Zhao Xiaomin watched his back disappear, touched his butt again, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not injured, otherwise he would be designated to be laughed at by Chu Xi today.

This is probably the effect of physical improvement, but the improvement is still not enough, and Su Nan cannot be completely satisfied overnight.

This made Zhao Xiaomin feel a little guilty, and wondered if he should go back and discuss with Chu Xi, and the two of them worked out a way together, and it was not impossible for three of them to go together.

The two of them faced Su Nan, if they were united, they would be strong, and if they were divided, they would be weak.

Judging from Su Nan's recent increase in combat power, cooperation is the general trend.

On the way, the two got together again, had breakfast and walked to school together.

Turning around an intersection, a group of people came towards them, but it was Chu Xi, Senior Sister, Qin Xiaowan, and Zhao Junmin.

When the six people met each other, they all looked at each other in blank dismay. The scene was indescribably weird.

Zhao Junmin, Qin Xiaowan and the senior sister were even more surprised when they saw Zhao Xiaomin holding Su Nan's arm intimately. Only Chu Xi knew the reason, and she was a little helpless standing aside.

Qin Xiaowan came back to her senses, and said to Su Nan with displeasure: "Is this what you said about going to a classmate's house for the night?"

Zhan Weiling glanced at Chu Xi, who was hesitating to speak beside her, and seemed to understand something, and said with a smile, "It's a classmate, that's right, but Xiao Nan didn't say whether it was a male student or a female student in the next class."

Su Nan was a little embarrassed when he heard that, except for Chu Xi, no one knew that he was dating Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Xiaomin shyly let go of Su Nan's arm, took two steps away from him calmly, and said with a forced smile, "Morning everyone, what a coincidence today, I just met Ah Nan on the road, and now I meet everyone again."

Qin Xiaowan glanced suspiciously at her face, a little uncertain, "What you said is true?"

"Could it be that I'm going to lie to everyone? Besides, Ah Nan and I are lovers."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little unhappy, but she was sweating in her heart. It's true that she and Su Nan are lovers, but all the girls in front of her have ambiguous relationships with Su Nan. If they get jealous and target her together, she will Can't stand it.

Su Nan nodded quickly when she heard the words: "That's right, Xiao Min and I met on the road, do you have any questions?"

While talking, he kept secretly giving Chu Xi winks.

Chu Xi understood, stood up and said, "I can prove that this morning Xiao Min said something happened at home, so she went home early, but she slept in the room next to mine last night, and Jun Min can also testify."

Zhao Junmin was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect the topic to suddenly turn to herself. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, but Su Nan and her sister were still winking at her, she had no choice but to nod.

Now Qin Xiaowan believed it, and looked at Su Nan with apologetic eyes. It wasn't that she was easy to deceive, but that she never thought that Chu Xi would help Zhao Xiaomin as a cover. In her opinion, Chu Xi should be as jealous as herself.

"Huh." At this time, Zhan Weiling gave a soft 'Huh' and said strangely: "Xiao Min, what is the red mark on your neck?"

Everyone was stunned, and stared at Zhao Xiaomin's neck in unison, only to see a small piece of red skin on the left side of her neck near the collarbone, which was very eye-catching against the fair skin.

Everyone is not a pure child, so they immediately thought that this was a strawberry planted by Su Nan, and all of them spit secretly, their faces turned slightly red, and their eyes turned unkind to Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin.

Chu Xi sighed inwardly, she had tried her best.

Seeing everyone staring at her neck without blinking, Zhao Xiaomin remembered where Su Nan kissed hard for a while last night, but she didn't realize that the matter had been exposed, so she shyly covered her face with a whimper. Temporarily out of tube.

Although she was used to it, she still felt very shy being stared at by so many people.

Su Nan was also embarrassed. He felt that the senior sister did it on purpose, probably because she was jealous.

Qin Xiaowan glared at him angrily, clenched her fists again.

Su Nan understood why Qin Xiaowan was angry, and just agreed to be her boyfriend, and then ran to spend the night with other girls in a blink of an eye.It's just that before he agreed to Qin Xiaowan, he had already made an agreement with Zhao Xiaomin, but at this time he couldn't explain why.

Zhan Weiling looked around and saw that the faces of the girls around her were all different, even Zhao Junmin was the same.

She couldn't help laughing and said: "Everyone, what's the matter, isn't it normal for Xiao Nan to go out with his girlfriend? Outsiders like us, don't meddle in our own business."

Su Nan sighed and looked at the senior sister, only to see her playful eyes, looking like she was watching a good show.Su Nan felt very helpless, he could see that the senior was also jealous, it seemed that it would not work if he didn't come up with an explanation today.

At this moment, Chu Xi said, "Munan went too far this time. He didn't get even rain and dew. How about this? Next time, Mu Nan will go on a date with senior sister. If other people want to do the same, they can take the initiative to mention it to Mu Nan. What do you think? ?”

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect Chu Xi to say such a thing.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems a pity that Su Nan has already dated Zhao Xiaomin, and they will fall behind if they don't date.

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi strangely. He had this idea, but he didn't expect that Chu Xi would directly involve Qin Xiaowan and Zhao Junmin.

He subconsciously looked at Zhao Junmin, and found that she was also looking at him, her cheeks were flushed, and when he noticed that she blushed when he looked over, she lowered her head.

The embarrassing Zhao Xiaomin's eyes brightened at this time, and she put down her hand and said quickly: "I think this proposal is good. The last time Anan and Chuxi dated, I was with me last night. Then it will be the turn of the three of you. Come first, then come, senior sister." First, Junmin last."

Su Nan and Zhao Junmin were extremely embarrassed by Zhao Xiaomin's words, Zhao Xiaomin was careless, in order to ease his situation, he didn't care that one of them was his boyfriend and the other was his sister.

Chu Xi was secretly annoyed, she never thought that Zhao Xiaomin would betray herself.On the surface, she remained calm, which disappointed Zhan Weiling who was peeking at her.

After Zhan Weiling glanced at Chu Xi unexpectedly, she nodded with a smile: "Just right, I haven't dated Xiao Nan for a long time, so it's my turn tonight."

Although Qin Xiaowan blushed and said nothing, she boldly looked at Su Nan, the meaning in her eyes was self-evident.

Su Nan looked at everyone, except for Zhao Junmin who deliberately turned his face away from looking at himself, everyone else agreed with this method of getting even rain and dew.

Seeing that the sea of ​​jealousy was about to turn into a wave, I didn't expect that Chu Xi would easily resolve it like this, and turned the Shura field into a welfare.

Su Nan was grateful and nodded quickly.

The turmoil passed just like that, and then a group of people walked to the school, but the expressions on their faces were a little unnatural.

Su Nan was walking with many beautiful girls, and passers-by frequently stared at him, which made him very uncomfortable.

The girls felt unnatural when they thought that all the girls present were Su Nan's girlfriends, and they were rivals in love with each other.

Su Nan is also aware of this, unlike Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, they got used to getting along for too long, and even had a threesome with him, so they don't feel too awkward with each other, but because of the lack of this habit, others, It seemed very unnatural.

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