Lu Ying blushed at first, but after listening to Zhan Weiling's words, she felt even more upset. This senior thought she was someone from Su Nan, so what qualifications did she have to apologize on behalf of Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling has been paying attention to Lu Ying's face, and found that she actually blushed after hearing what she said, probably because Xiao Nan did something wrong to her at that time, probably taking advantage of her, but the other party's blush showed that she was willing to be taken advantage of by Xiao Nan.

If it was just speculation that the other party had a good impression of Su Nan before, Zhan Weiling is now completely confirmed.

Lu Ying suppressed the impulse of embarrassment in her heart.

"Sister Zhan Weiling, I have something to tell you, why don't I sit down and talk about it."

Lu Ying finished speaking expressionlessly, without giving Zhan Weiling a chance to refuse, she passed her and walked forward.

"That's good." Zhan Weiling thought for a while, and decided to follow her to see what Lu Ying had to say. By the way, she had to give the other party a warning later, otherwise it would be very annoying to be troubled all the time. At the same time, she warned her not to approach Xiao Nan again. Soon Zhan Weiling knew where Lu Ying was taking her.

The two walked forward for a while, and came to the door of a utility room at the end. It seemed that no one had visited it for a long time, and the door was covered with dust.

Lu Ying stopped and explained: "When this building was still busy, this place was used to store brooms and other tools. When the students wanted to clean the lower floors and the roof, they would take things here..."

"Is there any significance in saying this?" Zhan Weiling interrupted her.

Lu Ying didn't know how to answer, she just felt that the two of them had been silent for a while, and they were a little nervous, so they just had nothing to say, but it seemed a bit embarrassing to answer like this.

She shook her head and said seriously: "It doesn't make any sense, I just want to tell you that this place is very remote and no one will come here."

It's oppressive enough.

Lu Ying, who is the class monitor, is very good at this kind of talk, and she feels a little proud of herself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Really? Isn't it more convenient this way?"

After Zhan Weiling finished speaking deeply, she opened the door and walked in first.

What is more convenient?

Lu Ying froze for a moment, then stopped in front of the door.

Facing the confident senior, she felt guilty for some reason, but her arrogance did not allow her to back down. After a moment of daze, she gritted her teeth and followed the senior into the grocery room.

After entering, Lu Ying closed the door with a 'bang' sound in order to increase the psychological pressure on the senior.

The surrounding light dimmed in an instant, the senior sister in front paused wisely, and the atmosphere began to become a little subtle.

After a while, the senior sister said: "It's a bit boring to be so closed."

She went over and opened the window, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Lu Ying blushed and said, "I'm sorry."

As soon as she finished speaking, she slapped her own mouth. This is a bad senior, why do you feel sorry for her?

"Sister, I forgive you."

Unexpectedly, Zhan Weiling replied, Lu Ying wanted to roll her eyes a little bit, and didn't want to talk anymore.

After the silence, the surrounding area was very quiet, and Zhan Weiling felt a little weird. The two of them stayed in this dark place, and the location was so remote, it seemed a bit suspicious. If they were seen by others, they might become suspicious, even if they The same goes for girls.

After all, normally, no one would inexplicably climb to such a high floor and hide in the dirty grocery room, even if it was two girls, it was doubtful.

Thinking this way, Zhan Weiling couldn't help but glance at the girl opposite. She looks very beautiful and has a well-developed figure, especially those long legs, which made her a little jealous.

Suppressing the weird thoughts in her heart, Zhan Weiling asked seriously: "Sister, do you want to say something to me?"

She planned to listen to what Lu Ying had to say first.

"I saw everything that happened in the morning." Lu Ying said, Zhan Weiling was stunned by the first sentence.

Staring at this senior, Lu Ying's face turned cold: "Sister, you have gone too far, forcing Su Nan to bully Senior Li Gongting, Senior Li Gongting is very good at sports, and she didn't even dare to resist. What reason did you use her to threaten her?"

The last sentence is a question, but it sounds more like a question.

When she regained her senses, Zhan Weiling didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She didn't expect this school girl to find her for such a reason, and she thought she had the handle on Gong Ting.

But after seeing what happened in the morning, she couldn't do it easily if she wanted to clarify it. Even if Zhan Weiling wanted to tell the real reason, she couldn't.

Suddenly, Zhan Weiling's face turned cold, and said: "This kind of thing has nothing to do with you, I advise you not to listen to the wind and rain, and want to make a big news to criticize me. I have a very good relationship with Gong Ting."

"You mean to say that senior sister Li Gongting is willing to do what happened in the morning?" Lu Ying asked unkindly.

"Otherwise." Zhan Weiling asked back.

Lu Ying didn't make a sound anymore, just took out her phone and played a video.

Zhan Weiling's face changed, Lu Ying played the scene in the morning, and Lu Ying actually filmed it!

Putting the phone away, Lu Ying said slowly: "I don't think senior sister Li Gongting's face looks like she is willing at all, and what did you do, senior sister? Grab Su Nan's hand and force him to take off senior sister Li Gongting's hand." shoes, and pressed senior sister Li Gongting’s feet to order Su Nan to bully her.”

"This is...a misunderstanding." It was clearly a misunderstanding, but Zhan Weiling felt that her words sounded very lacking in confidence.

"I don't know if it's a misunderstanding, but I know that if this video is leaked, you will become famous, Senior Sister."

Lu Ying smiled, and continued: "Of course, if senior sister likes this kind of fame, I can help you hype it up."

Zhan Weiling was silent, her mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of her. Naturally, the video cannot be leaked, otherwise it would cause a big blow to her, Li Gongting, and Su Nan.

Since this school girl took the video but didn't upload it, but took it to find herself, she must have something to ask for.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling decided to test it first.

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