Lu Ying stayed in the room, swiping her phone boredly, from time to time, she clicked on WeChat and looked at Su Nan's avatar, hesitating. She wanted to contact him, but she was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know what excuses to find.


She lay lazily on the bed and sighed, looking at the ceiling faintly. It has been a while since she met Su Nan on the rooftop that day, but she felt that she couldn't do anything.

Why did Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin want to be Su Nan's girlfriends together? This question has been bothering her, as well as senior sister Zhan Weiling.

Now I know that senior sister Zhan Weiling is probably not the murderer. All the previous inferences are wrong. What is the reason?

She didn't think Su Nan was so charming that Chu Xi, Xiao Min, and senior sisters all surrendered to him. Reality is not a novel, although sometimes reality is even more illogical, but based on her understanding of Chu Xi and what she had done to Zhan Weiling After some investigation, it can be determined that none of them are the kind of women who are easy to deal with.

Thinking about it, her head hurt a little, Lu Ying sighed again, then got up, left the room to go out to pee, drank too much water after dinner, and couldn't hold it back.

As soon as she walked into the living room, she suddenly heard a faint voice, and her heart moved.

Lu Ying turned her gaze to confirm that the voice came from her aunt's room, feeling a little strange.

She hesitated for a while, but finally walked over to the door to eavesdrop.

"Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan, husband...I..."

My aunt's incoherent voice came to my ears, full of indecent taste.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Ying's face darkened, and she was annoyed in her heart, "Auntie is really, actually...

Immediately, she didn't know what to think, and sighed, obviously my aunt still cared about Su Nan, so why didn't she want to see Su Nan recently?

Could it be that he discovered his relationship with Su Nan?

Instinctively, she was a little flustered. At this time, the auntie seemed to be over. She came back to her senses, hurriedly left quietly, and returned to the room.

In the room, Lu Anya was lazily lying on the bed, her flesh was so smooth, she didn't even want to move a finger, and she exuded a seductive aura.

After a while, she would come to her senses, pick up the towel that was put aside, wipe off all the sweat on her body, then get up, put on her clothes and walk out of the room.

Seeing her niece's closed door, Lu Anya's eyebrows flashed with worry, a little worried that the impulsive voice she made just now was heard.

Originally, she wouldn't do this kind of thing when her niece was still at home, but the day of the attack was changed to once every few days, and it was unavoidable. She happened to have the attack just now, so she had no choice but to comfort herself like this.

Fortunately, in the shameless days with Su Nan, she took some small videos and pictures with her mobile phone, so she could watch those pictures and videos by herself when she had an attack.

In that state, she couldn't help herself, and she couldn't even keep her voice down.

Now Lu Anya only hopes that her niece has never been near her room, or even come out of the living room. After all, the sound insulation between rooms in this house is still good.

Then she went out, although her legs were a little weak at this time after self-solution, but because of her irritability, she wanted to go for a drive, so she went to talk to Shu Baoer by the way, and asked Shu Baoer to enlighten herself.

Lu Ying in the room heard the sound of her aunt going out, and couldn't help but her heart moved. She moved here to live with her aunt for a while, and found that when her aunt did bad things by herself, Su Nan was the object of fantasy, and there was always a collection of Su Nan in the room private items.

But the private items collected by my aunt were as early as last time, she threw away the trash under the pretext of throwing away, and blamed the pot on the aunt who was in charge of hygiene.

For a while, she had secretly noticed it, and my aunt never did that again, but today it suddenly started again.

So Lu Ying wondered if my aunt had collected some more things about Su Nan. After all, Su Nan often came here a while ago, and my aunt was not stupid, so she could really succeed with a little plan.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ying still planned to visit her aunt's room, otherwise she would always be a little unhappy.

Just in case, she asked her aunt on WeChat when she would be back, and when she got the reply that it was after nine o'clock in the evening, she stopped hesitating immediately.

Quickly entering aunt's room, Lu Ying sniffed, her pretty face blushed uncontrollably, and smelled a strange smell.

This smell should be from my aunt, or from my aunt's fantasies about Su Nan's appearance, which made Lu Ying feel a little weird, feeling jealous and ashamed.

She shook her head quickly to stop herself from thinking about these things, and concentrate on doing business.

The last thing I found was under my aunt's bed, so Lu Ying squatted by the bed and checked under the bed as soon as she came up, but she didn't find anything extra.

She felt that the aunt had learned her lesson and would no longer hide under the bed.

Then she searched the wardrobe drawers and other places again, but still couldn't find them.

Did I blame my aunt wrongly?

Lu Ying is not sure, because some drawers in my uncle's room are locked, maybe they are inside, or there are photos on the phone.

Lu Ying was a little discouraged, if it was really a photo, how to check my aunt's phone would be a problem.

Look again, maybe it's not a photo.

Lu Ying gave up on violently opening the lock, and began to check the corners of the room. When she was lying in front of the closet, she vaguely noticed something reflective at the bottom of the closet, and she carefully took it out.

It's an old phone.

Lu Ying remembered that this was the one my aunt had used before. It was a very trendy mobile phone a few years ago. At that time, Lu Ying was in junior high school, borrowed it to play with it, and even knew the power-on password.

The discarded old mobile phone is placed in such a hidden place, and Lu Ying's intuition tells that there must be something wrong with it.

Unable to hold back her curiosity, she tried to wake up the screen, but found that the phone was out of battery.

Seeing the charging cable connected to the socket, Lu Ying walked over and sat down to charge the phone.

After a while, she turned on the phone, and after the animation, the phone entered the interface.

She flipped through the albums and videos, but found nothing unusual.

At this time, the phone vibrated and made a sound, which was the notification tone of WeChat.

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