Shu Bao'er got up, kicked him lightly, bowed her head and said, "But kissing the senior is not very annoying."

After finishing speaking, she ran out of the woods before Su Nan could react.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was stunned, unable to understand what was going on.

He can be sure that when Shu Baoer kissed him just now, he didn't feel strengthened at all, that is to say, Shu Baoer is not a shame patient.

Since she is not a patient with shame disease, it means that her actions just now were all voluntary...or she reacted out of control.

Is she secretly in love with herself?

Su Nan thought of this possibility, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

He carefully recalled all the things with Shu Baoer. At the beginning, Shu Baoer took the initiative to catch up with him and sent him videos and photos.

Later, in order to find out the identity of the ghost girl, Su Nan took the initiative to ask Shu Baoer for help, hoping to get a group photo of the military training of all the classes in the first year of senior high school, and she also worked hard to complete this matter. It later developed into hanging out together.

At the beginning, she only thought that she had a generous personality and was kind to her friends, but she had no intentions towards herself at all. However, after what happened just now, Su Nan suddenly felt that all the behaviors of the school girl back then seemed to be conspiring.

She tried her best to get close to herself, gave herself her benefits, and tried her best to do her best for her excessive demands, which seemed to please herself.

Wanting to understand this, Su Nan was a little silent. Given his current situation, he obviously couldn't respond to the feelings of a girl who had a crush on him.

Now he only hopes that all this is due to his overthinking, what happened just now was really just an accident, and Shu Baoer didn't have a crush on him.

The mobile phone left on the side vibrated, and Su Nan picked it up to look. It was a message from senior sister Zhan Weiling, saying that she was going out to the school gate.

Su Nan calmed down and rushed to see her senior.

Zhan Weiling also just arrived. Before that, she had been studying in the classroom while waiting for Su Nan to finish her work.

After reuniting with Su Nan, she didn't notice that Su Nan's expression was a little strange, and she stepped forward to hold Su Nan's arm with great expectations for tonight's date, and happily asked him where he was going next.

Seeing the look of anticipation on the senior sister's face, Su Nan finally calmed down from the previous incident, and said with a smile, "You can go wherever you want."

The corners of Zhan Weiling's mouth curled up, and she could see that she was very satisfied with this answer.

After thinking about it, she said, "Actually, there's nothing interesting outside, why don't you go to my house. I haven't been alone with you for a long time. I want to cook for you."

This proposal is similar to Zhao Xiaomin's. The senior sister is actually a bit of a nerd at heart. It is good for her to go out on a date with the person she likes, but to stay at home and cook for the person she likes and flirt with him. The warm feeling made her feel even more moved.

Su Nan has no objection to this, "Then let's go shopping first, it's been a long time since I've tasted sister's cooking."

Zhan Weiling laughed and said, "Because Xiao Nan doesn't have to cook by herself anymore, she often has food to eat as soon as she gets home."

A drop of cold sweat slid down Su Nan's back. It seemed that the senior sister knew his situation very well, knowing that he often went to Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin next door, and Qin Xiaowan also took the initiative to cook for him recently when he was at home.

Zhan Weiling smiled slightly, and took his arm: "Let's go, senior sister can't lose to them, I'll cook a delicious meal for you tonight."

Senior sister's tone made Su Nan feel relieved.

On the way back, they passed a supermarket, and the two went in to buy some vegetables, which Su Nan carried.

Walking out of the supermarket, a familiar figure walked towards me.

Zhan Weiling showed a surprised expression, then let go of Su Nan and greeted her with a smile: "Gong Ting, are you here to buy things too?" Li Gong Ting stared blankly at Su Nan, never expecting that she just came to the supermarket to buy an aunt's towel That's all, you can meet Su Nan here.

Thinking of what happened not long ago, my hands wandered on Su Nan's bare back, and my fingertips touched his jade-like skin, and the heat was transmitted back, making her heart burn.

Now it seems that the heart is still hot, and the temperature of Su Nan's body still remains on the fingers, Li Gongting's fingers are stiff, and his expression is a little absent-minded.

"Gong Ting? What's the matter with you?" Zhan Weiling looked at her friend suspiciously, not knowing why she was distracted.

Because she trusted her friend very much, she never thought that the reason why her friend was distracted was because of Su Nan.

"Uh, Wei Ling, you're here too, what a coincidence, did you come shopping with Su Nan?"

Quickly glanced at the things in Su Nan's hand, Li Gongting withdrew her gaze, faced Zhan Weiling with a forced smile and said that she was very guilty, but forced herself to calm down.

Zhan Weiling smiled softly: "Yes, I'm going home to cook a delicious meal for him. Gong Ting, do you want to come over? We bought a lot of vegetables."

In front of her friends, she didn't hide anything. In her opinion, she should share her happy appearance with her friends.

Li Gongting heard something strange in his heart, and quickly shook his head: "No, I won't bother you, it's getting late, you should go back first, I have to go to the supermarket to buy something."

Of course Zhan Weiling knew that Li Gongting would not agree to her, so she was not surprised by her answer.

"Could it be that I'm here to buy aunt's towels when I come to the supermarket this day?" Zhan Weiling teased, she knew the day when Li Gongting came to auntie.

Seeing her friend blushing suddenly, Zhan Weiling knew that she had guessed right, and quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Okay, I was joking, and you don't mind, Xiao Nan and I are leaving first, you can go on your own, goodbye."

She held Su Nan's hand again, beckoned to Li Gongting and left, but a strange flash flashed in her heart, Li Gongting has always been quite unlike a girl, she was actually shy because of her words just now, yes Is it because Su Nan is by your side?

She thought about it, and found that she had never encountered such a situation before, but the aunt is a very private thing for girls, and it is normal for boys to feel shy when they know about it.

Thinking of this, she cleared her doubts.

Before leaving, Su Nan looked at senior sister Li Gongting with a strange look, but she remembered what happened in the grove before.

He didn't know how to talk to Senior Sister Zhan Weiling, or planned to hide it for the time being.

What Su Nan didn't know was that Li Gongting, who had watched him and Zhan Weiling leave, finally couldn't control herself, and tightly held her hot face with both hands, a blush rose up, making her whole face flush.

Thinking of what she did to Su Nan, she felt ashamed to see Su Nan.

She has always been a person with a strong sense of justice, but she attacked her good friend's boyfriend, and because of the guilt towards her friend and Su Nan, she felt ashamed and angry.

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