Su Nan gave her a thumbs up. After a fight, he was also hungry. After greeting Qin Xiaowan, he couldn't wait to sit down and eat with chopsticks.

Sitting opposite him, Qin Xiaowan saw him gobbling it up, and thought to himself, eat, more will be enough to make up for it, I'm going to start again tonight.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, after confirming that Su Nan fell asleep, Qin Xiaowan used the method last time to put him into a deep sleep, then went into his room like no one else, climbed up on him and sat down.

Pressing her butt against Su Nan, Qin Xiaowan lifted it up, then lowered it, and then drew circles on Su Nan's body with her buttocks, while her face slowly turned red.

Sensing Su Nan's change, Qin Xiaowan looked down at his sleeping face, snorted softly, and continued.

That day, Zhao Xiaomin knocked on the door and said that something had been left in Su Nan's room. Qin Xiaowan suspected that Zhao Xiaomin, a vixen, had come to the house to mess with Su Nan, and was so angry that she was dying.

It doesn't matter if you are outside, after all, you can't see it, but at home, she regards it as her own territory, so she was depressed for a while.

Later, she got angry and thought of a way, that is to consume Su Nan's energy every night when he was asleep, so she didn't believe that Su Nan still had the strength to mess around during the day.

Qin Xiaowan was very happy when he thought that Zhao Xiaomin did his best to Su Nan, but Su Nan was always indifferent, so he worked harder.

It's just that Su Nan's fighting power was beyond her imagination, and she became tired afterward, and fell asleep lying on Su Nan in a daze.

When he woke up in the morning, before he opened his eyes, Su Nan felt that something was pressing on his body. He subconsciously put his hand on the thing and rubbed it. It was a soft touch.


Hearing a muffled groan, Su Nan opened her eyes, but met Qin Xiaowan's shy gaze, she looked flustered.

Stunned for a moment, Su Nan moved his hand away calmly, and Qin Xiaowan quickly got off of him, sitting on the bed with his back facing him, arranging the messy clothes.

Qin Xiaowan felt a little lucky. Fortunately, she dressed Su Nan last night because she was tired, and used her buttocks to press instead. Otherwise, Su Nan would feel something wrong when she woke up in the morning and found that she was naked.

Su Nan got out of bed, looked at Qin Xiaowan's back, and wondered if Xiaowan was going to go crazy again recently, or if she slept well at night, how could she have crawled on her.

Since Qin Xiaowan has a criminal record and she is obsessed with him, Su Nan didn't pay much attention to the fact that she was pressing her when she just woke up.

When he arrived at school and started his morning reading, Su Nan couldn't help but be attracted by the monitor's back. What happened that day probably caused his image in the monitor's mind to plummet even further.

Su Nan didn't know whether to like it or to praise it.

He sometimes wondered if it would be better if the squad leader was completely disappointed in him and never cared about him again, but he always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

He then thought that if the squad leader continued her promise and was unwilling to give up transforming him into a good person, this kind of result would be a bit complicated for Su Nan.

In the morning reading, the class monitor looked back at him as if he had sensed something.

Su Nan looked away and concentrated on reading.

At the end of the last class in the morning, when the teacher announced that the get out of class was over, many students in the class sighed tiredly.

However, Su Nan felt that he was at ease. Compared with before, studying now is quite easy for him. Because of his excellent memory, he could write down what the teacher said once, and his comprehension ability has also improved significantly.

Neither he nor Chu Xi left the classroom in a hurry, but waited for others to disperse.

On the way, Su Nan received a notice from Xiao Min, saying that he was going to the cafeteria first, and asked him and Chu Xi to find her.

After another five minutes, there was no one in the classroom. Su Nan got up and came to Chu Xi's seat, and said to her, "Let's go, Xiao Min is waiting for us."

Chu Xi glanced at him with strange eyes, and nodded.

Chu Xi hesitated to speak several times along the way, Su Nan couldn't take it anymore, so she had to ask her, "What's the matter?"

Since last night, Chu Xi seems to be a little strange, is it because of a misunderstanding?

Chu Xi took a deep look at him, and said, "I found a batch of games for you, you have a good time, just let it vent in the games, and restrain yourself in reality."


"That's it."

Su Nan looked gloomy, and said, "Am I so strong? You can't stand it. Forget about playing games. Otherwise, how can I vent my anger?"

Chu Xi knew that he had misunderstood, so it was difficult to clarify, and said vaguely: "It's not ordinary butter, you will know it after playing with it. As for the needs, you can find Xiao Min or me."

At the end of the conversation, her voice became like a mosquito, but her face turned to the side as if nothing had happened, and a blush crept up her pink neck quietly.

Su Nan didn't know what to think of, her smile was a bit mean, she took Chu Xi's little hand and squeezed it gently, and said with a smile: "It seems that I misunderstood, and I have been ignoring your feelings recently, let's go on a date tonight, and then stay in a hotel, you Go tell Xiao Min, she is very negotiable."

Chu Xi's face turned red, and he opened his mouth and said, "You don't know how to say it."

Hey, shouldn't he be rejected here justly?

"Okay, I'll say it and I'll say it, so it's decided."

Su Nan's smile became brighter and brighter, Chu Xi was very depressed, but somehow felt a little happy and looking forward to it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Su Nan asked Chu Xi to find Xiao Min first, while he went to cook.

When queuing up, Su Nan smelled a special perfume, which was not inferior to the smell of various meals.

Out of curiosity, Su Nan looked around, and finally turned his gaze to the team next to him.

Just at this time, the girl also turned her head, and met his eyes. When they saw each other, they were startled.

"Squad leader." Su Nan murmured. She didn't expect to meet the squad leader in the queue. She didn't seem to come to the cafeteria often to eat.

"It's you." A complex look flashed in Lu Ying's eyes, and she said while looking at him.

After saying hello, the two suddenly fell into a speechless situation. Su Nan didn't know what to say, and the squad leader seemed to be thinking about something.

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