As soon as the words came out, she felt very unladylike, but now only Su Nan is here, so she can bear it, frowned and said: "You can tell others about that kind of thing, it's too much, it's a secret between us. "

Su Nan understood a little bit, but she still asked for confirmation: "Oh?"

Chu Xi understood, blushed, nodded, then stared at Su Nan like an angry female cat.

Zhao Xiaomin outside the door also understood, and spit secretly, no wonder why Chuxi came that night, and when he arrived at school the next day, he looked radiant. So they did this kind of thing, could it be each other?Although something happened to Chu Xi, it should be okay to ask Su Nan to be careful, and there are several things girls can do.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xi, who is usually so serious, would actually help Su Nan like that, or even do that to Su Nan. Zhao Xiaomin imagined that scene in his head, and couldn't help but feel a little bit stunned.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Third Sister's curious voice sounded behind her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah?" Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback, then secretly thought something was wrong, and quickly covered her mouth, but it was too late.

The next second, the door opened instantly, and Chu Xi with a cold face appeared at the door, his pretty face was covered with patches of red, and he stared coldly at Zhao Xiaomin outside the door.

Zhao Xiaomin froze.

Zhao Junmin, who was behind her with luggage in her hands, was stunned.

At this time, Zhao Junmin's gaze crossed Chu Xi and fell behind Su Nan, his eyes became complicated. Could it be such a coincidence that he met the legendary Shura field on the first day of living in?

But why is there a little excitement in my heart, telling you to open the harem.

"Did you hear that?" Chu Xi asked unkindly, like a piece of ice exuding a cold air.

At this moment, she already understood that she had been tricked. Su Nan never told Zhao Xiaomin about that at all. Zhao Xiaomin said that to her on purpose just to annoy her to question Su Nan.

Seeing Su Nan coming to the door, Zhao Xiaomin was immediately sure that they would talk about what happened that night, so she resolutely eavesdropped.

Chu Xi's heart was broken. Fortunately, she still thought that she had a higher IQ than Zhao Xiaomin, but she didn't expect to be suppressed this time. That guy Zhao Xiaomin was unexpectedly smart about such indecent things, which made people want to beat her to death.

"No, I just came here. If you don't believe me, ask my sister." Zhao Xiaomin shook her head again and again, looking back at her sister begging for mercy.

Zhao Junmin hesitated for a while, although she didn't understand what was going on, but for some reason, the situation in front of her made her feel a sense of excitement, and she even hoped that they would continue to confront each other, so that guy Su Nan must be annoyed to death.

It's just that her sister's begging eyes made her unable to be cruel, she sighed in her heart, and nodded to Chu Xi.

Chu Xi's face was unpredictable, and he didn't know what he was thinking, while Zhao Xiaomin was very anxious.

Su Nan's eyes fell on Zhao Junmin, and seeing her carrying luggage, she couldn't help being a little stunned, then thought of a possibility, and asked in disbelief, "You want to move here?"

Zhao Junmin was a little nervous, she nodded and pretended to be calm.

Zhao Xiaomin quickly said: "My sister is in the third year of junior high school, and she will take the senior high school entrance examination next year. Let her come here to live with her and take care of her."

Su Nan looked at Xiao Min with complicated eyes, and then asked Chu Xi: "You also know?"

After thinking about it in his heart, Chu Xi decided not to show his power at this time, and to settle accounts with Zhao Xiaomin later.

She nodded: "Xiao Min told me before."

Su Nan didn't know what to say, she felt very speechless, this dead sister Zhao Junmin moved here, then how would he come here to steal incense and jade in the future, and how to ensure the safety of his girlfriend Zhao Xiaomin?

Zhao Junmin's face darkened, and she lowered her head. She could feel that Su Nan didn't welcome her, and she felt a little bitter.

Zhao Xiaomin also noticed that something was wrong, so she hurried past Chuxi into her room, took Su Nan's arm and acted like a baby: "Ah Nan, I forgot to tell you, I'm sorry, my house is quite far from the school, so she can save a lot by moving here." time."

What Su Nan could say was nodding.

Zhao Xiaomin noticed that he was a little unhappy, gritted her teeth, and suddenly leaned close to his ear and said quickly, "Later... let's study it some time."

She spoke quickly and in a low voice, Zhao Junmin was depressed and didn't hear it, but Chu Xi heard it at such a close distance, her exquisite face slowly climbed up to countless seductive blushes, she looked at them incredulously, her eyes were strange, no matter what How can I say that Zhao Xiaomin is too bold, isn't she afraid of being heard by her sister?

Su Nan's heart fluttered. He had never been in the same state as Xiao Min in his original state. Sometimes when he was interested, Xiao Min would run away in a coquettish way.

Chu Xi stared at him with a strange look, Su Nan was a little embarrassed to agree, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't let him go, rubbing his arm with his chest with a smile: "It doesn't matter if my sister stays here."

Su Nan nodded cheekily, seeing that Chu Xi's eyes turned into contempt, he was confident, whatever he looked at, I just agreed to my sister-in-law's request to live in, it was by no means unhealthy.

Zhao Junmin quickly raised her head to look at him, then quickly lowered her head, as if she had been waiting for his answer.

Zhao Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Su Nan's arm, and said to him with a hinting smile: "My sister just came here, I want to help her clean up the room, and I will spend time with Ah Nan when I have time."

Su Nan nodded: "Then I'll go back first, and I won't bother you."

After getting Zhao Xiaomin's promise, Su Nan left in a flutter, because he couldn't hold on under Chu Xi's contempt.

After Su Nan left, Chu Xi looked at Zhao Xiaomin with complicated eyes, and said, "You really surprised me."

After saying that, he closed the door with a "bang", without giving Zhao Xiaomin a chance to speak at all.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little embarrassed and ashamed, but then she became a little annoyed and groaned, thinking to herself, sooner or later, she will drag you into the water.

"Little sister, come, I will show you the room."

Then Zhao Xiaomin dragged her sister into the room.

Chu Xi stayed in her room in a daze, subconsciously covering her hands behind her back, feeling uneasy and a little inexplicably looking forward to it. It's not that she hasn't tried it, but it's not her own body, but the feeling is deeply rooted in her mind.

Now that Zhao Xiaomin is shamelessly making such a request, Chu Xi wonders if she has to do something, after all, she and Zhao Xiaomin are actually in a competitive relationship.

But do you want to be treated like that by Su Nan?

Whenever thinking of this possibility, Chu Xi's pretty face became hot, and her head was so dizzy that she couldn't think at all.

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