Zhao Junmin did have an attack, but it wasn't like Su Nan thought that she would pretend to fall on purpose.

She had already been punished twice, and when she felt uncomfortable, she felt like she was going to collapse. In addition, she didn't pay attention, so she fell down unexpectedly.

Well, Su Nan quickly supported her, otherwise she would definitely fall into the steamer, burn her face, and maybe disfigure her face.

Lying in Su Nan's arms at this time, Zhao Junmin felt very at ease.

She hugged Su Nan involuntarily with both hands, writhing in his arms as if in heat.

Zhao Junmin was soberly aware of what she was doing, and felt very ashamed, but what the shame brought was a feeling of refreshment all over her body, which relieved the discomfort.

It doesn't matter if she leaves for a while, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't leave.

She foolishly stayed in Su Nan's arms, but she was a little anxious in her heart. Su Nan would be upset by her abnormal behavior. After all, he suspected that he liked his sister, and would he mistakenly think that he did this to destroy the relationship between him and his sister? What about feelings?

Just when she was so worried, she heard Su Nan asking with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Junmin's ears burned, her bones became softer, her heart became flustered, and she couldn't think about why Su Nan talked to herself so close, and she whispered so softly, she opened her mouth and said, "I... twisted it."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she regretted it. This is flat ground, and she didn't step on anything. How could she sprain her foot? Su Nan would definitely be suspicious of such a lame excuse.

However, what I didn't expect was that Su Nan's expression was weird for a moment, and then he put on a worried expression and asked, "It's serious?"

Seeing that Su Nan didn't question herself, Zhao Junmin breathed a sigh of relief, but she could only bite the bullet and lie: "Well, it hurts, and I can't even stand still."

Su Nan said nervously: "Really? Show me how serious it is. I can massage. If it doesn't work, I'll press it for you."

As he said that, he was about to squat down to watch, Zhao Junmin was taken aback, and quickly hugged him tightly, shaking his head repeatedly: "No, my feet are weak, you can't let go of me, you need to hold him tighter..."

There is ambiguity in these words, Zhao Junmin didn't know what to think of, her pretty face flushed slightly, but she couldn't care less about it, she couldn't let Su Nan find out that her feet were not injured, and at the same time, the uncomfortable feeling came over her, making her short of breath, unwilling to Leaving Su Nan's embrace.

Su Nan had her own considerations, and said seriously: "I can't even stand upright, what should I do if the root cause of the disease falls. Be good, you go and sit there, and I will show you your feet."

Su Nan understood that Zhao Junmin had a seizure at this time, and the so-called sprained foot was probably fake.He has decided to take the initiative to help these girls suffering from shame disease, and Zhao Junmin's painful appearance made him unbearable, and he hoped to relieve her pain quickly.

Following Su Nan's finger, Zhao Junmin saw the clean cabinet, and now she had no reason to refuse, and nodded bravely.

Then she thought that she was going to sit on top of the cabinet, while Su Nan squatted down to show her feet. Today she specially wore a small skirt, and when Su Nan looked up, she would see her little scenery.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Junmin's body was so soft to the bone that she became weaker and weaker. She was gently hugged by Su Nan and walked around, and was gently placed on the cabinet to sit.

As soon as she sat down, Zhao Junmin's limp and boneless body leaned back, and she hurriedly put her hands behind her back to barely support it. Looking down, she saw that Su Nan had already squatted down, and because she didn't pay attention, her legs were swollen. It's a bit off, very unladylike.

Zhao Junmin was so ashamed that she quickly put her legs together tightly, making them fit perfectly.

"Separate your feet." But Su Nan gently opened her hand, and she opened it obediently. She only felt that Su Nan's hand had a kind of magical power, and the feet touched by him felt numb. Spread throughout the body, unable to resist.

What's more important is that at this time, the illness broke out, and it was extremely uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the girl's reserve, and she didn't want to be underestimated by Su Nan, she would have rushed forward to do something.

After putting the girl into a position that was convenient for him, Su Nan didn't raise his head. Although he knew that he could see the alluring scenery when he raised his head, and he felt an itchy feeling in his heart, but he didn't know how far he should do it, so he endured it. Living.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Nan made a decision to start with the simpler ones. This was the first time he took the initiative, and he also had ideas for exploration and experimentation, which he had to communicate with the monitor.

Although she didn't raise her head, Su Nan could already hear the girl's heavy breathing, and her little feet were dangling mischievously in front of Su Nan, as if she would lift her up and stuff it into his mouth at any time.

Su Nan took a deep breath, grabbed Zhao Junmin's foot, and saw that her body trembled, but her foot did not move, and trembled slightly.

With the girl's tacit consent, Su Nan gently took off her shoes, revealing her delicate feet.Because I was at home, I was wearing slippers, which were easily taken off.

The small jade feet are white and tender, and they feel hot when held in the palm of the hand. The five crystal clear pearls shrink nervously, and open a little from time to time, as if tempting the fish to swallow them.

"Gulu." Su Nan swallowed, grabbed one of the girl's jade feet and rubbed it, he didn't ask about the injury of that foot, it was a completely meaningless question, all he needed was to make Zhao Junmin feel ashamed.

I don't know if it was due to the onset of the disease or other reasons. After Su Nan moved, the sound of breathing in his ears became more heavy, sometimes accompanied by a low muffled hum, but it was very weak and full of depressive feeling, as if His mouth was tightly blocked by the back of his hand.

Su Nan's mood was a little strange, and her subconscious movements became softer, like a lover's comfort.

At the same time, the familiar heightened feeling came from all over his body.

Su Nan understood that it was because Zhao Junmin began to feel ashamed, so he felt strengthened.

Because it was the first time to take the initiative to master the golden finger, Su Nan became interested, and this interest even overwhelmed the ripples in her heart.

He supported Zhao Junmin's jade feet with one hand, and acted on her jade feet with the other hand, making different degrees of probing behaviors.

The first is a little ambiguous, then the more intimate ones, and finally the fingers shuttle between the five cute little pearls.

These behaviors gave him different feelings, and the feeling of reinforcement ranged from weak to strong. The specific reason should be related to Zhao Junmin's degree of shame. The more he shamed her, the greater the degree of reinforcement he got.

And Su Nan also found out that even though his body has been strengthened to this point now, when he did these things to Zhao Junmin, even the slightest degree of shame from her gave him a good feeling of strengthening. What I did with Chuxi in the women's bathroom that day was weaker.

This made him wonder, Lu Anya should have only experienced punishment once, and before she experienced punishment, some things she did to him didn't even bring him much strengthening effect.

Combining the different feelings brought by different girls, Su Nan realized that how much his body becomes stronger depends not only on himself, but also on how many times the girls have experienced punishment.

The more times a girl has been punished, the more beneficial she will be for him.

This leads to another question, that is how many times Zhao Junmin has been punished before it can bring him such great benefits.

Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin, and Senior Sister.

According to Su Nan's knowledge, they have been punished at least three times, or even more.

However, the benefits Zhao Junmin brought to him are not much weaker than them. Doesn't it mean that Zhao Junmin has experienced punishment at least twice?

He began to think hard, recalling his recent punishment games where he couldn't tell who it was.

It has been confirmed that Qin Xiaowan and Lu Anya were punished for Yin Luandu last time, so Zhao Junmin's two punishments should be the ghost girl and the space-related punishment.

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