However, in the later comparison, Su Nan felt that the two were not the same person, Zhao Junmin was not like a ghost girl, but Qin Xiaowan was more similar.

Now Su Nan can already realize that the ghost girl looks very similar to Qin Xiaowan, but she is just an adult.

In other words, the protagonist of the space-related punishment was Zhao Junmin, and before that, Zhao Junmin should have experienced punishment once.

Su Nan didn't have time to think about that time. Just knowing that Zhao Junmin was related to that punishment, he was shocked in his heart. It turned out that he did such a crazy thing to Zhao Junmin without his knowledge, and She actually endured this kind of grievance all the time, even if she stood in front of him, she still acted as if nothing had happened.

Su Nan felt very guilty. Although he couldn't control himself at the time, it was only after he realized that it was Zhao Junmin that he realized how big a mistake he had made.

No wonder Xiao Min's behavior was so weird at the time. It turned out that she was trying to stop herself, and she and Chu Xi knew everything.


There was a muffled hum, but it was not comfortable, but full of pain.

Su Nan looked up, and found that Zhao Junmin's teeth were clenched tightly, her face was painful, it seemed that this little shame had no effect on her, and she didn't know when her legs were spread apart, as if she longed for him to peek.

Seeing that he was finally willing to stare at her, Zhao Junmin breathed a sigh of relief, but her face turned redder, and she begged softly, "Look at me, look at me..."

Su Nan took a deep look at her, feeling guilty in his heart, he couldn't bear to refuse, and he didn't want her to endure this kind of pain, so he did as he did, looking at her without blinking.

"Not enough, come closer..." The girl's voice was heavily nasal, begging bitterly.

Su Nan's heart thumped, she approached slowly, and finally put her nose on it.

Really fragrant.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Su Nan was helping Zhao Junmin to solve the problem, the three girls who were wrapping dumplings outside gradually felt something was wrong, they just went in to see if the dumplings were cooked, so it took so much time, the two of them had been in for several minutes, and the kitchen was quiet, Not a sound came out.

"Why did they go in for so long?" Qin Xiaowan asked strangely, but she didn't think about it all at once.

Chu Xi had a bad premonition in his heart, and said calmly on the surface: "I'll go and have a look."

"I'll go too." Zhao Xiaomin quickly left the unfinished dumplings and followed.

Just after the two left, Qin Xiaowan frowned and murmured to herself: "Why do you feel that everyone is weird?"

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaowan also stood up, and followed Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin without saying a word.

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin walked outside the kitchen, instead of rushing in rashly, they approached cautiously, stuck their heads out and took a look inside.

Just one glance made them blush, and they saw Zhao Junmin sitting on the cabinet, while Su Nan was kneeling below, with Zhao Junmin pressing her head, her face buried deeply.

They stayed for a while and looked at each other with complicated eyes, but they didn't rush in to stop them, and they didn't feel very angry, because they both knew why.

It must be that Jun Min had an illness, so he half seduced and half forced Su Nan to do this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, Jun Min, who is usually quiet, would have such a big attack, and Su Nan didn't refuse.

Don't say that Su Nan can't refuse, Jun Min's strength is far inferior to Su Nan, if he really doesn't want to, he can completely prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Both women were in a delicate mood, especially Zhao Xiaomin, seeing Su Nan and her sister doing such a thing, her mood was inexplicably entangled.

Chu Xi sighed, and patted her on the shoulder to express his comfort.

Zhao Xiaomin forced a smile at her, but she was already prepared, and during her sister's punishment, Su Nan had already done more extreme things, so this level is still acceptable.

After confirming that Zhao Junmin was ill, the two were about to retreat quietly, but when they turned around, they saw Qin Xiaowan quietly walking behind her on catwalks.

The complexion of the two of them changed slightly, before Qin Xiaowan could stop them, Qin Xiaowan looked past them and saw the scene in the kitchen.

The dumplings were steaming in full swing in the kitchen, and the sound of sizzling kept ringing. The girl put her legs on someone's shoulders and raised her snow-white neck.

Qin Xiaowan opened her mouth wide in shock, and was dumbfounded.

Chu Xi came back to her senses, hurried forward and took her hand to leave.

Finally, Zhao Xiaomin took another look at the kitchen, and the sizzling noise when the dumplings were steaming became louder, she spat secretly, and hurried away.

Finally, the legs on the shoulders slid down feebly, and Su Nan knew that the matter was settled. He stood up a little unsatisfied, went to the sink and turned on the faucet, washed his face, and rinsed his mouth.

After finishing all this, looking back, Zhao Junmin was resting on the cabinet like a dead fish, her legs stretched out, the space between her legs was a mess, and she looked weak.

Su Nan walked up to her and patted her delicate face. Zhao Junmin opened her blurred eyes. When she saw him, her eyes widened instantly, and then they closed suddenly as if she was frightened. The flushed face flushed again. The first layer looks delicate and emerald.

Seeing Su Nan's heart itch, but they delayed for such a long time, people outside might have suspected it, so they didn't dare to mess around, and said in a low voice: "I'll go out and find an excuse to deal with them first, and you should hurry up."

Without waiting for the girl to agree, Su Nan left quickly.

After a while, Zhao Junmin opened her eyes. Thinking of what she had done just now, she felt ashamed. It was really shameless for her to do such a thing. What would Su Nan think of herself?

Then she thought that Su Nan was cooperating with her and trying so hard to please her, a strange feeling suddenly emerged in her flustered and shy heart.

After a while, Zhao Junmin remembered that her sister and others were still outside, so she hurriedly propped up her weak body and came down from the cabinet. She felt that her legs were limp and weak. The item is pulled into the skirt.

After her heartbeat calmed down, she took out the steamed dumplings and let the raw ones in to continue steaming. Then she took a deep breath and walked out.

Su Nan, her sister and others sat around the dining table making dumplings, talking and laughing in harmony.

Zhao Junmin's high-hanging heart fell to the ground lightly, she walked over and sat down calmly, and continued to make dumplings.

I don't know what excuse Su Nan used, but it seems that everyone has no doubts?

Although her sister promised her that she was willing to share Su Nan, her sister would not be angry if she did that kind of thing with Su Nan in such an emergency, but Zhao Junmin still lacked confidence and did not want her sister to know what happened just now.

Thinking about these complicated things, Qin Xiaowan suddenly heard Qin Xiaowan asking herself: "Why is your face so red?"

Zhao Junmin's hands trembled, and the dumpling almost fell.

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