Li Gongting knew about his relationship with Zhan Weiling, upon hearing this, he immediately said: "Then let's start quickly!"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Su Nan felt that senior sister Li Gongting's tone seemed a little anxious today, and...

He subconsciously looked at Senior Li Gongting's face, her face looked a little flushed under the evening sun, and she had a strange beauty.

Su Nan didn't dare to look too much, so she quickly lowered her head, thinking that it might be an illusion.

He nodded: "Let's get started, what are we going to learn today?"

Li Gongting heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at Shu Bao'er again, and then said in a flat tone: "Today...we don't practice, after a period of exercise, you will feel a little tired physically, and if you don't handle it properly, you will get dark wounds. I have an ancestral method that can relieve your dark wounds."

Su Nan was slightly surprised, why did the senior sister's words sound like a martial arts man.

Before he could ask, Shu Baoer hurriedly said, with a joyful expression and a trace of jealousy: "Senior, this is the unique skill of senior sister. You are blessed today. I was lucky enough to enjoy it once before, and I still can't forget it."

Hearing what Shu Baoer said, dispelled Su Nan's doubts. Although he didn't think there would be any hidden wounds in himself, he also wanted to see Li Gongting's so-called ancestral techniques.

Because he is an extraordinary existence to this world, Su Nan is very curious whether there are hidden things hidden in the world that ordinary people cannot touch, and Li Gongting's so-called ancestral techniques make him feel that there is such a thing. wire possible.

Su Nan stopped hesitating immediately and said, "Then let's start, senior sister, what should we do?"

Shu Baoer next to him said with a smile, "Senior, I know, let me tell you."

Su Nan nodded with a smile, and looked at Shu Bao'er curiously, only to see that she said to herself solemnly with a sweet voice: "Because this is a technique to eliminate hidden injuries, of course it is to be used on the body, so senior, you first Take off your clothes."

At the end of the conversation, her voice suddenly became softer, and her pretty face blushed a little. Su Nan couldn't move her eyes from the shy look of the girl, because she rarely saw this kind of expression on Shu Baoer, so Su Nan never looked back. Come on.

"Senior." Shu Bao'er stomped her feet and said angrily, "I'm talking to you, why are you distracted?"

"Uh, I'm sorry." Su Nan smiled awkwardly and said, "I heard it all, take off your clothes, right? Just take off now."

He was subconsciously about to take off his clothes, but he suddenly realized that he first glanced at senior sister Li Gongting, who was looking at him with a complicated expression, then looked at Shu Baoer, and asked her uncertainly, "Take off your clothes?"

"Of course, it won't work if you don't take off your clothes." Shu Baoer said with a straight face, pretending to be angry: "Senior, don't you want to leave early, mother-in-law and mother don't look like men at all, are you still afraid of me and senior sister I can't tease you."

At this point, Su Nan hesitated, but still gritted her teeth and took off her shirt. Shu Baoer was right, she didn't take off her clothes, so there was nothing to be ashamed about.

Su Nan always felt that Li Gongting was too quiet today.

After taking off his clothes, he subconsciously looked at Li Gongting, and found that she was staring at his upper body without blinking. Her eyes... seemed to be burning hot?

"Don't look around, senior, lie down!" Shu Bao'er went around behind him, pushing his palms against his back and walking towards the straw mat that had been laid.

Su Nan shuddered and was pushed away by her, but his attention was on the place where the school girl's palm behind his back touched his skin. The slightly cold feeling made him feel a little strange.

In this way, when Su Nan came to his senses, he found that he had already sat on the straw mat, and the school girl was squatting in front of him, with a pair of bright eyes open, looking generously at her chest, and then she stretched out her hand to touch it. After picking it up, he said with a smile: "Senior is in good shape, good boy, just lie down and lie down."

I went and was molested by the girl.

But seeing the student's calm face, Su Nan couldn't say anything, so she lay down on the ground as she said, and asked, "Why are you lying on the ground?"

"It's the first time for a senior to do this kind of thing for a boy. I'm sorry. Oh, why are you asking so many questions? It's so long-winded."

The little hands slapped him behind his back lightly, Su Nan gave a wry smile and said no more.

Then Shu Bao'er got up and ran to the side of Li Gongting who was standing still, and took Li Gongting's hand.

Noticing that Li Gongting's arm was trembling slightly, Shu Baoer secretly thought something was wrong, and hurriedly led her to Su Nan, while whispering to her: "Sister, you have worked hard, I will present the senior to you, thanks to your recovery The method of mood, otherwise I really can't stick to it now, that idiot was dumbfounded when he first saw you."

Li Gongting's pretty face blushed, and she realized that Su Nan was getting closer and closer. She trembled and said inexplicably panicked: "Shu Bao, don't, don't push me over, I am so strange today!"

"Hee hee, it's too late, I don't want my senior sister to suffer." Shu Bao'er chuckled, held her senior sister's hand tightly, brought her to Su Nan's side, pressed her shoulders, and pushed her to sit on the seat. By Su Nan's side.

After [-] reluctant Li Gongting approached Su Nan, for some reason, they stared at Su Nan's bare back like a demon, with excited eyes shining.

Seeing her like this, Shu Baoer smiled softly, leaned into her ear, and whispered in a voice that Su Nan couldn't hear: "Next, the senior is at your disposal. Please use your little hands to make him comfortable."

Seeing that Li Gongting was only excited but unable to stay still after speaking, Shu Baoer came back to his senses, patted himself on the forehead annoyed, and quickly took Li Gongting's hands, leading them to Su Nan's back.

Li Gongting touched and kneaded subconsciously.

"Hmph!" Su Nan snorted.

Chapter five hundred and sixty eight

Su Nan took a deep breath. At this time, he was lying on the straw mat, a pair of skillful hands were swimming gently behind his back, stroking like a lover, bringing him bursts of strange feelings.

Su Nan's face was weird, didn't she say that she could relieve her dark wounds, why did she suddenly become angry, or that Li Gongting senior sister's method was originally like this, but she was thinking too much.

"Senior, you seem to be thinking about Seth." The little girl Shu Baoer's voice came from beside her, snickering.

Before Su Nan could refute, she went on to say, "Actually, this is just a prelude. Don't be surprised later, senior."

"Why are you surprised?" Su Nan asked curiously.

" should I put it?" Shu Bao'er thought for a while, and said, "Senior, you have been to Dabaojian. The technician of Dabaojian will massage you, right? It's very comfortable."

"Cough... I haven't been there before." Su Nan was choked by her words, and quickly refuted, and what the hell is as comfortable as the technician of the big sword, aren't you afraid that senior sister Li Gongting will beat you?

Shu Bao'er didn't speak, Su Nan heard her snickering voice, and was furious in her heart, this girl actually doubted her own character, like he has several girlfriends at the same time, do you need a big sword?

"How do you know it's as comfortable as the big sword?" Su Nan asked suspiciously.

"Because it's easier for you boys to understand." Shu Bao'er said carelessly, and then her tone became more urgent: "Senior, don't make a sound, senior sister is about to start, you may feel comfortable later, so don't be surprised .”

Seeing her senior staring at her in surprise, Shu Baoer secretly raised her finger to signal her to keep quiet.

In the state of Li Gongting, doing this kind of thing to Su Nan will bring him a weak strengthening, and Su Nan will feel it, so Shu Baoer has to mislead Su Nan in advance, making him think that the reason why I feel comfortable, but the senior sister's technique is working.

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