Su Nan glanced at Qin Xiaowan and said, "It's too hot and stuffy inside. There was a little problem just now, so we got busy."

Although it seemed that the two of them stayed in the kitchen for a long time just now, it was actually only a few minutes. The licking was comfortable, and it completely solved the problem for her.

Maybe it was because the girl owned the dog licking bar for the first time, so she was satisfied very quickly. It only took a few minutes before and after, so Su Nan was able to fool the past so easily.

Of course, these are all what he thinks, he doesn't know that all the things he did to Zhao Junmin have been seen.

As soon as Su Nan said this, the four girls were silent at the same time for a rare moment, and he subconsciously felt something was wrong.

Zhao Xiaomin woke up like a dream, and echoed with a smile: "Yeah, I was sweating when I went in before, and it was really hot. By the way, Chuxi, can we finish making so many dumplings?"

Zhao Xiaomin quickly changed the subject.

Chu Xi said with a blank expression: "If you can't finish eating, put it in the refrigerator for breakfast tomorrow. There are five of us here. We should call the senior sister over to eat together later. It should be about the same."

The two had a conversation, and everyone chatted. Not long after, Zhan Weiling came, and the dumplings were all steamed, and everyone began to eat dumplings.

After eating enough, Chu Xi cut open a big watermelon, and everyone sat together to eat the watermelon again.

Seeing that everyone was behaving normally, Su Nan felt relieved. It seemed that no one had noticed what happened just now.

He didn't notice that Qin Xiaowan was too silent tonight, but with Qin Xiaowan's thoughts on him, it is normal to be silent when facing his other women at this time.

After chatting until after eight o'clock, Zhan Weiling took the first step. She didn't go to study by herself tonight, but the task of studying at home is still heavy.

Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan also returned home, but after Su Nan took a shower in the bathroom, Qin Xiaowan sneaked out again and went back to the next door.

"What's the matter with them?"

Qin Xiaowan put her hands on her waist, and questioned Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin with an unhappy face. At this time, Zhao Junmin hid in the room to rest because of the previous incident, and did not notice her coming.

The two women looked at each other, and Chu Xi asked lightly, "What's going on?"

Qin Xiaowan's face flushed, and she said angrily, "It's what the two of them did in the kitchen just now, don't try to hide it from me, I know it and I saw it. Zhao Xiaomin, what on earth are you thinking? My own sister hooked up together."

After venting, she looked at Zhao Xiaomin with a puzzled face.

Zhao Xiaomin spread her hands and sighed, "I can't help it. My sister likes him. What can I do? I can only be satisfied."

"You still want to lie to me? I don't believe it. You are so generous, why do you..." Qin Xiaowan originally wanted to say why you didn't come to discuss with me about being a Su Nan woman, but this was weird, so she held back, But she still stared at Zhao Xiaomin angrily, insisting on her giving an answer.

Qin Xiaowan looked like she would not give up without asking, Zhao Xiaomin could only look at Chuxi helplessly.

Chu Xi was silent for a moment, and said, "Xiao Wan, you know that we are the same kind."

Qin Xiaowan's eyes panicked: "What, what nonsense are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"I have seen your photo album." Chu Xi said.

Qin Xiaowan blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Chu Xi said: "Since we are all facing the same problem, let's get straight to the point. Sister Xiao Min is our kind. She was infected by Xiao Min. She was ill just now, and Su Nan is helping her."

Qin Xiaowan had no time to be shy, she stared dumbfounded at the two girls in front of her, she was so shocked that her disease was contagious, and Zhao Xiaomin even passed it on to her sister!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qin Xiaowan returned home with a face full of disappointment, sitting on the sofa in a daze, thinking that her own strange disease could be transmitted to others, and there are so many people suffering from the strange disease.

This means that there will be more and more vixens around Su Nan in the future.

At present, she finds it very difficult to deal with Chu Xi and others, not to mention that when the number of people reaches a certain level, there may be shameless women who don't want to seduce Su Nan, but she has no good way to stop them. After all, after stopping it, it will cause the other party to enter the punishment link, which will be even worse.

Could it be that he wants to share Su Nan with countless women?

Can this damn strange disease be cured?

Qin Xiaowan was a little disheartened.

Then she thought about the issue of infectious diseases again, and couldn't help but feel upset. Would she infect her mother? No, she must not be here next time. We can discuss things on the phone.

Although Chu Xi said that the infection mechanism is a bit strange, it may be that something parasitic on himself and others is actively looking for targets, but Qin Xiaowan has to guard against it, mother and daughter are so bad.

When Su Nan came out of the shower, she saw this little girl sitting on the sofa in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

He cautiously stepped forward and asked with concern: "Are you in a bad mood?"

Qin Xiaowan glanced at him and waved her hands weakly: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired all of a sudden."

Probably referring to learning?

By the way, Xiao Wan is a third-year junior high school girl, and she will take the senior high school entrance examination next semester, so it's normal for her to be under a lot of study pressure.

After thinking about it, Su Nan said: "How about I help you with tutoring, anyway, I'm free, so just ask me if you don't understand anything about your studies."

Recently, his memory is getting better and better, and the knowledge in junior high school can't help him.

Qin Xiaowan cheered up. She knew that Su Nan had misunderstood, but she didn't explain it. Although the news she heard from Chu Xi made her a little bit shocked, it also aroused her competitive spirit. Even if she couldn't change anything, at least She also wants to hold Su Nan's heart tightly.

"Okay." She nodded seriously, and said again: "Then let's start now."

"Now?" Su Nan was stunned, it was too soon, and he wanted to go back and update a chapter of his street novel.

"Can't you?" Qin Xiaowan said pitifully, her big watery eyes covered with mist.

No matter how ignorant she is, after living with Su Nan for so long, she has more or less grasped Su Nan's interest. Su Nan likes to see girls who are cute in contrast, such as a cold woman suddenly licking him, although he is vigilant , but I must be secretly happy in my heart.

For a girl character like her who is usually regarded as indifferent, Su Nan will definitely be tempted by her appearance of crying.

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