Soon the taekwondo master was carried down for treatment. The person in charge of the taekwondo gym came forward, but he was not angry. He gave Su Nan a thumbs up and said viciously: "Niubi! I have really seen the master. Convinced! Brother, are you interested in coming to me..."

"There's no need to work part-time, he's still a student." Li Gongting walked over to this guy and said, before changing the subject lightly: "What are you going to do with that guy? You probably still want to protect him, right?"

The person in charge smiled wryly: "Actually, I was talking to him about resignation just now. I haven't noticed him messing around in my territory before, so I can't tolerate him if I find out. And he seems to know that you plan to make trouble for him, Sister Li. I originally planned to finish the last day of work today and leave overnight after receiving my salary, but I didn't expect Sister Li to come to my door so soon."

"Let's go?" Li Gongting snorted softly: "I have already found those who were bullied by him, and they all agreed to provide confessions. If you want to go, you can eat in prison for a while before talking about it."

The person in charge smiled wryly, as if he was afraid of Li Gongting and didn't dare to say more.

Later, the taekwondo master woke up and was taken away by several policemen who came to the door, and Su Nan and others also left the taekwondo gym.

After walking along the street for a while, Li Gongting stopped and said to Su Nan: "It's getting late, let's go home. You performed well today, but this time it's mainly to let you get acquainted. Next time I will Arrange more people for you."

Lu Ying frowned, a little dissatisfied, but held back and said nothing.

Su Nan said: "Goodbye, senior sister, I'm about to go back."

Li Gongting seemed to want to say something, but she glanced at Lu Ying next to Su Nan, shook her head and left.

Seeing Li Gongting like this, Su Nan began to draft in her heart, thinking about how to explain her relationship with the monitor to senior sister Zhan Weiling.

When she came back to her senses, she looked at the squad leader next to her. Su Nan hesitated for a while, and was about to bid farewell.

Lu Ying said, "There is a milk tea shop over there, please buy me a drink."

"Okay." Su Nan agreed without hesitation, and Su Nan couldn't go back on his word, so he pretended to be natural and walked to the roadside milk tea shop, Lu Ying followed him.

Entering the milk tea shop, one person ordered a cup of milk tea, Su Nan paid, and then looked for a place.

It happened to be evening at this time, and there were many customers in the milk tea shop, and they were all full.

Seeing this, Lu Ying said, "Go to the second floor and be quiet."

In fact, Su Nan wanted to say that it was packed, but the squad leader said so, and he didn't want to spoil the scenery, so he went up to the second floor with her, looking for an empty seat to sit down.

After sitting down, no one spoke.

After a while, the waiter brought up the milk tea.

Lu Ying took a sip of the milk tea, put it down again, and said with a frown, "Senior Li Gongting is so violent, she actually wants to find someone to beat you next time."

Her tone was a bit dissatisfied, she almost scared her to death just now, if it wasn't for Su Nan's sudden rage, she really didn't know how to end it, but Li Gongting said that there would be another time, and several people would beat Su Nan.

"Senior Li Gongting did this because she knew I would be fine." Su Nan was thinking about how to say goodbye, feeling a little uncomfortable with the monitor.

Lu Ying looked at him strangely: "Speaking of which, you are so powerful. You can't tell it at all in normal times. Could it be that you deliberately pretended to be low-key, and then if someone fights with you at school, if you show off your power, hit him in the face. Many That's how the novels are written."

"You still read novels, what kind of novels are you reading?" Su Nan was amused by the monitor's words.

"It's the one you boys like to watch. It's very popular. The protagonist is generally very powerful, as if he has a mocking face. Everywhere he goes, there are people who provoke him, but none of them are the opponent of the protagonist. And there are many women, everywhere. The harem is harmonious, but the protagonist is always a virgin..."

She chattered a lot, glanced at Su Nan, and took another sip of the milk tea.

Su Nan wondered, isn't this just a cool article that pretends to be a slap in the face? What the hell is it that the squad leader still reads this kind of article and accepts everything? Is it really good to say it in front of her face?

"Why do you read male novels?" He couldn't help asking.

"I heard a classmate talking about it, so I went to read it out of curiosity. It's pretty cool, but I don't like it after reading a few books. I like pure male protagonists." Lu Ying said solemnly, her eyes dim Looking at Su Nan, he said softly, "I almost thought you were that kind of protagonist just now."

Su Nan suddenly became embarrassed, and felt that the class leader seemed to be talking about himself. He just created a harmonious harem, and people could fight. The class leader said that he didn't like reading this kind of article, was he implying something, purely referring to singleness?

Taking another sip of milk tea, Lu Ying suddenly got up and changed her position, from opposite to Su Nan's side, she turned her head to look at Su Nan's appearance carefully.

"What's wrong?" Su Nan pretended to be calm.

Lu Ying moved her face closer, and a faint fragrance came over her, only to hear her ask in a low voice, "What happened just now? That guy weighs at least two hundred catties, but he was easily blown away by your punch."

Su Nan stepped back subconsciously, and replied, "I am stronger."

Lu Ying was silent for a while, raised her hand and put it on his arm and squeezed it lightly, as if she was feeling something, she said: "Your skin is also very good, it's even better than mine, do you have abdominal muscles, let me see ..."

She said to look at it, but moved her hand to Su Nan's abdomen and touched it gently, as if feeling something.

"Don't move around." Su Nan pressed her hand and took it away.

"Just look at it, why are you so mean?" Lu Ying was a little dissatisfied, and her face was also a little rosy.

Su Nan instinctively felt that it was weird, the monitor was a little different today, he was too proactive towards him, not only told him that he had read a novel by the male frequency, but also showed an inexplicable closeness to his various actions.

After learning that the monitor was not indifferent, Su Nan didn't think she was a pervert, and the monitor was usually quite reserved, even if she had feelings for him, she wouldn't take the initiative.

"Why don't you talk?" She brought her face closer again and asked with a frown. The breath she exhaled was sprayed on Su Nan's face. It was warm and had a faint milky fragrance. Su Nan had no way to retreat.

Without waiting for Su Nan to answer, she heard her seriously say: "You seem to be avoiding me on purpose, do you have any dissatisfaction with me?"

"You think too much." Su Nan shook her head, "It's almost six o'clock, I have to go back."

"I'm not in a hurry as a girl, why are you in a hurry." Lu Ying's tone was slightly dissatisfied.

Su Nan didn't know how to reply to her. She felt that the squad leader's words were more like venting dissatisfaction with her boyfriend. He was dissatisfied with his boyfriend's lack of initiative, so he had to do it by himself. It felt a little bad.

Seeing his side face and his silent appearance, Lu Ying felt even more dissatisfied. Before, she had the courage to do all kinds of things to her, but now she pretends to be innocent. Don't you think it's too much? ?

Annoyed inwardly, she made a bold move, brought her face closer again, and pressed her lips against Su Nan's face, and it fell apart instantly.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, the wet feeling on his face made him understand what happened, subconsciously turned to look at the monitor, but saw her delicate and charming appearance, her moist eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

She stared at him, her lips moved slightly: "Kiss me, you son of a bitch."

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