At this time, Li Gongting's head was hot, and he didn't pay much attention to Shu Baoer's words. After receiving Shu Baoer's order, he immediately started to play hard.

Su Nan felt the hands on his back suddenly kneading the dough, heavy and light, small circles and big circles, drawing circles on it, spreading five fingers from time to time, clamping the flesh on his back and pulling it up, and massaging The rhythm is very similar.

But it's really comfortable, making the pores of Su Nan's whole body seem to be opening, so good that he almost made a sound, why is this feeling similar to when he was strengthened?

Because Shu Bao'er had explained in advance, and the benefits brought to him by Li Gongting, a novice, were very weak, and he hardly felt strengthened, so he didn't doubt anything.

Besides, Su Nan couldn't concentrate on other things. When he thought of Li Gongting's hand on his back at this time, which brought him a seductive feeling, he felt strange in his heart, so he had to hurry up. I closed my eyes and imagined the appearance of senior sister Zhan Weiling, so I couldn't help but want to be crooked.

At this time, Li Gongting pinched his shoulder blades, massaged for a while, then folded his palms together, and pressed hard on his back, from top to bottom, all the way to the tail.

Probably Li Gongting was highly concentrated, so she didn't notice that Su Nan's trousers were accidentally pulled down a little, and she could almost see =, and then squeezed the soft flesh with her hands.

Su Nan only felt numbness in her back, and gasped subconsciously, thinking that the senior sister really has real skills, it's so cool.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Nan only felt that his bones were brittle, and he heard the voice of senior sister Li Gongting sighing behind him, as if it was exhausting to treat him like this.

Su Nan couldn't help but feel guilty. It's really wrong for her senior to help her so hard, but she thinks wrong.

He secretly scolded himself as an asshole, and planned to sit up quickly to express his gratitude, but at this moment Shu Baoer held his shoulders and said to him: "Don't move around after the treatment, wait for your body to adapt first."

Hearing that Su Nan had no choice but to continue to lie on her stomach, after all Shu Baoer is experienced, so listening to her is always right.

He said gratefully: "Senior sister, thank you so much, I feel that I am much more relaxed now."

He didn't lie when he said this, it was worse than the feeling Lu Anya gave him the night before yesterday, but senior sister Li Gongting is not a patient of shame, and she made him so comfortable with her ancestral kung fu, it can be said to be extraordinary up.

It's just that senior sister Li Gongting used too much force, which made Su Nan feel a little bit of being fucked, but this is normal, after all, it is not a massage, but a treatment for hidden injuries.

Moreover, with his physique, Li Gongting's strength could not cause him any harm.

"Well, you're welcome." Li Gongting didn't say anything, and her tone seemed a little cold, but Su Nan thought she was tired, so she didn't think much about it.

Seeing Li Gongting's blank look, Shu Bao'er was a little worried, and said to her: "Senior sister, why don't you go back first, I'm here to help you look after the senior."

Su Nan also quickly echoed: "Sister, if you are tired, go first, I will go back later."

Li Gongting hesitated for a moment, nodded, and looked at Su Nan with complicated eyes. Seeing his back that was reddened by his own hands, he couldn't help but blushed, got up quickly, and walked away in a daze.

Her change made Shu Baoer, who was worried about her, a little relieved. Although today's incident was a big blow to Li Gongting, since she will be shy, then don't worry that she will not think about it and do stupid things. I will call her to comfort her at night All right.

Looking down at Su Nan who was half naked again, her eyes suddenly softened a little, she raised her hand to put on Su Nan's back, and rubbed the places that were reddened by Li Gongting with distress.

After seeing off senior sister Li Gongting, Su Nan took out her mobile phone in her pocket and sent a greeting to senior sister Zhan Weiling, asking where she was, and went to find her later.

Before receiving a reply, suddenly a cool little hand touched her back, gently stroking, with a hint of pampering.

Su Nan froze and felt a little confused. What's the matter with the behavior of the school girl?Distress yourself?

