Is it also a disease of shame?

People suffering from shame disease cannot leave Su Nan.

Lu Ying's eyes widened, could this be the reason?

But how is it possible, how can there be such a strange thing in the world!

Lu Ying felt her head was in a mess, suddenly shocked, suddenly worried, and suddenly excited and surprised.

She thought that if the situation is true, then the reason for Su Nan to open the harem will be found. You instinctively feel that this is abnormal, but how long can you persist in the face of this temptation?

Unless Liu Xiahui, or a gay guy, as long as he is a normal man, under the initiative of a few beautiful girls, there will always be a day of compromise.

So don't blame Su Nan.

Lu Ying thought silently, she believed most of the tree baby's words, although it was unbelievable, but if the "shame disease" really existed, then everyone's abnormal behavior could be explained.

Lu Ying's complexion was unpredictable, if it was true, then my aunt also suffered from this strange disease, and she couldn't do without Su Nan.

And the disease seemed to have a surreal power.

What I should do is...


Investigate the truth of the matter.

if it is real……

Lu Ying gritted her teeth, and resolutely thought, then solve this matter and let everyone return to normal.

Looking down at the phone, Lu Ying unplugged the charging cable, put the phone in his pocket and took it away. Baby Shu and his aunt know each other, so they might find something wrong.

Although it doesn't matter if it is known, Lu Ying doesn't want to be exposed so quickly for the time being. She bet that Baby Shu and Auntie don't see each other often, and they won't talk about it on the WeChat they usually use.

Because Shubao said at the beginning that there are many WeChat accounts in normal use, and it is very likely that people will see the chat records, so I use the trumpet to communicate.

Then as long as you hide this mobile phone, my aunt will not see the message of the tree baby.

Back in the room, Lu Ying took out her phone to check again. She found that my aunt had used this account to add Su Nan's WeChat from very early on, at the beginning of this semester.

Looking through the chat records, I found that my aunt once blackmailed Su Nan's fat times. Lu Ying compared it with her own memory, and confirmed that it was the time when she foolishly helped my aunt get Su Nan's fat times.

Fortunately, Su Nan didn't find out at that time, otherwise he would have lost his life.

The more she looked through the chat records, Lu Ying's face became more rosy, because she found that many of the welfare photos sent to Su Nan by her aunt were hers.

Thinking of the time when my aunt used to secretly take pictures of herself, Lu Ying suddenly understood what was going on, she was very shy and very angry at her behavior.

"Using my photo, Su Nan will find out."

Lu Ying murmured with a complicated expression. She remembered the first time Su Nan bullied her. At that time, Su Nan was very angry and behaved inexplicably, taking advantage of her.

Needless to say, Su Nan must have thought that she was being indifferent, that's why she did those seemingly revengeful actions.

However, recently, Su Nan suddenly stopped this kind of behavior. Did she realize that she was indifferent?

Lu Ying was shy while thinking in confusion,

She thought to herself, even if she found out that she had done something wrong, it would be too late. It would be impossible not to make up for what I did to me.

She smiled and picked up her mobile phone and dialed Su Nan's number.

"Hello, monitor?"

"It's me, Su Nan, are you asleep?" I have never realized that my voice can be so gentle.

"Uh, no."

On the phone, Su Nan's tone was a bit strange, and his answer seemed unnatural.

Of course Lu Ying knew what was going on, because she realized that she had taken revenge on the wrong person, so she felt guilty and didn't know how to face her.

"Then make it up to me." Lu Ying said softly.

"Ah? What did you say, monitor?"

When she came back to her senses, Lu Ying's face became hot, and she hurriedly said, "It's nothing, I just wanted to call you suddenly."

As soon as she said it, her face became even hotter, which was a bit ambiguous.

Su Nan on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said: "Squad leader, I'm going to bed soon, you should go to bed early too."

Lu Ying frowned slightly, then smiled again: "Well, then I'll hang up."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Ying didn't choose to tell Su Nan the truth right away. She needed to confirm whether these guesses were true. After confirmation...let's talk about it at that time.

Inexplicably, she had a little worry in her heart, if Su Nan knew the truth of the matter, and everyone was only with him for compelling reasons, would he be hit?

But Su Nan once said that he wanted to change all of this, and wanted to be a good person, um, no matter what he said was true or not, just treat him as serious.

In short, it is wrong to open a harem.

On the other side, when Lu Anya came out of Shu Bao'er's house, the entanglement on her face had disappeared, and she put on a serious expression.

Shu Bao'er was right, the matter had come to this point, she couldn't resist, she could only choose to accept her fate.

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