But after all, my aunt has experienced these things, and for my aunt, it really happened. My aunt can be regarded as having experience, and she will be dizzy when it happens. In addition, Su Nan is spoiled by his girlfriends. What should I do if people stick together and burn firewood?

Silently thinking about these things she worried about, facing her aunt's expectant eyes, Lu Ying pretended to be dissatisfied, "I'm very tired today, I don't want to go out, next time."

Lu Anya still thought that Lu Ying didn't understand what she meant, and really thought that she asked her to go back to see her mother.

After thinking about it, Lu Anya put on a worried expression and looked at Lu Ying: "Xiao Ying, you haven't been in a good mood recently, why don't you go back to sleep for a while, and I'll help you entertain Xiao Nan."

While speaking, she lightly pinched Lu Ying's thigh with her hand. The plump touch made Lu Anya, who is also a woman, a little envious. She wondered who Xiao Nizi would take advantage of in the future.

As if she understood what she meant, Lu Ying hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I'll go in and sleep for a while."

She said to Su Nan again: "Don't go back in a hurry, I have something to talk to you about when I wake up, um, about the New Year's Eve party."

In order to prevent my aunt from overthinking, she added something, and Su Nan nodded and agreed.

Back in the room, Lu Ying was a little worried, but there was nothing she could do. Sitting on the bed alone, she was sulking and didn't know why she was angry. It was clearly an agreement.

Suddenly, she heard a "bang" outside, as if the water glass fell to the ground.

She immediately concentrated and listened carefully to the sounds outside.

She made an agreement with Su Nan that she would leave when necessary, and if her aunt had an attack, she would ask Su Nan to make some noise to remind herself.

So, has Auntie started?

She was inexplicably nervous, got up and walked to the door to open it, but realized that she couldn't go out, so she had to lie on the door and put her ears on it, wishing she had a pair of windward ears.

Lu Anya had indeed had an attack, and Su Nan could feel that her breath suddenly became messy, her teeth were clenched tightly, her face turned red and then white, her fingers pinched her plump thighs, as if she was enduring something.

But Su Nan didn't drop the water glass, Lu Anya seemed a little nervous after Lu Ying left, she leaned forward to get the water glass on the coffee table, because of her posture, her plump breasts became more and more straight, which attracted Su Nan's attention.

Su Nan stared intently, Lu Anya noticed something, felt inexplicably ashamed, and quickly sat up straight with the water glass, but unexpectedly a sense of discomfort swept over her, making her hands and feet suddenly weak, and the water glass fell to the ground.

At first, Su Nan thought she had found him peeping at her, so he dropped the water glass in a panic, but then he realized that something was wrong, Lu Anya's expression was uncomfortable, but she looked at her longingly from the corner of her eyes, as if she wanted to pounce on her. Make him feel uneasy.

But he still turned his body around and asked concerned: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Anya didn't care about her shyness, she grabbed Su Nan's hand, pretended to be dizzy and breathed in, and said, "Suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable, Xiao Nan, please help me into the room."


Su Nan had no room to refuse, so he could only help her up and walk to the room. He had to solve the problem for Lu Anya quickly.

In addition to being uncomfortable after the attack, the strong desire to get close to Su Nan made Lu Anya abandon all her reserve, put half of her body next to Su Nan, and inadvertently squeezed Su Nan's arm with her chest, resulting in deformation.

She sighed comfortably in her heart, and the faint sense of shame made her feel satisfied.

She was not completely confused, and worried that her behavior was too deliberate, so she turned her head and glanced at Su Nan, only to find that he really seemed to think that she was not feeling well, so he carefully supported her without being distracted.

Looking at the profile of his side face, Lu Anya felt that she had softened from her body to the depths of her heart, her delicate body was becoming more and more weak against Su Nan, her nose brushed against his shoulder, and she secretly breathed his scent.

Lu Anya's starry eyes blurred.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After helping Lu Anya into the room, she seemed to be in a state of frenzy, her long limbs were wrapped around her body, hanging on her body like a koala.