Shu Bao'er soon came to her senses, panic flashed across her eyes, she was relieved to see that Su Nan was still lying still, and she didn't take her hand away, she made the mistake and said with a sweet smile: "I didn't expect the senior How do you exercise with such a good figure? Teach me."

Her hands continued to swim, she was amazed, and she looked at Su Nan's body enviously.

However, Su Nan couldn't stand being caressed by her. She threw away the phone and wrapped it around her hand and grabbed her wobbly hand. The moment the little hand fell into his hand, it trembled slightly, and then struggled away instantly. The school girl's coquettish voice followed It sounded: "I hate it, the senior deliberately took advantage of me."

Su Nan sat up, looked at the slightly flushed face of the school girl, suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, and said a lesson: "Who told you to mess with me, haven't you heard of whether men and women can kiss each other?"

Shu Bao'er suddenly smiled: "What age is it, the senior still has this idea."

Su Nan smiled and asked, "Do you think it's normal for a girl to casually touch a boy's naked body?"

The junior girl's face turned red again, she was very embarrassed, and glared at Su Nan angrily: "I can't help it, okay? I exercise often, and I can't help touching my senior when I see her figure is so good?"

Looking at Shu Baoer unexpectedly, Su Nan found that she was not as thick-skinned as she thought.

When I first met Shu Baoer, this girl sent him a video. Although it was only a video of exercising, it was a kind of welfare for a young boy with a lot of energy.

The thighs and arms that were wet with sweat after exercise, and the waistcoat line and mermaid line that were also wet and sexy, were sexy and healthy, which Su Nan still can't forget.

The videos and pictures sent by those school girls are still stored in Su Nan's mobile phone. It is also a kind of enjoyment to take a look at them when they are free.

Of course, such a shameful thing can't be told to the junior girl. Seeing her angry look, Su Nan didn't continue talking, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, I believe you didn't mean it, I have something to do, I have to go first One step, goodbye."

Speaking of which, Su Nan picked up the clothes on the side, and planned to leave after putting them on.

But Shu Bao'er was annoyed by his perfunctory tone, thinking that he still didn't believe her, and seeing Su Nan started to put on clothes again, thinking of the sweet message he had just seen inadvertently sent to Zhan Weiling, suddenly an inexplicable feeling emerged from the bottom of her heart Impulsive, the moment Su Nan pulled off his clothes and just revealed his face, he leaned over and kissed him on the mouth.

Su Nan was stunned and didn't know what to do. He never expected that Shu Bao'er would treat him like this. He was so surprised that he couldn't react immediately.

After Shu Bao'er kissed him, her enthusiasm seemed to erupt suddenly like a volcano, and she couldn't control it. She directly entangled him and sat on his legs, with her arms around his neck, tilting her head and kissing Su Nan's lips vigorously.

Her lips were scratched by her teeth, and something wanted to break in, which woke up Su Nan. He realized that he couldn't go on like this. He put his hands on Shu Bao'er's chest and tried to push her away, but he touched a piece of softness.

While he was hesitating, Shu Baoer pressed down on him, and pressed him to lie on the straw mat. Shu Baoer lay on top of him, biting Su Nan's lower lip with her teeth, as if she deliberately prevented him from pushing her away.

As soon as Su Nan exerted force, she exerted the same force, her lips were bitten so painfully.Su Nan suddenly became ruthless, thinking that it was not me who suffered the disadvantage anyway.He stopped resisting, hugged the other person's body, and swam his hands behind her back.

Stimulated by this, Shu Baoer's body softened, and when she closed her eyes to enjoy Su Nan's actions, Su Nan suddenly pushed her away.

She froze for a while, but didn't continue to turn over, and stared blankly at the sky.

Su Nan couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, and also froze.

The two of them lay side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and could hear each other's rapid breathing and smell each other's scent.

Just when Su Nan was about to ask what was going on, Shu Baoer suddenly sat up and said, "Kissing is just like that. It's not as comfortable as those girls in the class said. I was cheated!"

Su Nan was stunned.

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