However, nearly half an hour has passed, and I have witnessed the intimacy between my sister and her boyfriend. As a younger sister, I definitely won't stay for so long.

Thinking of this, Su Nan was full of confidence and opened the door to go out. It was a bit late at this time, Chu Xi probably would come back soon, and messed around with Xiao Min behind her back. She might be jealous when she found out, so she had better leave quickly.

Su Nan thought that Zhao Junmin had left by herself, but after opening the door, she realized that she was thinking too much. The moment he opened the door, the bathroom door also opened, and a blushing Zhao Junmin appeared at the door.

After seeing him, Zhao Junmin's eyes flickered with panic, and the moment his eyes fell on him, he looked away, appearing erratic.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, nearly half an hour had passed, Jun Min's face was still so red, is this girl so shy?

And with such a thin skin, when she used revenge to do those things to him, she was so unrestrained and bold, the girl is so's hard to understand.

It's very embarrassing. I thought Zhao Junmin had already gone back, but I didn't expect to meet him as soon as I opened the door. How could I say hello to him in an awkward and impolite way?

Su Nan's thoughts flashed, his body had already reacted, and he waved to the girl with a smile on his face: "Hi, you're here."


Almost audible.

Zhao Junmin on the opposite side just looked at him without saying a word, as if she didn't want to talk to him, and rolled her eyes at him.

Su Nan was speechless, she should have just closed the door if she knew it earlier.

Go back and forget it.

He hesitated for a moment, then turned to go back to the room.

Seeing that he was about to close the door, Zhao Junmin subconsciously called out.

Su Nan paused, and asked casually, "Is there anything else?"

The girl looked at him with complicated eyes, as if hesitating to speak.

Su Nan was a little curious about what the other party wanted to say to her. It couldn't be what happened just now. Could it be that Jun Min was dissatisfied because she was too violent just now?

He was a little uneasy, that was actually not over the line for Zhao Xiaomin at that time, they often did this in normal times, but Zhao Junmin didn't know, maybe he misunderstood him as a domestic violence man.

It's just that this kind of thing is not easy to explain directly, it is too shameful, how should I clarify it.

Taking advantage of Zhao Junmin's silence, Su Nan started to think about ways, but he subconsciously felt that he had overlooked something and couldn't remember it for a while.

At this time, Zhao Junmin spoke. She took a deep breath, looked at him seriously, and said, "That... my sister and I... are not! Woo~"

Speaking a little hastily, the girl bit her tongue and snorted, with tears glistening in the corners of her eyes.

Su Nan looked at Junmin worriedly, why was she so careless, and what else?

The embarrassment was seen, the girl seemed to be very embarrassed, she looked down at her toes, her face was flushed.

Su Nan was also stunned, hesitating whether she should care about a girl's tongue, but how should she say it, what's wrong with your tongue?Does your tongue hurt?Does your tongue feel bad?

Hey, why is it a bit dirty for no reason.

At this time, Zhao Junmin mustered up her courage again, enduring the sharp pain in her tongue, blushing, with tears in her eyes, staring at Su Nan with a bullied look and saying loudly.

"You are not allowed to have a relationship with my sister... Woo!"

Chapter five hundred and thirtieth wife... ghost animal

The girl was too nervous today, she bit her tongue again, the pain made her cry, and she looked at Su Nan pitifully.

Su Nan was silent. Although Junmin didn't complete the sentence, he understood it. Zhao Junmin was warning him not to destroy the relationship between their sisters.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to understand many things, such as why Zhao Junmin was perverted to him in the first place.

At the beginning, he was dubious about Zhao Xiaomin's explanation, but now he finally knows the real reason. It may be true that the sisters have telepathy, but what Zhao Junmin did to him was not for revenge, but because he was angry that he had robbed her. elder sister.

Perhaps Zhao Junmin's seduction was to drive a wedge between him and Xiao Min, and Xiao Min probably knew about it, but Xiao Min chose to forgive herself.

Su Nan's brain was wide open, and she thought a lot. When she came back to her senses, she looked at the girl with tears in her eyes because she bit her tongue, and suddenly felt a lot less guilt in her heart.

Since Zhao Junmin was trying to harm him and destroy his relationship with Xiao Min, he still struggled with it all day long, which is simply a fool's behavior.

Looking at the tearful Zhao Junmin, Su Nan said calmly, "Sorry, please forgive me for not agreeing to this request."

Enduring the pain, Zhao Junmin looked at Su Nan in confusion, and was a little anxious in the confusion, worried that Su Nan would continue to misunderstand. Because she was in too much pain, she even forgot that she hadn't finished speaking.

She wanted to tell Su Nan not to misunderstand her relationship with her sister, but the words were incomplete, and it changed in Su Nan's ears.

After a pause, Su Nan continued, with a very serious expression: "Because, Xiao Min is my girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, Su Nan ignored Zhao Junmin who was stunned, and walked to the room.

Zhao Junmin was stunned. She realized how big a mistake she had made by biting her tongue. Not only did the misunderstanding not be clarified, but the misunderstanding deepened.

Seeing that Su Nan was about to leave, she became anxious, and subconsciously took two steps forward: "Wait..." She couldn't even utter the words, it was so painful that she couldn't speak clearly.

"By the way." Su Nan stopped suddenly, turned her head and said to Zhao Junmin: "Although I don't discriminate against Lily, I don't want my woman to be targeted by Lily, and Junmin, you and Xiaomin are sisters."

Taking another deep look at her, Su Nan closed the door.

Zhao Junmin was completely stunned. After a while, she knelt down with a frustrated look on her face. It was obvious that what she meant was not what she wanted to say, why Su Nan just couldn't understand, biting her tongue damn it.

The girl shed tears in pain.

The sound of the door opening.

Zhao Junmin turned her head subconsciously, only to see a girl with a slightly indifferent demeanor came back.

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