Hey, why does my aunt use two WeChat?

Lu Ying felt that something was wrong, so she clicked on WeChat, and found that it was a WeChat message from a girl nicknamed Shu Baobao, Shu Baobao asked, "We need to use WeChat frequently, so let's chat with you on the trumpet, what are you doing with Su Nan recently?" How is it?"

Lu Ying frowned, did the other party know Su Nan?

And why do you have to use a trumpet for chatting?

Not right, really not right.

After hesitating for a while, she silently said that Auntie was sorry, and then replied.

"It's still the same."

Baby Tree: "Didn't you go through a punishment, did you have sex with Su Nan in it, and it's still the same? You really have a big heart."

This seems to be a joke.

Lu Ying's body froze, and the words "been in bed" made her feel as if she had fallen into a cellar of ice, and her whole body felt cold.

"By the way, it seems that you are experiencing punishment for the first time, and you may not be used to it. I am an experienced person, and I have had similar experiences with Su Nan. Don't worry, you will get used to it after a few more times."

Had a similar experience with Su Nan!

Who is this guy?

Lu Ying was bitter in her heart, but she soon discovered something was wrong, what exactly was the punishment?Why did two people who had a relationship with Su Nan have such an inexplicable chat.

"Why don't you talk?" The other party asked, seeming to find something wrong.

Lu Ying's heart tightened, and she replied, "I feel uncomfortable."

According to the words of the tree baby, the tree baby thought that the little aunt would not adapt, and even comforted the little aunt.

Lu Ying felt that from Shu Baobao's point of view, Auntie might not be in a good mood at this time.

"What's so uncomfortable, although you slept with him, it's not the main body after all. Could it be that your main body was also fucked by him? To be honest, I don't know what kind of punishment you have experienced. Maybe the follow-up effects will be a bit serious. "The tree baby was a little skeptical.

Ontology and non-ontology?

Lu Ying was confused, what does the baby tree mean that my aunt had sex with Su Nan, and she didn't use the body?It's not the body, what is it?What is the follow-up effect?

Although she couldn't figure it out, Lu Ying's tense mood quietly relaxed a little. It wasn't as if the main body had a relationship with Su Nan.

"No such thing!" Following her aunt's tone, Lu Ying replied angrily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Anyway, you have experienced punishment and know what's going on. I'm too lazy to say more, but I need to remind you that after one punishment, the onset of shame will become once every three days, and after two punishments, it will become Once every seven days, didn’t you say that the things you collected with great difficulty were thrown away by the nanny? Then go collect new ones as soon as possible. At the same time, after experiencing the punishment, the attack will be more uncomfortable. You need to get more shame through Su Nan ..."

Now that Lu Anya has already accepted the punishment once, Shu Baoer no longer hides it, and quickly typed a bunch of words with her fingers and sent them over.

At this time, the mobile phone she put aside rang, and she picked it up to have a look.

"Shu Bao, open the door for me, I'm here to find you."

Look at the nickname: Lu Anya.

Shu Baoer was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the old mobile phone in her hand.

She squinted her eyes, this must not be Lu Anya, then who could it be, Lu Ying?

But she didn't care too much, she just turned off the screen of the phone and ignored it, and murmured: "Anyway, it will be distorted into other meanings, so there is nothing to care about, unless..."

Her expression suddenly became a little gloomy.

On the other side, Lu Ying stared blankly at the last message sent by "Baby Tree", and was completely stunned.

From this passage, she extracted several important points.

First, there is a disease called "shame disease". Both my aunt and the tree baby have it. They need to get a sense of shame through Su Nan, otherwise they will feel very uncomfortable. I don't know how to feel uncomfortable for the time being.

Second, if you can't get enough shame, you will experience the so-called punishment, and you don't know what it is. My aunt seems to have had a relationship with Su Nan during the punishment, and the tree baby is the same, but neither of them is the original.

The ontology and non-noumenon make this passage full of surreal feeling. Does it mean to use another body to have a relationship with Su Nan?


Are these speculations true or false?

Reason tells Lu Ying that this is impossible, but what does the tree baby mean, the second illness?

Lu Ying knew very well that my aunt did not have the so-called secondary illness, but she couldn't accept the meaning revealed by the baby tree's words.

Inexplicably, Lu Ying thought of her aunt's abnormality.

I forgot when it started. One day, her aunt told Lu Ying that she liked Su Nan and asked Lu Ying for help.

Then under the control of my aunt, Lu Ying did some things that she didn't even know about in a daze, and later found out that she helped her aunt get Su Nan's fat times inexplicably, and it wasn't just once.

Auntie uses Su Nan's fat times to comfort herself, don't you feel ashamed?

Since she was a child, my aunt has always been normal, but she suddenly became so shameless, and her partner must be Su Nan. Is this the so-called "shame disease"?

Suddenly, she thought of Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling.

The three of them didn't mind each other, tolerated each other, and became Su Nan's girlfriend together.

They are all very proud people, which is simply unimaginable.

shame disease...

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