But Zhao Xiaomin was a little entangled, Su Nan's behavior sent her a bad signal, it seemed that she really liked her sister.

Although he had already decided to match his sister and Su Nan, but he didn't do anything, Su Nan couldn't wait, which made Zhao Xiaomin a little unhappy.

Su Nan didn't know that she had misunderstood, and said casually after hearing the words: "If I know it, I feel that I can't face my sister. You really love my sister. To be honest, I'm jealous and want to punish you."

"Uh, what's so good about this..." Before he could say the word jealousy, his mouth was gagged again, and his behavior became even more messy.

Zhao Xiaomin was like a sailboat in the sea, swayed by the strong wind and waves.

What puzzled Zhao Xiaomin was the punishment Su Nan said. It sounded like she loved her sister too much, so Su Nan was jealous, jealous of her sister?

It feels weird.

Zhao Xiaomin subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell why.

At this time, Su Nan said, "Xiao Min, I know everything about you and your sister. Although I won't force you, it's really unpleasant to be kept from it like this, and..."

The last words were not uttered, and the grief and indignation turned into action.

Zhao Xiaomin felt that the sea was getting more stormy, so she spat out the things with a bah, and said quickly, "Ah Nan, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Refused to admit it again? But I have evidence, let us listen to this recording in this state."

Su Nan shook her head, a little emotional, took out the phone and clicked to play the recording, and then placed it on Zhao Xiaomin's fair back.

The mobile phone slid all the way from the top of Zhao Xiaomin's back to the end. During this process, the recording was playing, and listening to this recording, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin who was hiding in the bathroom stared wide-eyed with disbelief.

While Zhao Xiaomin was extremely shocked, he became bored in an instant after being stimulated by this.

"Your sister is so flirtatious."

Su Nan touched her ear lightly with her lips, and said, Zhao Xiaomin's body trembled.

In the bathroom, Zhao Junmin sat down weakly, her eyes were shocked and shy, and she covered her hot face with both hands, but it was still difficult to hide the delicate color on her face.

Su Nan looked down at his unconscious girlfriend, frowned, and muttered to himself: "Too much fun, Xiao Min actually likes it so much, is her sister so important to her? Could it be because of the so-called telepathy?"

If this is the case, Zhao Xiaomin can't be blamed, after all, she was born with it.

Thinking of this, Su Nan was in a good mood, picked up the limp Zhao Xiaomin, walked to the bathroom door, and opened the door.

It was a young girl who came into view. She was sitting on the ground in a duck posture, her face flustered, and she looked at herself shyly.

Su Nan's head was in a daze.

Zhao Junmin.

How is she here?

Chapter five hundred and twentieth IX bite the tongue

I wanted to take my girlfriend into the bathroom to take a shower, but who knew that Zhao Junmin was actually in there.

Su Nan was flustered and confused, what he and Xiao Min did just now were heard?

At this moment, his whole body was chilly, and he suddenly remembered that he was not wearing anything. Facing the shy gaze of his girlfriend's sister, he quickly stepped back and closed the door.

Su Nan and her sister went out as soon as they came in, but Zhao Junmin's face turned redder and her whole body became weak. She had been imagining what happened to her sister just now, but now she saw her sister's state immediately after seeing her. She was so tired that she couldn't move. Nan was naked and shy for a while.

She got up in a panic, walked over to lock the door, then leaned her back against the door and panted heavily, as if she had run for several kilometers, her face flushed.

She put her ear on the door and listened quietly, and couldn't help thinking about what to do next, hiding here all the time?Or wait a while and walk out as if nothing had happened, and then act as if nothing happened.

Just can it be done?

Finally, she thought of another way, that is to sneak away after going out.

After making a decision, Zhao Junmin relaxed, and felt that her body was limp and rather weak. It was strange why she was so weak. There was a faint electric current passing through her body, bringing a slight tingling feeling.

It's a nasty feeling.

Zhao Junmin leaned her head against the door, thinking to herself with shortness of breath, especially when she saw herself in the mirror, this thought became stronger.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and walked back to the toilet, took off her pants, and sat down.

Looking down at her private place, she bit her lip, her expression was shy, she really was dripping juice, really, it was all because the bathroom was too closed and stuffy, which made her sweat.

While thinking wildly, Qianqian subconsciously tapped her finger on it, and then couldn't take it away anymore. With her eyes blurred, she gently rubbed that point, which brought a feeling of trembling all over her body.

On the other side, Su Nan carried Zhao Xiaomin back to the room. She hadn't woken up yet, so she didn't know that her ugliness had been seen by her younger sister just now.

Su Nan felt a little regretful, he shouldn't be so impulsive, even if he wanted to teach Xiao Min a lesson, he should find a suitable time, but he never expected that Zhao Xiaomin would bring his sister over, obviously he had already contacted Zhao Xiaomin privately to ask her to come back .

Normally speaking, after receiving his message, Zhao Xiaomin's first thought should be that matter, and she would come back shyly to cooperate.

Su Nan sighed, he didn't know how to face Zhao Junmin, so he tried to avoid her at school, but he didn't expect that she could witness the affair between him and her sister next door to his house.

After calming down, Su Nan began to think about how to deal with it.

First, wake up Xiao Min and ask her to appease Jun Min, but this is too embarrassing for all three of them.

Second, hiding in the room, Zhao Junmin shouldn't stay for too long after this kind of thing happened. After finding out that he is not in the living room, he will immediately come out of the bathroom and go home.

After thinking about it, Su Nan chose the second choice. Anyway, there have been many ambiguous matters between him and Zhao Junmin. It’s okay to do it again, and this time it will definitely not be different. Starting tomorrow, they will recover again. That state of non-contact.

Putting his girlfriend on the bed, Su Nan looked down at her pretty face covered in sweat, feeling a little embarrassed. He had worked so hard just now, and with his fighting power, his girlfriend should be so tired.

Finding a tissue, Su Nan wiped his girlfriend's sweat carefully, from the face to the neck, and didn't wipe the bottom because it was indescribable.

Twenty minutes later, the girlfriend hadn't woken up yet, so Su Nan helped her get dressed, then got up and went to the door to listen carefully, because there was no sound, so Zhao Junmin must have left, she was a logical genius.

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