After hesitating for a while, Su Nan still wanted to dismiss the squad leader's thoughts, but just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted roughly by the squad leader. Her tone was shy and annoyed: "Did you hear me! Climb for me!"

At this moment, the squad leader seemed to be extremely ashamed by what she said, and was unable to communicate normally. After Su Nan hesitated for a while, she reluctantly decided to wait until the next time she calmed down before talking.

After Su Nan left, Lu Ying could no longer maintain a calm look, her pretty face was hot and her eyes were full of shame.

I am such an idiot, how can I say such things casually, well, this is just a bait for Su Nan, not my true words.

Immediately, she didn't know what to think of, the corners of Lu Ying's mouth slightly curled up, she stretched out a hand to hold it in front of her eyes, and said softly: "Everyone has a reason to accommodate him, as long as I find it, the victory will be mine."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi sat in front of the mirror, and Zhao Xiaomin stood behind her, arranging her hair.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin stopped, looked at Chu Xi in the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction: "This is very good, tonight's date will definitely surprise Ah Nan."

Chu Xi was a little embarrassed. She and Zhao Xiaomin were actually rivals in love, but this rival was helping her with hair, clothes, and makeup.

Holding back her shame, she picked up her bag and said, "Then I'm going out."

"Well, I wish you a good date, you don't have to come back tonight." Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile, taking a step back.

Chu Xi blushed pretty, stood up, gave Zhao Xiaomin one last look, and left the room.

After she went out, the smiling Zhao Xiaomin restrained her smile, and sighed enviously: "A date, I really want to go, but I can't, I can't be too greedy..."

The two people on the date did not go out together. Chu Xi said that there would be no atmosphere of dating. After thinking about it, Su Nan also felt that it made sense.

So they chose a place for dinner, agreed on a time to meet, and met there.

After rendezvous, they had a romantic dinner together, and then started tonight's date. The process was similar to that of ordinary couples, shopping, watching movies, and... opening a room.

It's just that there was a little accident in the process of opening the room.

Su Nan came out of the bathroom and looked at the girl lying on the bed with her back facing her. Under the ambiguous light, it seemed that the girl's skin was glowing, and her slim figure made her heart move.

He didn't disturb the girl, walked over lightly, climbed onto the bed, and lay on the girl's back.

Chu Xi's body trembled, but he didn't look back, as if he had fallen asleep.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth curled up, and he reached out his hand, but when his hand touched it, his face froze, and he felt a thick layer of something, probably...a sanitary napkin.

Depend on.

Su Nan couldn't help cursing a few words, and moved his hand away with a depressed face.

"Puchi~" Chu Xi, who had his back turned to him, suddenly laughed out loud.

Su Nan glanced at her, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "You have gone too far, you actually agreed to have a room with me under such circumstances, and sincerely want to see me suffer."

"Who made you careless." Chu Xi snorted lightly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be hidden, like rippling on the surface of a lake.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed. Based on how well he and Chu Xi knew each other, it was impossible not to know that she came to be an aunt today, but they just forgot.

Zhao Junmin stayed in the activity room at noon today, which made him very vigilant. After school in the evening, the monitor's words disturbed his heart again, causing him to ignore many things for a while.

However, Chu Xi knew what he was doing today, but he still agreed to date him. Even after watching the movie late at night, he smiled and agreed to his request to open a room. It was obviously uneasy and well-intentioned.

Su Nan became a little annoyed, her hand suddenly covered her back, and the other hand stretched out in front of Chu Xi, trying to grab it with both hands.

Although that kind of thing is inconvenient, it's okay to have fun with your hands. By the way, Chu Xi is just a talkative guy. Let's see if she can calm down by doing this.

Su Nan thought complacently, listening to the girl's repressed but trembling angrily.

"Stupid, don't move around, this will..."

She suddenly stopped, and looking from behind, her pink ears were quietly dyed pink, making them look crystal clear, making people want to bite.

Su Nan swallowed her saliva and said with a smile, "What will happen? How would I know if you didn't tell me?"

As he spoke, he began to poke his hand in.

Sensing his unruly intentions, Chu Xi twisted her delicate body uneasily, and then pressed his hand, but she could only look forward, but not backward, and Su Nan seemed to want to be serious.

She was so frightened that she quickly whispered: "Stop it, you're messing around like this, I will, I will..."

"What do you know?" Su Nan asked loudly on purpose.

After hesitating for a while, the girl slowly turned her head and faced him, her face was flushed, and a pair of crystal clear eyes stared at his face.The girl bit her lip and said in a low voice shyly: "I won't be able to bear it."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, a little surprised in her heart, Chu Xi seemed to be more open than usual tonight, or maybe she was alone with him tonight, without Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi let go of some unnecessary restraint, after all No matter how thin it is, after going through so much, it will change somewhat.

Su Nan didn't speak, and didn't take her hands away, which gave Chu Xi a strange feeling. Her breathing became slightly short, her body tensed up, and she trembled slightly.

Su Nan couldn't help it immediately, and lowered his head to kiss her.

"No... woo~"

The protests turned to whimpers, followed by kisses.

After a few minutes, the girl's breathing became a little difficult, and she put her hands on Su Nan's chest, as if she wanted to push him away, but she didn't have much strength, and she seemed reluctant.

In the end, Su Nan defeated her desire rationally and let her go.

Seeing the girl's messy breathing and panting from a close distance, he couldn't help but kissed her on the forehead and said with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Chu Xi straightened her breathing, rolled her eyes at him, and there was a different kind of charm between her brows, which made her already flushed face even more beautiful.

Su Nan was so excited that she couldn't help but kissed him again. Chu Xi had just rested for a while, and her breathing was not very smooth at this time, but after struggling a little this time, she responded, as if she was enjoying it. Like Su Nan, after all, the three of them are usually together, and there are very few opportunities to be alone.

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