So all Zhao Xiaomin could think of was the happy time he had spent many times with Su Nan.

But it won't work here, it will take a lot of time, and Zhan Weiling will come here anytime.

Lying in Su Nan's arms, Zhao Xiaomin blushed and whispered, "Ah Nan, let's change places."

"Where are you going?" Su Nan was puzzled.

Zhao Xiaomin was out of breath, and said, "Go to the roof, this building is very tall, the scenery is also very good, and the scenery is also very cool, it will definitely make you happy."

"Well, that's a good suggestion."

Su Nan didn't want to disappoint Zhao Xiaomin's kindness, so she nodded and agreed.

The two then left the activity room and walked up to the top floor hand in hand, climbing up to the top floor one by one.

The road to the top of the building was locked tightly by an iron door, but Zhao Xiaomin took out the key with a proud face, opened the door, and led him up.

This building is the tallest one in the school. After climbing to the top of the building, the surrounding view is wide, and there is a feeling of seeing all the small mountains at a glance. The breeze blowing in the face also makes people feel happy. The sun is more violent.

The two walked to the only shaded place on the roof to enjoy the scenery, and they finally felt better.

Looking at it, Zhao Xiaomin snuggled into Su Nan's arms, and whispered in his ear with a warm tone: "Will you feel better if you come here once?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Come here once, will you feel better?"

The girl asked him that without any shyness.

Su Nan was slightly speechless, and said, "I think this is pretty good."

To be honest, under normal circumstances, he can still maintain his sanity. For example, he doesn't really agree with this kind of hair on the top floor of the tallest building in the school.

After all, there are many tall buildings outside the school. Although they are far away, if someone has some evil intentions and looks around with binoculars all day long, it will be bad to be seen.

"Okay, then let's not think about those things, just watch the scenery quietly."

Zhao Xiaomin didn't insist either, she just made such a suggestion to see if it could impress Su Nan, but seeing that Su Nan didn't seem very willing, she immediately gave up.

Just standing was too tiring, so Su Nan cleaned the floor and sat down with Zhao Xiaomin. After sitting down, she couldn't see the scenery, but it was not bad. Chatting is also fun.

After Zhan Weiling left the classroom, she planned to go to the activity room, but when she was walking on the road, she found someone following her.

Silently, Zhan Weiling walked while pretending to look at her mobile phone, using the screen of the mobile phone as a mirror to see the people following her.

Because it was a little far away, I couldn't see it very clearly, but there was no doubt that the other party was a girl.

Why is a girl following her?

Zhan Weiling was puzzled and curious, and couldn't help but wonder if the other party might be Su Nan's love debt again. After all, similar things didn't happen before. By the way, the girl who blocked her way to leave Xiao Nan last time, What happened after being sued by yourself?

I haven't asked Xiao Nan, I'll have to ask later.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling put away her phone and continued to walk forward. Although she thought so much, she actually felt that the other party might not be following her, but just happened to be on the same route as her own.

Whether it is or not, you will know if you continue to walk for a while.

After entering the building, Zhan Weiling quickened her pace and went upstairs quickly.

Lu Ying was stunned for a moment, but she didn't rush to chase, but continued to maintain a normal walking speed. If she used to run, it would be too conspicuous, and the other party most likely went to the activity room, so there was no need to chase.

Zhan Weiling rushed up to the third floor, then stopped, poked her head out to look, and saw a somewhat familiar girl slowly going up the stairs.

Zhan Weiling recognized this girl, she seemed to be the girl who blocked her way last time, she could say she couldn't bear Xiao Nan's harem, but this time.

Being so active, I'm afraid he has a good impression of Xiao Nan.

Her eyes suddenly turned hostile. It was because they had no choice but to deal with Chu Xi, but she didn't have that much patience for ordinary girls.

And this is already the second time, maybe this time is also to let me leave Xiao Nan, and I must teach her a profound lesson.

Zhan Weiling thought about it, and decided to be on the safe side, and then confirm whether the other party was following her, after all, the other party didn't seem to be walking in a hurry.

She slowed down and climbed the stairs at an unhurried pace. The fourth floor, the fifth floor... After passing the fifth floor, Zhan Weiling did not stop and continued to climb. If the other party still followed, then she was absolutely sure that she was following her The higher the floor, the more remote it is, and it is much more convenient to talk to the other party.

Finally climbed to the highest floor, and then went up to the top floor, Zhan Weiling did not continue to climb up, but turned around and slightly raised the corners of her mouth, looking proudly at the other party who was struggling to keep up.

Because the other party is just an ordinary person, unlike her body is parasitized by some strange things, every time after being shamelessly punished, all aspects of the body will be greatly improved.

Therefore, her physique is very good, even if she climbs more than a dozen flights of stairs, she will not be out of breath, but the other party is different, she is already exhausted and out of breath when she follows here.

"It turned out to be you, what do you want from me?"

Zhan Weiling said with a sense of joy, after all, she is a rival in love, and she couldn't help being happy to see her rival in love being unlucky.

However, in Lu Ying's eyes, Lu Ying's impression of her was even worse, and she felt more and more that her guess was right.

Lu Ying adjusted her breathing so that she would not gasp for breath, and remained graceful in front of the other party, and said lightly with a smile.

"Senior sister, you complained to Su Nan last time, you obviously promised me, don't you think you are too bad?"

It was damaged.

Zhan Weiling kept smiling and asked, "Sister, will you make a promise with the monkey?"

Lu Ying raised her eyebrows, a little upset, what Zhan Weiling said clearly meant that she was played like a monkey that time, it's really hateful!

As if she didn't see Lu Ying's stinky face, Zhan Weiling asked nonchalantly: "Speaking of which, what happened last time? If Xiao Nan said something rude to you, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

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