.

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