The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward, Su Nan had nothing to say, and said, "Your perfume smells very good today."

After I finished speaking, I came to my senses, uh, it seems a bit too ambiguous to say this.

Lu Ying's pretty face blushed, and she pretended to be nonchalant: "Really, this is a new perfume I bought." There was a hint of joy in her tone.

In addition to being happy that the perfume smells good, Lu Ying is also satisfied that Su Nan can find out that she has changed to a new perfume.

But she quickly calmed down, checked that there was no one else around Su Nan, and asked calmly, "Isn't Chu Xi with you? Why didn't you see her?"

"I asked her to go to Xiao Min first, and I'll cook for her." Su Nan replied, inexplicably embarrassed.

Lu Ying nodded, "It's a good thing to know how to be considerate to your girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, as if he didn't want to talk anymore.

Su Nan was speechless, was she angry? Her mood changed so quickly.

The squad leader was silent, and Su Nan didn't know how to start a conversation for a while, so he had to quietly look at the squad leader. He felt that the squad leader looked a little listless, and wondered if he didn't sleep well last night.

Soon it was Su Nan's turn in the team, and he looked away to cook.

After a while, he took a look around with two lunches, but he didn't see the squad leader, so he probably left first.

Suddenly came the monitor's voice from behind.

Su Nan looked back and saw the squad leader standing behind her prettyly holding a lunch. She looked at herself silently, and suddenly blushed, and asked in a low voice, "Do you like that kind of thing?"

"What?" Su Nan was stunned.

After Lu Ying finished asking, she seemed to feel too ashamed, so she ignored him, quickly passed him with her lunch, and disappeared after a while.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan didn't catch up. Chu Xi and Xiao Min were still waiting for him, so there was no delay.

After a while, he went up to the second floor, and subconsciously looked for the figure of the monitor, but he couldn't find it.

He walked towards the spot he had agreed with his girlfriends, but when he approached, he found that besides his three girlfriends, Zhao Junmin was also there.

Seeing him, Zhao Junmin suddenly showed a little aggrieved look for some reason, and stared at him resentfully.

Su Nan already regarded Zhao Junmin as a perverted girl controlled by her sister, so after seeing her like this, she immediately made up her mind, thinking that Xiao Min might have said something cruel to her, so she got angry and hated herself even more.

Su Nan walked over and sat down calmly, put the lunch in front of Chu Xi, and greeted everyone to start eating.

"Ah Nan." Zhao Xiaomin interrupted him, and tentatively said: "My sister doesn't have any friends in class, can she have dinner with us in the future? Follow us to the activity room for a rest at noon."

Hearing this, Zhao Junmin, who was making a face for Su Nan, suddenly blushed, and lowered her head to eat in silence.

Su Nan's mood is a bit complicated, Xiao Min really loves her sister very much, and at this moment she doesn't forget to take care of her.

He felt that the reason why Zhao Xiaomin made such a request should be Zhao Junmin's request, but such a request was quite reasonable, and Su Nan didn't know how to refuse it, nor would he.

Nodding her head, Su Nan said, "No problem, it's only lively when there are many people."

He had great confidence in Zhao Xiaomin and didn't think she would be seduced by Junmin, but he also decided to care more about his girlfriend in the future.

Chu Xi's inexplicable request on the way here, as well as the matter of Xiao Min and her sister, made him realize that he seemed to have neglected them in some places, and he had to make a good change.

Because I misunderstood the recording yesterday, after hearing Zhao Xiaomin's proposal, Chu Xi had a slightly weird expression on his face. However, since Junmin is of the same kind, it is reasonable for Zhao Xiaomin to make such a decision.

Zhan Weiling glanced at everyone, feeling that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but couldn't figure out why.She was a little impressed by Zhao Xiaomin's decision, and actually took action to match up her sister and Su Nan.

If it were her, if Li Gongting was really infected, she would not be so open-minded.

By the way, didn't Gong Ting say that she would teach Xiao Nan how to practice martial arts? Why hasn't there been any movement lately? I need to find a chance to ask her.

After lunch, the senior was not with everyone, she went back to the classroom to review by herself.

Su Nan and two girlfriends went to the activity room, but he was followed by a follower, which made him a little dissatisfied.

In front of Xiao Min, Su Nan was too embarrassed to express her dissatisfaction, so she had to ignore it.

Zhao Junmin silently followed her sister, she could feel Su Nan's dissatisfaction with her, and she knew why.

Su Nan must have misunderstood her as a sister-in-law, and was worried that she would steal her girlfriend away.

Whenever thinking of this point, Zhao Junmin felt a little ashamed for no reason, determined to make it clear to Su Nan.But now that her sister and Chu Xi are both here, she couldn't clarify at this time, so she held back.

With an extra "outsider", Su Nan felt uncomfortable in the activity room, as if she had lost her freedom, so she had to sit in front of the computer and play games.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaomin was a little depressed. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to close the relationship between Su Nan and her sister, but she didn't expect her sister to be like a stump, even Su Nan didn't understand the style.

She couldn't help looking at Chuxi, hoping that Chuxi could help, but Chuxi shook her head at her, signaling not to be too anxious.

Only then did Zhao Xiaomin feel relieved and did not take any action.

The lunch break passed smoothly, and everyone went back to their own classes.

The teacher did not come for the last class in the afternoon, so we asked everyone to study by themselves.

Su Nan glanced at the classmates around her, and then took out her mobile phone, when a WeChat message was sent.

Su Nan clicked on it, it was sent by the squad leader.

"Are you free after school?"

Su Nan didn't know what the squad leader wanted from her, so she answered truthfully: "I have an appointment with Chuxi."

After replying, Su Nan felt that the squad leader seemed to look back at him, with a vague resentment in his eyes.

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