When I walked outside, I happened to see Su Nan helping Chu Xi into the women's toilet. It wasn't long after school, and there were still people in some classrooms. Su Nan was so bold.

Lu Ying didn't think it was Su Nan's attention, it should be Chu Xi's request, and it was more like Chu Xi's request when he lost his mind.

Is this the so-called feeling uncomfortable without being ashamed? It actually made Chu Xi, who was very cold in the impression, turn into this silvery look.

Obviously there is still an activity room to go to, and at worst the roof, but Chu Xi insisted on taking Su Nan to take her into the women's bathroom at great risk, probably because he couldn't bear it.

Lu Ying was in a complicated mood, she swallowed her saliva, and quietly followed into the women's toilet.

As soon as she came in, she heard a sound, a very slight sound, as if something was being undone, and then the sound of a zipper.

Lu Yingqiao blushed, hesitated for a moment, then gritted her silver teeth, and entered the next door where the voice came from.

She was very careful and closed the door gently, the neighbor was too irrational to hear any sound.

After closing the door, Lu Ying held her breath and listened carefully to every move next door, her body trembled slightly, feeling like a thief.

There was no sound coming, and Su Nan seemed to be so nervous that she lost her voice. After all, this is a women's toilet.

But after Lu Ying listened carefully, she still caught a tiny sound, as if the person next door was moving very carefully, licking something.

Lu Ying is not a blank slate, after Su Nan's training, she understood a lot of things, her pretty face blushed all of a sudden, and she felt incredible. Was this really something Chu Xi could do?

Between the compartment and the compartment, the following is interlinked.

At this time, there was a devilish voice in Lu Ying's heart, urging her to witness this incident with her own eyes.

By coincidence, Lu Ying squatted down and lowered her head to take a look. A pair of male feet stood outside, and a girl squatted inside.

The two seem to face each other.

this pose...

Lu Ying made up the picture in her mind. While the roots of her ears were burning, she felt a little bitter in her heart. This feeling was really uncomfortable, and she was so stupid that she insisted on finding guilt for herself.

She wanted to go out, but she was worried about making noises to attract attention, so she held back. If she was discovered at this time, it would definitely be embarrassing.

The two people next door seemed to realize that there was no one in the women's bathroom, so their voices increased a little, and Lu Ying who was next to them heard the voice more clearly.

At a certain moment, the voice stopped, and Lu Ying subconsciously felt a little doubt, that time she and Su Nan were like this, but Su Nan was not so fast.

At this time, footsteps came from the next door, and the two seemed to be changing positions. Could it be...

Soon the sound came, it was the sound of collisions.

Lu Ying listened in dismay, the bitterness in her heart became even stronger.

"Chu Xi, what happened to you? Suddenly..."

After Su Nan spoke, Lu Ying subconsciously pricked up her ears.

"No...stop!" Chu Xi spat out a few words with difficulty, just like a jade girl.

The sound paused for a while, then suddenly accelerated, like a violent storm.

However, Lu Ying cheered up. At this time, because Chu Xi wanted to feel ashamed, he desperately seduced Su Nan to bully him. Su Nan didn't know it at all, and he was also surprised by this, and even distressed.

It's just that he is a healthy boy, facing the seduction of Chu Xi, who is usually so cold and arrogant, it is impossible not to be impulsive.

The indifferent girl turned into a charming girl uncharacteristically, trying to please her in every possible way. This contrast doubles her attraction to boys.

Therefore, it is normal for Su Nan to be unable to refuse Chu Xi.

Lu Ying felt a bit of comfort in her heart, but the voice from next door still made her feel ashamed, her slender legs were tightly close together, trembling slightly, but it was too late for her to leave at this time, she could only go out after they finished leaving.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Ying felt that she was dying, and the movement next door turned into the sound of nervously tidying clothes.

Trembling, she took out her mobile phone to check the time. Forty minutes had passed. During this period, someone came from the women's room, and the voice from the next door only became weaker.

After a while, the door next door opened, and Su Nan seemed to help the weak-footed Chu Xi to go out.

Lu Ying spat secretly, and her feet went limp.

After resting for a while, Lu Ying opened the door and pretended to walk out naturally.

On the other side, Su Nan helped Chu Xi back to the classroom, and put her on the seat to sit and rest.

Chu Xi didn't have the face to see anyone, so he buried his face in his arms, blushing.

Su Nan was a little confused, and then he thought of something, left the classroom, and went back outside the women's toilet.

At this moment, Lu Ying had just come out from the inside and bumped into Su Nan who was guarding outside. She was startled, and stepped back guiltily to look at Su Nan, who had a complicated expression on her face.

Five hundredth Chapter 16 showdown, can the truth be conveyed

Su Nan looked at the squad leader with a complicated expression. When he was still in the women's toilet, he got over the initial tension. When he was united with Chu Xi's soul and flesh, he heard a slight gasp beside him.

His body has been strengthened countless times, and all aspects have been strengthened to an astonishing level, and his outstanding ear power is very keen to catch the voice next to him.

At that time, he reminded Chu Xi to let her stop, but Chu Xi didn't know why he didn't take it seriously, but instead pulled him to linger in every possible way, and he was full of charm.

He also lacked concentration and was entangled to no avail. He also thought that the girl next door was eavesdropping, but he felt a surge of excitement in his heart, and he simply cooperated with Chu Xi.

After it was over, he brought Chu Xi back to the classroom. The more Su Nan thought about it, the more something was wrong. Normal girls would sneak away when they encountered such a thing. No one would be bored and eavesdrop for more than half an hour.

He didn't even make a sound during the period, suppressed his breathing, and there was no sound in the women's toilet before entering, and he was in a state of no one.

Therefore, Su Nan thought that he was being followed, maybe even an acquaintance.

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