Su Nan thought about these things in his mind.

On the other side, Su Nan didn't go to the school forest after school, and Shu Baoer, who trot all the way over, felt a little disappointed.

"Shu Bao, you're here." Li Gongting saw her and shouted with a smile, then walked towards Shu Bao'er, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Just in time, Su Nan isn't here today, so I'll teach you how to guard against wolves Let's do it, you are weak and weak, you can't even run away when you meet a pervert."

Shu Baoer dissatisfied: "What, do you underestimate me? I exercise regularly and have abdominal muscles."

There were no boys around, so she boldly lifted up her clothes to reveal her belly, with a smug look on her face.

Li Gongting smiled and said: "You are a showman, but it is not useful, I don't know, every time I make your legs weak, I'll teach you two tricks, to ensure that you can turn back when you meet a pervert. Push him."

"Okay." Shu Bao'er sighed. Senior sister's words are still so easy to be misunderstood, and then she asked nonchalantly: "By the way, senior sister, is there anything uncomfortable for you today? For example, I miss someone very much."

"No, but does being uncomfortable have anything to do with missing someone?" Li Gongting was puzzled.

"Oh, I'm just asking casually." Shu Bao'er said, but there was a hint of deep thought in her eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Came to Lu Anya's house again.

Standing at the door of the house, when Lu Ying was taking out the key to open the door, Su Nan was a little nervous, thinking about how he would face Lu Anya when he saw her later.

He already knew that Lu Anya's previous series of debauched behaviors were due to the impact of the last punishment, and the excessive amount of money made her unable to hold back in front of him.

But since that time, some time has passed, and the impact of punishment has passed. These days, Lu Anya has never appeared in front of him again. She should regret what she did during her irrational period.

The reason why I suddenly want to see myself recently is because I have figured it out, or after experiencing punishment, it is difficult to shame myself in a normal way, so I can't wait to see myself.

Thinking about these things, Su Nan immediately wondered if Lu Anya had a seizure today, it was already evening, if it happened, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Lu Ying opened the door with the key, put her hand on the doorknob, and looked back to see Su Nan's thinking expression.

She seemed to know what Su Nan was thinking, and said: "I wanted to bring you back at noon, but my aunt is not free at noon. Since she didn't call me to cancel the appointment, it should be because she didn't have an attack."

Lu Ying's tone was ordinary, as if she didn't care about the matter between him and Lu Anya, but Su Nan's expression was embarrassing, with ghosts in her heart, and she didn't reply.

"Come in, I can smell the aroma of food." Lu Ying said jealously, she didn't know if she was jealous of Su Nan or her aunt.

She opened the door and walked in first.

Su Nan sighed slightly in his heart, he had to face it all the time, so he no longer hesitated, and stepped in.

The strong cooking smell of ingredients wafted out from the kitchen, and the sound of "dangdang" came from the kitchen.Hearing the sound of the door opening, the person inside leaned out half of his body, turned his eyes to Su Nan's face and stared at it for a while, and said with a leisurely smile: "Xiao Nan, here you come, sit down first, I can eat as soon as I fry this dish Yes. Xiaoying, sit with Xiaonan for a while."

After finishing speaking, he shrank back, and then the "dang dang" continued to ring.

"Your aunt is good at cooking?" Su Nan turned to Lu Ying who was stunned aside, and asked, intending to say something to relieve her embarrassment.

Lu Ying nodded: "It's okay, but I'm too lazy and often order takeaway."

"You can't cook?" Su Nan asked.

Lu Yingqiao blushed, and suddenly stammered: "I just...don't have time to learn this, I will learn it when I have time during the holidays."

"If you don't, you won't. Is it necessary to spend time learning? Many girls nowadays can't cook, and no one will tell you if you don't like it."

Su Nan was very puzzled. He didn't know how to cook at this age. He probably didn't learn it before. He thought it was unnecessary or he didn't like it. Thinking about the monitor's family, it was understandable. Now he suddenly said that he wanted to learn. Could it be? Feeling underestimated, unable to hold back your face and being stubborn?It's not necessary at all.

Lu Ying glared at him, and said coldly, "Sit down first, I'll get you a glass of water." She turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Su Nan realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, so she sat down first and turned her head to think about how to remedy it.

After a while, Lu Ying came over with a glass of water, bent down and put it on the tea table in front of him. Su Nan took the opportunity to say, "I lived alone before, and I'm good at cooking. If you're interested, I can teach you."

Well, let's take it as the monitor's repayment for doing things for him, Su Nan thought so, but his eyes were fixed on the plump snow that leaked from the neckline in front of him, shaking slightly, and the snow traces were unfathomable. Ripple up.

But the squad leader bent down and listened to his words, and was stunned for a moment, and just maintained this posture, with the scenery from the neckline leaking out, making people dazzled.

Noticing Su Nan's unruly gaze, Lu Yingxue blushed, she quickly raised her hand to cover her neckline, stood up straight calmly, and turned her eyes to other places unnaturally, feeling her cheeks were very hot.

She was embarrassed to look directly at Su Nan, and felt that it was too strange not to speak, Su Nan was asking herself.

"Cough..." She coughed dryly to cover up her embarrassment, and said in a clear and sweet voice, "Thank you."

A simple thank you, didn't say yes or no, Su Nan was a little uncertain, but she didn't have the nerve to ask.

"What are you two talking about?" Lu Anya came out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes, her gaze stayed on Lu Ying's reddish face for a second, and she asked with a smile.

When my aunt suddenly appeared, Lu Ying panicked instinctively. She didn't know if she saw Su Nan peeping at her just now. With the relationship between aunt and Su Nan, even if my aunt didn't really like Su Nan, she still saw her and Su Nan. The ambiguous look between Nan may be somewhat strange in my heart.

"I asked the monitor if she can't cook, and she said yes." Su Nan replied calmly, with a faint smile on her face, as if she was laughing at the monitor for not being able to cook, which made the monitor blush .

Lu Anya didn't think too much about it. She knew that her niece was arrogant, so she joked: "Xiaoying's study is still important now, don't be distracted by other things. Besides, my Xiaoying is so delicate and cute. It's too late for her hand to hurt, that bastard has the heart to let her cook for herself."

Su Nan smiled wryly in her heart, and then planned to teach the class monitor to teach her cooking skills, which made her an asshole.

"The rice is ready, let's eat." Lu Ying was afraid that her aunt would say something strange, so she hurriedly stopped them from talking, her rosy cheeks were slightly flushed, which made Su Nan feel a little strange.

During the meal, Lu Ying and Lu Anya sat opposite her, and Su Nan felt that someone kicked her calf lightly.

He looked up at Lu Anya, thinking that it should be her, she doesn't look like she's having a seizure, she's so active, did she figure it out, intends to get closer to him, maintain an ambiguous relationship, so that it's easier to contact him in future seizures.

Lu Anya ate with her head down, as if she noticed that he was looking at her, she raised her head and smiled at him.

Su Nan lowered her head and continued to eat, and then felt her calf being kicked again. This time, the other party took her jade feet covered in socks and gently kicked his calf through his trousers. .

Do you think you dare not mess around by provoking yourself like this?

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