Coupled with the gazes of passers-by, everyone felt even more uncomfortable.

Su Nan just wanted to hurry to school so as to get out of this situation, but accidents often happened inadvertently.

When Su Nan buried his head on the road and finally reached the school gate, Lu Ying happened to come from the opposite side, and saw a group of beautiful girls surrounding him, making him look like a scumbag.

Lu Ying couldn't help being stunned, stared at him blankly, and said distractedly, "You... are all good people."

The faces of the girls were unnatural, Su Nan said awkwardly: "We met on the road."

He turned back to the girls and said, "I drank too much water in the morning, so I'll go to the bathroom first, and see you later."

Before the girls could react, Su Nan hurried away.

The back of Su Nan running away looked very embarrassed. The girls wanted to laugh when they saw it, but they were also a little relieved. They thought that the slag Nan provoked people all day long, so they were scared now.

Except for Zhao Xiaomin, everyone didn't know about the relationship between Lu Ying and Su Nan, and thought that Su Nan ran away after panicking in front of his monitor.

Lu Ying took a deep look at everyone, then turned her eyes around Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin, sighed in her heart, and walked into the school gate with her head down without saying hello.

Zhan Weiling frowned, leaned close to Chu Xi and asked in a low voice, "Do you think it's possible for her to be like us?"

Chu Xi subconsciously looked at Lu Ying's back, shook her head, and said, "I'm in the same class as her, and I haven't noticed any abnormalities for the time being."

Next to Zhao Xiaomin hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't say what she had discovered. She also felt that Lu Ying was not of the same kind, but the ambiguous relationship between Lu Ying and Su Nan was not fake.

She was a little annoyed, she didn't know if she should tell everyone about it, Lu Ying was her older sister, and the three sisters in this family were all involved with Su Nan, she couldn't say it, it was too embarrassing.

Zhao Xiaomin secretly decided to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Lu Ying, to see what this cheap sister was thinking.

Su Nan is her boyfriend, no matter what, Lu Ying should not have any ambiguous relationship with Su Nan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just after school in the afternoon, Su Nan was packing his things. The female classmate sitting next to him poked his arm with a pen, "Su Nan, someone is looking for you outside."

Su Nan looked out the window subconsciously, and met a bright smiling face, who waved at him.

Su Nan was slightly surprised, and was about to get up and go out. At this time, the female classmate next door asked him treacherously: "Su Nan, what is your relationship with this junior? Aren't you afraid that Chu Xi will be jealous?"

Su Nan knew that girls were very gossipy, especially this one. She didn't want to say more right now, but said calmly: "Chu Xi and I are not in the relationship you imagined, and she also knows Shu Baoer."

Leave immediately after speaking.

Although everyone in the class knew that he had a close relationship with Chu Xi, they didn't know if they were dating, because Zhao Xiaomin from the next class also often hang out with Su Nan, and Chu Xi was not very angry, which is not normal.

The female classmate looked at Su Nan's back in wonder. The reason why she talked to Su Nan was to inquire about the relationship between Su Nan and Chu Xi, but Su Nan's answer did not satisfy her.

In her mind, even if they weren't a couple, their relationship was still very ambiguous, maybe it was a bloody love triangle.

This is big news, and it will definitely cause a big storm in the class and even in the school, and Chu Xi will also be ashamed because of this incident.

Not caring about the female classmate's thoughts, Su Nan walked out of the classroom, looked at Shu Baoer who was standing there waiting for her, and asked her curiously: "What do you want from me?"

"Can't you find the senior if you have nothing to do?" Shu Bao'er said with a half-smile.

Su Nan felt that it was difficult to answer this question. She couldn't tell what Shu Baoer was thinking. The question seemed a bit ambiguous, but it was okay for Cheng Xuemei to act like a baby to her senior.

Taking a deep look at him, Shu Baoer smiled sweetly and said, "Actually, the senior sister asked me to come to you. She said that you haven't been to her place for two days. Let me ask you if you don't want to learn anymore."

Su Nan suddenly felt apologetic, because she went to the class monitor's house the day before yesterday, and because she was dating Xiao Min yesterday, she released Li Gongting senior sister twice. It seems that she is angry now, otherwise she wouldn't let Shu Baoer question herself.

For learning fighting skills, Su Nan still likes it very much, and doesn't want to give up like this, so she said quickly: "I think so, I just didn't go because I didn't have time two days ago, but I asked her for leave."

Speaking of this, Su Nan felt a little strange. Li Gongting was not angry when he asked for leave. Instead, he asked him if he was okay. Why did he suddenly get angry today?

Shu Bao'er knew what he was thinking, and gave him a white look: "If you ask for leave, why doesn't she approve you? Besides, she is not your master, so she can't control you too strictly. Even if she is angry, she won't lose her temper to you in person. .”

Su Nan understood, hesitated for a while, and said: "Then let's go there quickly, I have something to do tonight, so I have to leave early."

"Are you going on a date with your girlfriend?" Shu Baoer asked him with a smile.

"Yes." Su Nan also replied with a smile. Seeing that Xuemei's expression didn't change, she took a step ahead and Xuemei followed behind.

On the way, Su Nan greeted Zhan Weiling and said that the date would be late, and she replied that it was okay.

When he came to the grove, Su Nan was surprised to find that he couldn't hear the yelling of the girls today. The grove was quiet, except for the constant chirping of small insects, which made him not used to it.

As if seeing his doubts, Shu Baoer said: "Those seniors went out to the party to sing K tonight, so they didn't come. Senior sister treats you very well. I would rather not go out with friends and wait for you to come. You You can’t disappoint senior sister’s good intentions.”

Hearing what she said, Su Nan felt even more embarrassed. He had never taken learning from Li Gongting too seriously, but now he decided to take it seriously in the future.

The two went into the woods and came to the open space where they usually stayed.

Li Gongting stood there alone with her back to them, the breeze was blowing towards her, and the leaves around her were rustling.Su Nan and Shu Baoer behind them saw Li Gongting's flying hair and white clothes.

Su Nan froze for a moment, Li Gongting at this moment gave him an ethereal and lonely feeling, as if he would fly away at any moment.

Shu Baoer stared at Li Gongting for a while, then said, "Sister, I brought the senior here."

Li Gongting's body trembled, and the bases of his ears were quietly stained with a blush. The feeling of ethereal loneliness seemed to fade away in an instant, and his whole body was full of mortal breath.

Su Nan was astonished, and couldn't figure out why senior sister Li Gongting's temperament would go from one extreme to another in just a short moment.

Temperament, however, is often subjective.Su Nan thought that when she came in, she saw Li Gongting standing with her back to her, and the surroundings were quiet, she seemed to be integrated with the environment, so it affected her, everything was subjective.

At this time, Li Gongting turned around, and nodded to Su Nan to say hello: "Ah Nan, you are here, are things settled?"

Su Nan said embarrassedly: "Maybe I have to go back earlier today, Senior Sister Wei Ling has something to do with me."

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