Su Nan's heart tightened, and said: "Squad leader, Chu Xi is waiting for me."

Su Nan couldn't control that much, and then said to Chu Xi: "The class monitor's deskmate asked for leave today, and I promised to help her, but it's a bit slow for the two of them to clean up, so maybe Chu Xi can help too. "

Lu Ying couldn't deny it.

Chu Xi let go of his slightly frowned brows, and nodded.

She didn't say much, took the tools and started to work.

Seeing this, Lu Ying also started to clean up the garbage on the ground.

Neither said a word.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he followed suit and began to work very quickly.

Su Nan hopes to finish cleaning quickly and then leave, so as to end the current embarrassing situation as soon as possible.

Within five minutes, the classrooms were cleaned up, most of which were done by Su Nan.

Gathering the collected garbage together, Lu Ying looked up at Chu Xi with slightly complicated eyes, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chu Xi didn't change his face, and then said to Su Nan: "Let's go."

Su Nan glanced at the monitor, nodded to her, and left with Chu Xi.

Lu Ying frowned and looked at their backs. She didn't regret what she did just now. In her opinion, Chu Xi was only with Su Nan because of unavoidable reasons. It was just that Chu Xi showed obedience to Su Nan. The appearance also worried Lu Ying. It seemed that Chu Xi was used to it. Is it because of his illness?

For the next few days, Lu Ying was observing Chu Xi, and did not contact Su Nan rashly. It was meaningless to do anything without finding a solution.

Not only did she observe Chuxi, but she also observed her cheap sister, because Zhao Xiaomin seemed more approachable, and she tried to talk to her a few times, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't know why she ignored her.

After a few days, Lu Ying discovered something. Once after class, she came out after going to the toilet, and saw Zhao Xiaomin hurried over to find Su Nan, and the two went up to the roof together.

At that time, Lu Ying hid in the women's toilet and poked her head out to peek, and found that something was wrong with Zhao Xiaomin's condition, her face was flushed, her brows were furrowed, and she was unable to walk, as if she was suffering.

Then Lu Ying noticed that Chu Xi had come out of the classroom and looked towards the stairs, but instead of going up, she returned to the classroom.

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin have a good relationship, why didn't Chu Xi ignore Zhao Xiaomin when she was feeling sad?

Chu Xi and Su Nan had that kind of relationship, but when they saw Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin leaving alone, they were not jealous, but rather worried.

And why did Zhao Xiaomin feel so bad, instead of going to see a doctor, she secretly went up to the roof with Su Nan.

Lu Ying thought about it a lot.

In the next class, Su Nan was absent because Chu Xi asked him for leave.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After one class, Lu Ying deliberately dragged a girl in the same class to the corridor to chat, and at the same time she secretly paid attention to the situation on the other side of the stairs.

After a while, she saw Zhao Xiaomin coming out of the toilet and walking towards the class.

When passing by, Lu Ying noticed that Zhao Xiaomin's face was a little rosy, and although her walking posture looked normal, it gave off an inexplicably strange feeling.

After Zhao Xiaomin entered the classroom, Lu Ying found Su Nan coming down the stairs, and he returned to the class as if nothing had happened.

Lu Ying felt strange, thinking that Zhao Xiaomin had a seizure just now, and Su Nan was trying to make her ashamed?

For the next day, she was a little distracted, thinking about it all the time, her face was flushed sometimes, and sometimes she was entangled.

After school in the afternoon, Lu Ying sat on the seat and did her homework. Tomorrow is the weekend and she is not free, so she wants to finish her homework first.

Two days ago, she had already mentioned to Su Nan about letting him have dinner at home, but Su Nan disagreed, but after she made some tricks, Su Nan didn't hold on for a long time and was defeated.

Giving up some reserve, she can make good use of her own advantages and take advantage of Su Nan's guilt towards herself.

The classmates in the class greeted each other and left, and the classroom was soon emptied. Lu Ying also noticed that Chuxi was looking for Su Nan from the corner of her eyes, but she didn't pay too much attention and concentrated on doing her homework.

A whisper came into his ears.

Lu Ying raised her eyebrows, looked back subconsciously, was startled, and saw Chu Xi sitting sideways on Su Nan's lap, hugging his neck and kissing, while Su Nan looked a little confused.

It was the first time that Lu Ying was taken aback when she saw Chu Xi being so active, but seeing Su Nan was about to come over, she quickly sat upright, but she couldn't concentrate on her homework anymore.

Logically speaking, Chu Xi is a very sensible person, but she seems to be sending bugs to Su Nan now?

Lu Ying thought strangely.

She instinctively felt something was wrong, could it be...

She thought of something, didn't look back, and continued to listen.

Su Nan whispered strangely, "Chu Xi, what are you doing all of a sudden?"

Chu Xi said in a trembling voice, "Come with me."

She grabbed Su Nan's hand and led him to walk outside the class, but her feet went limp after just a few steps and she almost fell down.

Su Nan quickly supported her with quick eyes and hands, with a worried look on her face: "Are you okay?"

"Take the bathroom." Chu Xi begged for mercy.

Then Su Nan helped her away.

Lu Ying no longer cared about doing her homework, and hurriedly followed her out, thinking in her heart, is Chu Xi suffering from an illness?And Su Nan didn't seem to know.

She needs to make sure.

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