The moment she saw her, the girl was slightly surprised, and then greeted with a smile: "Hi, Junmin, right? I'm Chuxi, your sister's roommate."

In the room, Su Nan put his ear to the door to eavesdrop. After hearing Chu Xi's words, he had a strange look on his face. Could it be that Chu Xi's old problem has happened again?To actually tell Xiao Min's sister that he is Xiao Min's sex friend is simply too shameless.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan didn't continue to eavesdrop. He turned around and walked over to Zhao Xiaomin who was asleep on the bed. He had to wake Zhao Xiaomin up quickly, so that Chu Xi wouldn't be jealous if he found out.

Facing Chu Xi's greeting, Zhao Junmin just glanced at her and then looked away. She is in a bad mood now and doesn't know how to clear up the misunderstanding. She is even more lazy to pay attention to Chu Xi, the vixen who shares a man with her sister.

Chu Xi didn't feel embarrassed, but her pretty face blushed a little. This is Jun Min, Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, she knew it, and Jun Min was also of the same kind.

Once she was walking with Xiao Min and Su Nan, and a small passage appeared on Su Nan's body. Arms and eyes appeared in the passage, which probably belonged to Zhao Junmin.

Realizing that the first batch of scenes was seen, Chu Xi felt a little shy in her heart. Fortunately, she is very good at the surface, and if she tries to cover up as much as possible, she can be shy and keep her face.

But since Zhao Junmin showed her face, Chu Xi didn't bother to talk to her anymore. After taking off her shoes and putting them on, she went to the bathroom by herself.Going to wash my face.There was dust everywhere on the way back, and I don't know if Su Nan will come over later.No matter, wash your face first.

Zhao Junmin got up silently, took her schoolbag and left the house. Chu Xi had already returned, and she lost the chance to explain. Su Nan knew about the shameful thing with her sister. If Chu Xi found out again, she simply didn't want to live. .

Chu Xi came out of the bathroom and saw that Zhao Junmin was gone, so he ignored it.

It's just that why Zhao Junmin is here, she needs to think about it.

After school today, Xiao Min said she wanted to accompany her sister, so she went back early, but Xiao Min brought her here.

Chu Xi remembered that Xiao Min had talked about the third sister a few times. Her third sister, Jun Min, seemed to be a little bit reluctant to meet Su Nan, probably because of her sister's boyfriend, so she felt guilty, and she was relatively shy.

Since you don't want to meet Su Nan, why do you come here?

It's impossible for Zhao Junmin not to know that Su Nan lives next door, and she shouldn't be forced by her sister. The Zhao Xiaomin that Chu Xi knows is not that kind of person. If her sister really doesn't want to, she won't use force.

Chu Xi then thought of the scene he saw when he entered the door. At that time, Zhao Junmin was kneeling in front of the bathroom door, facing Zhao Xiaomin's room with a heartbroken expression on his face.

Sisters fighting?

Chu Xi shook his head. Xiao Min often boasted that she was the head of the family at home, and her sisters were very obedient.In such a family, if the eldest sister is like a mother, the younger sister should not dare to talk back to her elder sister.

At the same time, with the elder sister's love for the younger sister, even if she is very angry, she will not leave the younger sister alone in the living room and hide in the room by herself.

Chu Xi's gaze fell on Zhao Xiaomin's tightly closed door. She was curious, what exactly was Zhao Xiaomin doing inside?

Without thinking too much, Chu Xi went directly to open the door. With the familiarity between her and Zhao Xiaomin, there was no privacy between each other, and it was not outrageous to break into each other's room.

After opening the door, Chu Xi felt a little surprised, seeing Zhao Xiaomin lying unconscious on the bed, and Su Nan sitting beside her, constantly touching her with his hands.

Why is Su Nan here?

Chu Xi's head suddenly got a little stuck, and things were a little unexpected, and why did the scene in front of him look a bit like a scene of a fan girl doing it?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Chu Xi remembered what his senior sister said, Su Nan was a shiver.

She suddenly realized that it must be Su Nan who couldn't hold back her ghostly heart anymore, fascinated her girlfriend, and committed the crime on time, but she didn't expect Zhao Xiaomin to bring her sister home.

Maybe when Zhao Junmin went to the toilet, Su Nan thought that Zhao Xiaomin was the only one at home, so she came here unscrupulously, but Zhao Junmin just came out of the toilet and heard her voice.

No wonder Zhao Junmin looked sad at the time, and she didn't say a word when she saw her, probably because she didn't know what to do, her boyfriend fangirl fucked her girlfriend, what should I do?

And Su Nan...maybe she knew that Zhao Junmin was at home, after all, he was a pervert.

Chu Xi's beautiful eyes widened.

It's just too... a ghost!

Chu Xi, who had always been calm, suddenly became flustered. Will his good deed of breaking Su Nan be affected?

Just thinking about this, Su Nan who heard the sound of the door opening looked at her, was startled, and spoke.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After closing the door in one breath, Chu Xi took two steps back, gasping for breath, his face flushed.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise it would have fallen into Su Nan's hands, but what should I do next?escape?What about Zhao Xiaomin?

But if you stay, you may be treated perverted again.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xi decided to go back to the room to hide, lest Su Nan chase her out. As for Xiao Min, she could only say sorry, and Zhao Xiaomin didn't necessarily hate being treated like this, maybe she acquiesced in Su Nan's doing so of it.

In the room, as soon as Chu Xi closed the door and Su Nan was still confused, Zhao Xiaomin woke up slowly, looking at the ceiling with cute eyes.

Seeing her posture, Su Nan was a little worried that she was fucked, so she couldn't help shaking her hands in front of her eyes, and asked, "Hey, Xiao Min, do you feel better? Sorry, I pushed too hard."

Zhao Xiaomin came back to her senses, sat up a little shyly, looked at him with a bit of resentment and said: "No, actually I don't really hate it, but can you stop messing around when my sister is still here, it's embarrassing. "

Su Nan felt ashamed that you are still so devoted.

Of course, he just complained in his heart and didn't dare to say it out. He nodded seriously: "I know, I was impulsive this time. I didn't know your sister was there, and I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

As he said that, he couldn't help touching Zhao Xiaomin's face with a gentle touch, with apologetic eyes.

Zhao Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, but still emphasized: "It's good that you know, in fact, my sister and I don't have that kind of relationship. As for why... the reason is a bit special. It's hard to tell you about my sister."

Why couldn't tell Su Nan the truth about being intimate with her sister? Zhao Xiaomin was very troubled. Fortunately, Su Nan seemed to believe her.

I saw Su Nan with a serious face: "I know, it's all because of your sister, your sister is a sister-in-law, you have worked hard, Xiao Min."

He gently grabbed Zhao Xiaomin's hand and said with a sigh.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned.

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