Then, a message was sent again.

"After school, it takes up a little of your time, and it won't affect your dating."

Su Nan hesitated for a while. Since that incident, it was the first time that the squad leader took the initiative to contact him, so he did not refuse.

"where do we meet?"

"Go upstairs."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Stepping up the stairs leading to the top floor, the steps under your feet are covered with dust, one step at a time.

Su Nan only realized later that since Chu Xi moved the activity room to the building, no one had visited the roof for a long time. It seemed that Chu Xi had told the school before that he didn't need to call someone to clean it, so there were Dust, cobwebs.

I don't know why the squad leader suddenly asked me to come up here.

Su Nan shook her head secretly, and pushed open the rusty iron door.

With a teeth-piercing sound, the iron door slowly opened, Su Nan took a deep breath, and stepped onto the last step.

After coming up, Su Nan didn't see the squad leader. Su Nan's eyes fell on the abandoned wooden house, pondered for a moment, and he walked over.

Walking to the door, Su Nan saw Lu Ying standing in front of the desk with his back facing him, as if looking at the layout of the room.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lu Ying did not answer, and a soft voice spit out from her mouth: "This is your former stronghold. Sometimes I wonder why a girl like Chuxi is willing to share you with others. The former stronghold, and Your current stronghold seems to be tailor-made for you, why exactly?"

She said in confusion, turned around, and looked at Su Nan with puzzled eyes, as if she wanted to see the difference in him.

Su Nan was silent. In fact, he had always been concerned about this issue, but the girlfriends seemed to hide it from him intentionally or unintentionally, and didn't want him to know. After deep entanglement, Su Nan finally chose to compromise.

Facing the weirdness and confusion in Lu Ying's eyes, Su Nan felt unconvinced, and said, "Can't it be that I am more attractive?"

Originally, she thought that she felt good about herself and would be ridiculed by the class monitor, but she looked at herself thoughtfully and said softly, "I firmly believe that there is no love for no reason in this world."

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and again, the question buried deep in her heart popped up again. Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin, senior sister, what is the reason why they are willing to accommodate themselves?

He knew that there must be a reason, but he just resisted to explore it all the time, but at this time, the monitor's two simple words rekindled his doubts in his heart.

Su Nan didn't want to lose her composure in front of the monitor, so she deliberately said in a frivolous tone: "What about you, monitor, why are you willing to help me?"

Lu Ying stared at him blankly, and suddenly she was tongue-tied, and after a while, she stammered, "Well, it's naturally because..."

"Don't tell me, it's just the sense of justice in your heart that is at work." Su Nan chuckled and looked at her pointedly.

Lu Ying's pretty face blushed, and suddenly, she came to her senses, her free eyes once again focused on Su Nan, and her dark, ink-like eyes became brighter.

She said in a soft voice: "Since recently, you have rarely talked to me in this tone. Did I hit the mark, and you started to panic."

Su Nan was holding a grass in her heart, thinking, monitor, you are so smart.

He began to think quickly in his mind, how to dispel the squad leader's suspicion. With the squad leader's meddling personality, if any doubts arise, she will probably keep investigating until she finds out.

However, although Su Nan was also curious about why he was able to open a harem, he thought it was pretty good now, and he didn't have to understand the reason behind it.

He also believed that sooner or later he would know the truth. If so, he would not let the squad leader interfere.

Taking a deep look at him, Lu Ying didn't dwell on this issue, instead she changed the subject and asked, "Do you want to know why I'm looking for you?"

Su Nan froze for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

After a while of silence, Lu Ying seemed to have made up her mind, and said in an ordinary tone: "Men are most likely to be addicted to women, if you guessed right, you have at least three improper relationships with girls now, Chu Xi, Xiao Min , Senior Sister Zhan Weiling."

Su Nan was stunned. Before he could open his mouth to defend himself, Lu Ying continued: "If you want to reform yourself, you have to start with your chaotic private life and end your improper relationship."

Although she said it so decisively, Lu Ying's face turned red, but her face was resolute, as if she had made up her mind.

Su Nan stared at her blankly, recalling the question she asked herself at noon, subconsciously asked: "Do you want to have an improper relationship with me?"

Even though Lu Ying had made enough preparations, Su Nan's bluntness made her shy, she gave him an annoyed look, and said, "Can't you think of something healthy?"

Su Nan shook her head: "No, you've already said it all. I maintained an improper relationship with three young and beautiful girls at the same time. This is a dream for men, so why did I end it for no reason? Maybe I met a bigger There is still a little possibility of temptation."

He directly said what was in his heart, letting the squad leader know clearly that he was relieved, but also faintly wanted to let the squad leader quit.

Lu Ying said bitterly: "Men are big pigs!"

Su Nan spread her hands, meaning that I am such a scumbag, so you should think about whether you want to continue.

"Forget it, who told me to promise you? This may be the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life." The next moment, Lu Ying sighed, turned her face to one side, and looked at the cobweb in the corner melancholy , the ears slowly turn red.

Su Nan was dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief: "Hey, are you serious? In order to make me give up on them, are you willing to give me..."

Lu Ying quickly said, "I never said that."

Su Nan was speechless, and I didn't say anything yet.

After a pause, he asked instead: "Then how are you going to give me a greater temptation?"

"At least not so fast." She whispered.

Su Nan froze for a moment, looked at the monitor, and the monitor also looked at him at this time.

They looked at each other, but looked at each other silently, and the atmosphere unknowingly developed in a subtle direction.

After a while, Lu Ying lowered her head in a panic, pretending to be calm and said: "Okay, it's okay, you can go."


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