After speaking shyly, she closed her eyes, and there was an inexplicable tension on her ruddy face.

Su Nan swallowed her saliva, moved her lips close to the girl's soft lips, and felt that sweet feeling, with the fragrance of milk tea.

The girl sat on the chair, her face turned even redder, she subconsciously leaned half of her body forward, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The two kissed lightly and selflessly, temporarily forgetting the outside world.

The milk tea shop played music, and after a song, they separated from each other.

Lu Ying panted slightly, leaned her head on Su Nan's shoulder, closed her eyes and rested.

Su Nan looked around, there was no one on the second floor, so no one saw it.

He lowered his head slightly, his face pressed against the girl's head, touching her soft long hair, his mood was a bit complicated, and at the same time he didn't understand why the squad leader was so proactive all of a sudden.

Suddenly still a little hurried, the girl with her head on his shoulder said slightly bitterly: "You are so proficient."

Although the two of them have done some more intimate things, kissing has rarely happened.

Lu Ying is a complete novice, although she took the initiative, she quickly settled down in front of Su Nan, completely immersed in the gentleness he constructed.

While this experience made her feel comfortable and novel, she was also a little uncomfortable. She felt sure that he was exercising with other girls.

He didn't know how to answer this kind of question, so Su Nan simply didn't answer. He was a little worried that if Lu Ying asked him how he planned to be responsible, what should he do?

I couldn't hold back for a while, and follow-up questions came one after another.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ying didn't mention this issue at all, and changed the subject casually, she said: "Tomorrow it's my turn to clean up, and my deskmate will ask for leave tomorrow, so please help me then."

Su Nan, who was ready to answer, seemed to have punched in the empty space, feeling depressed with nowhere to go.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After seeing off Su Nan, Lu Ying was in a good mood on the way back. Although the behavior just now was impulsive, she didn't feel any regrets.

When she got home, as soon as she entered the door, Lu Ying could smell the aroma of food. She looked into the kitchen and saw her aunt busy.

Lu Ying was very surprised, my aunt actually cooked today, did something good happen?

"Xiaoying, you are back. I cooked your favorite dish today. Sit down and eat."

Lu Anya poked her head out of the kitchen, said with a smile, and went back into the kitchen after speaking.

Her intuition told Lu Ying that she was acting strange today, but she couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, so she simply sat down as her aunt wanted.

Soon, Lu Anya put all the dishes together, and then sat opposite Lu Ying and warmly greeted her, "Eat quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold."

"Oh." Lu Ying nodded, started to eat, and asked curiously at the same time: "Auntie, have you been promoted today? You are so happy."

"No, I feel that eating fast food all the time is not very healthy, so I cook specially, and my cooking skills are almost rusty, just to practice." Lu Anya said with a smile.

Lu Ying smiled and said, "Then I'm lucky."

Afterwards, the two enjoyed this sumptuous dinner. Lu Anya's cooking skills were good, and the ingredients were very high-end. Lu Ying, a girl who had eaten a lot of good food, couldn't help but let go of her stomach to eat.

Lu Anya ate slowly, looked at Lu Ying with a smile on her face, turned her eyes, and suddenly asked, "By the way, Xiao Ying, why hasn't your classmate Su Nan come to play recently?"

Lu Ying's heart skipped a beat, and when she saw the smiling aunt, she suddenly realized that the meal was not that delicious.

She remained calm, and at the same time said strangely: "Didn't you tell me not to call him here, Auntie? I thought you had a problem with him..."

Lu Anya said dissatisfiedly: "You are the class monitor. You were so enthusiastic about him before, but now you are ignoring him. He must think that you have a problem with him. How about this, you call him over this weekend and we have dinner together."

"I'll ask tomorrow, Su Nan may not be free." Lu Ying didn't agree, nor refused.

If the "shame disease" really exists, it is inevitable for my aunt to contact Su Nan, because she will be punished if she can't be ashamed, and according to the tree baby, being punished seems to be a very serious thing Therefore, my aunt had a relationship with Su Nan in a non-identical state.

Lu Ying didn't want to see this kind of thing happen very much, she was very depressed, and the joy before was also dissipated.

She kind of realized the seriousness of the matter.

Including my aunt, so many girls can't do without Su Nan, and they have to experience the feeling of shame through Su Nan. If they don't find a way to stop it in time, the matter will develop to a serious level one day.

But how to stop it, Lu Ying didn't have the slightest idea.

Lu Anya said: "Then you should ask him carefully. He must be free on the weekend. He saved me. How could I be dissatisfied with him? I want to invite him to dinner a few more times."

My aunt was punished once, and yesterday was the day when she had an attack, which occurred once every three days.

Lu Ying thought about the date in her mind, and found that the next time my aunt had an attack would be the weekend, she immediately changed her mind and agreed: "Since you said so, aunt, I will invite him over this Saturday."

She intends to witness with her own eyes what the so-called "If you are not ashamed, you will be uncomfortable".

At noon the next day, the whole get out of class left after a few minutes of class, only Su Nan, Chu Xi and Lu Ying stayed.

Lu Ying got up and walked to the corner of the classroom to pick up two brooms, then came to Su Nan, handed the brooms to Su Nan in front of Chu Xi, and said, "Here, there is not much rubbish on the ground, we each sweep two sets of brooms. , it will be done soon."

Su Nan bit the bullet and took it. He had already noticed Chu Xi's strange eyes looking at him.

Su Nan didn't expect the squad leader to be so direct, knowing that he has a close relationship with Chu Xi, is he planning to provoke Chu Xi?

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chu Xi raising his eyebrows with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Su Nan sighed inwardly, but she promised the squad leader yesterday, so it's hard to refuse, so she can only explain to Chu Xi later.

Standing up and getting ready to start, Lu Ying turned to Chu Xi again, "Student Chu Xi, we have to clean up, why don't you go eat first."

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