Recalling the several times of in-depth contact with Lu Anya, Su Nan's heart thumped, and she clamped her legs, clamping that petite and lovely jade foot.

Sudden by this kind of attack, Xiao Yuzu turned into a bunny and struggled in a panic, but did not dare to move too much, trembling slightly, shy and nervous.

Su Nan raised her head with a smile, and looked at Lu Anya triumphantly. Unexpectedly, Lu Anya showed a little puzzled expression when she saw his eyes.

Su Nan was slightly stunned, and ate quietly, but her eyes turned to the squad leader with her head bowed and her ears flushed.She noticed that she was looking at her, took a moment to stare at herself, and spoke silently with her lips.

"Bastard, let go!"

Su Nan let go of her feet, and Xiao Yuzu fled immediately.

It can be seen that the squad leader breathed a sigh of relief, glared at himself again, and then winked, indicating to wait and enter the kitchen.

Su Nan sweated secretly, knowing that she had misunderstood, the squad leader probably wanted to discuss things with herself while going to the kitchen.

After dinner, Lu Anya was about to pack her things, but Lu Ying stood up courteously, said with a smile on her face, "Auntie, you have worked so hard to cook for us, leave the dishes to me."

She packed things quickly.

Lu Anya's heart moved, she nodded with a smile, but she thought in her heart that Xiao Ying is really sensible, leaving space for herself and Xiao Nan to be alone, but how should she face Xiao Nan.

She couldn't figure it out for a while, and she became inexplicably nervous, with a touch of shyness deep in her heart.

When Lu Ying entered the kitchen and only she and Su Nan were sitting face to face, Lu Anya's pretended calm immediately disappeared, she sat coyly opposite Su Nan, her heart was beating wildly, her face turned pink involuntarily Guang Guang, facing this little man who robbed her of her innocence, she felt shy and wanted to run away.

Looking at her suddenly beautiful face, Su Nan felt a strange feeling in her heart. Recalling the only three times she had contact with her, the style and charm were deeply engraved in her mind. Su Nan took a deep breath and said, "I'll give it to you." The monitor will help."

After he finished speaking, he quickly slipped away, but Lu Anya breathed a sigh of relief, and lightly patted her swollen chest with her palm, thinking sadly, this is unbearable, how can she take effective action if she has an attack later.

But when it happens, sanity will fade, so... it should be fine.

In the kitchen, Lu Ying was washing the dishes. Su Nan walked up to her, raised his finger and lightly touched her upper arm, only felt his fingertips touched the elastic flesh and sank into it. He put down his hand a little unnaturally, and whispered Ask: "Wait what am I going to do?"

After all, she is Lu Ying's aunt, and she has an ambiguous relationship with Lu Ying, so Su Nan decided to ask her opinion, so as not to overdo it later and make this partner unhappy.

Noticing Su Nan's unnatural behavior after touching her, although Lu Ying was shy in her heart, there was a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth. Su Nan has several girlfriends, and she has done everything she should do with them. This first-timer-like performance made her feel special.

Suppressing the ripples in her heart, Lu Ying immediately remembered something, and asked lightly: "The last two times you came to my house and hid in the room with my aunt, what did you do?"

Su Nan's heart tightened, and she didn't keep her composure. She just sighed and said, "I knew you wanted to know. Forget it, it's okay to tell you. Who told us that we are a cooperative relationship."

Unexpectedly, Su Nan would see through what she was thinking, Lu Ying's face slowly turned red, but she pricked up her ears to listen.

Su Nan said: "At that time, she should have had a fit. She lifted her clothes and bit her hem, showing her body. She was playing games like this. She was still blocking the door, staring at me threateningly. I didn't dare to speak out, worrying that you might misunderstand something, so I had to Concentrate on playing the game."

"Concentrate?" Lu Ying seemed to be skeptical.

Su Nan said embarrassingly: "Of course it's impossible to concentrate all my energy. In that case, your aunt keeps teasing me. It's impossible for me not to take a look."

"Hmph, you're smart." Lu Ying was very satisfied that Su Nan didn't hide it from her, she smiled, and then said: "Then it's better to use this method later, you can watch, but you must not do anything!"

She blushed and warned sternly.

Su Nan hurriedly agreed, thinking that now that Lu Anya has returned to her senses, she shouldn't do anything like push him when playing games like last time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Asking Su Nan to go out first, Lu Ying slowly washed the dishes with a gloomy expression on her face. Although she had already made up her mind, she still felt entangled when things came to an end.

However, she couldn't think of any good solution at the moment, so she had to follow the original plan.

Speaking of it, Su Nan didn't need to cooperate with her at all, he could completely throw her away if he knew the truth of the matter, and he could handle it by himself.

Su Nan didn't do this, she was already very considerate of her own feelings, she shouldn't think too much, besides, my aunt was just being looked at by him, and she couldn't lose a lot of meat.

Thinking about it, Lu Ying felt inexplicably more relaxed.

Wiping off the water stains on her hands, Lu Ying returned to the living room and saw her aunt and Su Nan sitting on the sofa facing the TV, watching the news broadcast on the TV seriously, no one spoke, their faces were serious, as if they were concerned about the country It's like a big deal.

Lu Ying smiled knowingly when she saw this, and the only bit of grievance disappeared.

She guessed that because of the outbreak, my aunt did a lot of shameful things to Su Nan, which made the relationship between them awkward and unable to get along naturally.

Unexpectedly, my aunt, who is usually generous and generous, would show such an awkward expression, Lu Ying thought it was really funny.

She walked over calmly, sat beside her aunt, and watched TV together with her arm in her arms. She could feel that her aunt's tense body finally relaxed because of her arrival.

The two chatted with a smile, because with Lu Ying around, Lu Anya was not so restrained, and would talk to Su Nan with a smile on her face from time to time, telling him not to leave in a hurry, watch TV together, and have supper at night.

And Lu Ying also echoed, nonsense, my aunt didn't have a fit, how could I let Su Nan go.

Su Nan naturally pretended to be embarrassed, and then was persuaded by the two of them.

At this time, Lu Anya became anxious, why didn't she have an attack yet, Su Nan had already left by eleven or twelve o'clock.

She still has another worry, secretly thinking about how to get Xiaoying away if it happens, by the way, it is better to let Xiaoying leave the house with an excuse now, anyway, Xiaoying also knows that she "likes" Su Nan, so she will understand herself.

"Cough..." A dry cough caught the attention of the two of them, and Lu Anya didn't care about the embarrassment she was in after Lu Ying left, so she said directly: "Xiaoying, you haven't seen your mother for a while, she has been getting old recently. Just call me and say I miss you, why don't you go to your mother's now."

Lu Ying immediately realized her aunt's reason for dismissing her. If her mother wanted to contact her, she would only call her cell phone directly. How could she talk to her aunt who had a bad relationship.

Besides, her parents have found their own new loves now, and it's too late for their honeymoon, so how could they want to see her, a burden, a light bulb.

Leaving is impossible, leaving the two of them alone, Lu Ying was worried that something would happen. After all, the punishment my aunt experienced last time seemed to have some kind of intimate relationship with Su Nan.

Lu Ying didn't have the nerve to ask Su Nan about the specific details, but she guessed that Su Nan completed the operation with the mouse in the game, or it was simply a dream of Su Nan, in which he had sex with his aunt.

It's not a serious matter if you think about it this way, can she still control Su Nan's dreams?

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