Fortunately, Su Nan is strong and strong, otherwise she would really lose her footing if caught off guard.

But at this time, his feelings were not much better. The mature woman Feng Yun's body was so close to him, she hung all her weight on her body, and all she could smell was the fragrance of her body, and the plump touch was even more so. It made his heart beat faster, and subconsciously hugged her waist, and supported her hip with the other hand to prevent her from sliding down.

Su Nan stumbled towards the bed, and felt that Lu Anya's lips had already kissed his face, as if something soft was sweeping over it, and the moist touch made his scalp numb.

After all, he is a man with a lot of vigor, and he is afraid that something will happen if he is lured down like this, and the squad leader is still eyeing him next door, so he doesn't dare to act recklessly.

Walking to the bedside, Su Nan put down the woman hanging on her body, but Lu Anya was in a critical moment, and she refused to leave him for a moment, her arms were tightly around his neck, and her plump legs were locked around his waist.

Su Nan was entangled by her and accidentally pressed down, her face seemed to be stuffed with cotton, and after taking a sip, it felt refreshing, as if there were tiny ants crawling on her heart, and there was an itchy feeling everywhere, Nervous.

At the moment when he lost his mind, Lu Anya, who longed for more intimate contact, locked him to prevent him from leaving, and moved his head to the right side of his chest, bit him through the clothes, and grabbed his other hand Put your hand on your left.

Su Nan immediately remained motionless, lying quietly on it and enjoying the taste

Suddenly there was a light coughing sound outside the door, Su Nan's scalp suddenly became tense, and he quickly broke away from Lu Anya's hands and legs to struggle away from her entanglement, took two steps back and gasped until he realized that the squad leader had no intention of breaking in. Come and breathe a sigh of relief.

He looked at Lu Anya on the bed, and Lu Anya was also looking at him. Her blurred eyes were full of longing and resentment, as if filled with water mist. She bit her lower lip with her teeth, and the inexplicable impulse drove her to leave after Su Nan left. Raise your hand and put it on your chest to show Su Nan, so as to get the emotion you need.

Su Nan didn't expect that Lu Anya who had an outbreak was completely different from Lu Anya who hadn't. At this time, she seemed to have returned to the days when the silver chaos was high, and her shame was lost, or she would do it this way. Only then will you feel a strong shame that can satisfy you.

There was a crisp coughing sound outside again, and the squad leader seemed to be hesitating outside, wanting to come in but worried about making trouble.

Su Nan forced herself not to look at Lu Anya who was tempting her, turned around and came to the door, opened the door a crack, and got out.

Lu Anya's movements froze, and she became sober. She secretly regretted how she let Su Nan go, but when she thought of Xiao Ying talking to Su Nan outside, she felt inexplicably stimulated, and she didn't urge Su Nan to hurry up. Come in, pull the quilt over to cover your body, leaving only a flushed pretty face staring nervously at the other side, listening to their conversation while secretly doing bad things under the quilt.

The door was not closed tightly, and the voices of the two people outside floated in. Although I couldn't hear the specific words, it felt very shameful that they would come in and see them at any time.

While Lu Anya was solving the problem by herself, Su Nan and the class monitor were also communicating outside, but their attention was all attracted by the half-open door, and their expressions were a little unnatural.

"Why did you come out? What about my aunt?" Lu Ying complained in a low voice, but her eyes secretly swept Su Nan's body, she was relieved when she saw that his clothes were not messy.

Su Nan noticed the squad leader's gaze, and secretly rejoiced that he had tidied up the messed up clothes before coming out, otherwise the squad leader would never give him a good face at this time.

Facing the monitor's complaint, Su Nan said strangely: "I thought you were calling me out."

Lu Ying's cheeks flushed, and she said embarrassedly: "I'm just reminding you not to mess around, go in quickly, don't make my aunt wait too long."

Seemingly realizing that the words were a bit ambiguous, she blushed again.

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