Plus feeling threatened, Qin Xiaowan naturally seduced Su Nan.

Su Nan is indeed a little tempted, not only thinks that Qin Xiaowan's appearance is very cute at the moment, but also realizes that this girl whom he regards as his younger sister has already completely occupied her, and also More than once.

Recalling the charm of the ghost girl and the recent experience of punishment, Su Nan's heart felt hot.

After the change of mind, Su Nan did not avoid the ambiguity initiated by the little girl this time, but instead touched her head with a gentle smile, "Of course, I can't wait for it, come with me."

After speaking, Su Nan walked towards the room.

Qin Xiaowan looked at his back in surprise, frowned slightly, and felt that Su Nan's behavior was a bit strange, but it was a good thing for her, so she didn't think about it, and happily stood up and followed Su Nan into the room.

In the room, after Qin Xiaowan asked Su Nan a few questions, she finally confirmed that Su Nan's attitude towards her had indeed changed a little, and she did not treat her purely as a younger sister. When it comes to appreciation, it’s the way men appreciate women.

This made her feel very pleasantly surprised, secretly thinking that Su Nan's elm head had finally opened up, and at the same time, it also made her restless heart calm down.

In the past, Su Nan always treated her as a younger sister, but she was so worried about her. Now that she finally saw the dawn, how could she be unhappy.

Qin Xiaowan decided to pursue the victory, put down the pen, and said, "I'm going to take a bath first."

"Well, let's go, I'll write a novel for a while." Su Nan waved his hand, sat in front of the computer and turned on the computer.

Qin Xiaowan was a little curious about what novel he was writing, but it was important to execute the plan at this time, so she went out of the room, went back to her room, opened the closet, and picked out the clothes to wear next.

sexy miniskirt?

Winning underwear?

No, it's too obvious.

In the end, Qin Xiaowan decided to dress up more everyday, a T-shirt that was so loose that anyone could see Yuexiong casually, and a pair of shorts that covered the buttocks so short that they only reached the base of her thighs.

Get it done.

After taking a bath, she stood in front of the mirror wearing this outfit. First, she turned her back and looked at her buttocks through the mirror.

Qin Xiaowan smiled, faced the mirror again, and pulled the left side of the T-shirt to reveal her delicate and fair shoulders. She felt a little ashamed inexplicably, so she bit her lips, revealing a style that didn't belong to her age inadvertently.

She nodded with satisfaction. This outfit was ordinary on the surface, but it was what was revealed inadvertently that made her even more tempting.

In fact, she often wears this dress at home, but she wears it less recently after sleeping with Su Nan, so Su Nan won't find it strange to stand in front of Su Nan like this.

Patting her slightly swollen chest, Qin Xiaowan took a deep breath to calm herself down. After her heartbeat calmed down, she went out of the bathroom and returned to Su Nan's room.

Su Nan was writing his street novel at this time, and when she saw her back, she closed the file and gave up her place.

There is only one desk in his room with a computer on it. Qin Xiaowan can only sit in front of the computer if she wants to study in this room.

"Let's start." Qin Xiaowan walked over and sat down with a normal expression, opened the textbook, and asked Su Nan to teach him what he didn't understand.

Because she was sitting, when asking questions, Su Nan often had to bend down, read through the difficult points she didn't understand, and then teach her.

But after bending over, he saw something he shouldn't have seen. This girl was sitting cross-legged on a chair. The smooth big moon back touched his back, giving off an amazing slippery feeling. The short pants bounced because of her posture. more advanced.

That's all. After Su Nan lowered his head, his eyes were drawn away by the scenery leaked from Qin Xiaowan's chest. Although the scale is small, he is not very picky. Too many relationships, not outsiders.

Thinking of the intermittent period of punishment, the tenderness and charm, enthusiasm and obedience she showed at that time, all made him feel moved, and the ripples in his heart just rippled like this, and he couldn't calm down anymore.

Qin Xiaowan pretended to ask a question, but always paid attention to Su Nan's performance, and when he noticed his unruly gaze, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

She gritted her teeth lightly, and continued to pursue the victory, swaying her body slightly, moving forward and backward, while Su Nan's eyes followed her all the time, and secretly swallowed.

Qin Xiaowan's body softened, and her breathing unknowingly became rapid. While she was happy, she also thought regretfully in her heart that it would be better if she was bigger, and the phenomenon of moon swing would appear when she swayed her body. more seductive.

However, being small has its advantages, she is not the kind of girl who makes people think of that aspect when they see it, but this is also her advantage, who doesn't like cute girls.

Biting her lip, Qin Xiaowan pretended to tilt her body inadvertently, her clothes slipped off, revealing her delicate and lovely shoulders.

And Su Nan's eyes suddenly drifted over to stare.

Qin Xiaowan threw down the pen, leaned back on the chair and sighed: "I'm so tired."

Su Nan forced herself to look away, and persuaded: "It's almost the same, don't sit in the same position for too long, get up and exercise."

Qin Xiaowan pursed her lips and raised her hand, rubbed her exposed shoulder lightly, and said, "I don't want to move after taking a shower. It's not good to sweat afterward. Hey, I don't know why my shoulder is a little stiff recently."

Gently rubbing the same white and delicate shoulders with her white and tender palms, she suddenly shifted Su Nan's gaze, and said, "I told you not to sit for too long, and exercise regularly."

"No, you'll sweat." Qin Xiaowan disliked it.

Su Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't dislike you when I sleep at night."

She glanced at him, but Qin Xiaowan was secretly happy. Su Nan would not say such things to her in normal times. This is a very important change.

She put her hand down and sighed: "Your hand is tired, rub it for me."

Su Nan glanced at her fragrant shoulder and said with a smile, "You're so lazy."

"I'm not lazy, have you ever seen yourself rubbing your shoulders?" Qin Xiaowan said unhappily.

"Okay, it's my fault." Su Nan raised his hand in surrender, and then naturally put his hand on Qin Xiaowan's fragrant shoulder. The smooth touch made his heart beat unexpectedly, and then he pretended to press it lightly.

Qin Xiaowan, who seemed indifferent on the surface, blushed slightly, and turned her face away to prevent Su Nan from discovering her embarrassment.

Really, I often put Su Nan down for research at night, why am I so shy at this time.

But I don't know if it's because Su Nan is awake, his initiative, even though it's just a simple massage, also makes Qin Xiaowan's bones soften, and a slight numbness travels all over his body from the place he touched, paralyzing Her body, fascinated by her consciousness.

Qin Xiaowan's eyes blurred, and she said softly, "There are still thighs..."

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