When Su Nan and senior sister arrived home, they started to get busy. Not long after, with the cooperation of the two, they made a sumptuous dinner.

Just as the two of them sat down facing each other and were about to enjoy a warm dinner with each other, the doorbell suddenly rang.

When they met, met, met, and glanced at each other, they were a little puzzled, wondering who would disturb them at this time.

The girls next door knew that tonight was their date day.

"I'm going to open the door!" Zhan Weiling said, got up and went to open the door, she was determined to pay attention to if the person outside did it on purpose, she must make the other person look good.

"It's you?" Zhan Weiling looked unhappy when she opened the door and found that it was Zhao Xiaomin.

"You are really at home." Zhao Xiaomin was a little surprised. Seeing Zhan Weiling's unfriendly expression, she quickly explained: "Don't be angry, I'm not here to make trouble, I'm just curious if you will choose the same as me."

"Boring." Zhan Weiling wanted to roll her eyes a little bit, of course she knew that Zhao Xiaomin and Su Nan didn't go there last night, they stayed at Zhao Xiaomin's house, and the two spent a shameless night together.

The reason why she didn't choose to go out on a date was because of Zhao Xiaomin's impression.

"Is there anything else you need?" Zhan Weiling was about to close the door.

Zhao Xiaomin shook her head: "No, but please be careful."

As she spoke, she pointed to her neck, and saw a bandage on it, which just covered the red mark.

Zhan Weiling suddenly couldn't help laughing, and then hummed: "I'm not as stupid as you, I'm the only one who will grow strawberries on him tonight."

"I don't know how to be ashamed!" Seeing Zhan Weiling's triumphant look, Zhao Xiaomin couldn't help being a little angry, and then she suddenly thought of something, and laughed ambiguously again, snickering and said to Zhan Weiling in a low voice: "Senior sister, if you insist on not tonight Hold on, you can call me to help you, I won't mind, remember to save some strength to open the door for me then."

Zhan Weiling smiled, "I'm not as hot as you."

"Hmph!" Zhao Xiaomin was really angry now, she gave Zhan Weiling a puffed-up look, turned around and left angrily.

Zhan Weiling closed the door and returned to Su Nan as if she had won a battle. Su Nan asked her what was the matter, but she smiled and didn't answer, but urged him to eat quickly.

Su Nan was secretly looking at his phone while eating. Zhao Xiaomin just sent him a message about a threesome proposal with his senior sister tonight.

As soon as Su Nan saw it, her heart was moved, and she decided to agree to Zhao Xiaomin's proposal. Anyway, if the plan goes well, the senior sister will have nothing to do with him afterwards.

After secretly discussing with Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan ate with a calm face on the surface, but she was thinking about Xiao Jiujiu in her heart.

Taking a break after dinner, Su Nan proposed to take a couple bath, the senior sister blushed, but agreed.

Then came the beginning of her troubled days.

One hour in the bathroom, half an hour on the sofa in the living room, and then the battlefield was transferred to the big soft bed in the room until late at night.

Later, Zhan Weiling was in a daze.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing...

But Su Nan still refused to stop.

Just when she couldn't take it anymore, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly called her mobile phone, and Su Nan forced her to answer it.

It was extremely embarrassing for the two of them to chat in that state, and then for some reason, she said an angry word to Zhao Xiaomin, meaning that Zhao Xiaomin would come here if he had the guts.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaomin really came over. It was Su Nan who opened the door. Zhan Weiling was still hanging on him at that time, and her face became even more confused.

And then, the garden was full of spring scenery, and Su Nan had wings again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah! Sister, no, don't touch my place..."

Su Nan, who had just woken up, heard the sound and shuddered suddenly, and lost all sleepiness for a moment.

And after opening his eyes, what appeared in front of him was indeed such a wonderful scene as he had imagined.

I saw the senior sister and Xiao Min wrestling into a ball, but obviously the senior sister had the greater advantage, pressing Zhao Xiaomin under her body and spanking her ass.

Because the senior sister made the attack while Zhao Xiaomin was still asleep, so that Zhao Xiaomin couldn't react, and quickly turned Zhao Xiaomin over, then raised her hand and slapped it angrily, making a sound.

Zhao Xiaomin was in so much pain that she felt swollen from the beating, and begged for mercy: "Stop beating, I feel it there, senior sister, I beg you to stop."

Zhan Weiling was so angry that she rolled her eyes, "Are you shaking M, it feels like this."

As he spoke, he was still puzzled, so he raised his hand and slapped him hard again. At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin's body trembled, and then he buried his face in the pillow in embarrassment and indignation, blushing to the base of his neck.

Zhan Weiling was dumbfounded, and then said angrily: "You wet the bed on my bed, how shameless are you?"

Su Nan, who just woke up next to him, was also dumbfounded. Do you want to be so exciting in the morning?

Only now did Zhan Weiling realize that he had woken up, she couldn't help but blushed, and looked away guiltily.

"Who told you to hit me! It's all your fault! I was so tired last night that I went to sleep. Isn't it normal to wake up in a hurry in the morning?" Zhao Xiaomin said in a muffled voice, paused, and then said angrily: "Not too soon Let me go, and when Ah Nan wakes up and is seen by him, what am I supposed to do!"

"Cough...he's already awake." Zhan Weiling said with an embarrassed face, feeling very annoyed in her heart. She actually forgot that people who wake up in the morning are usually in a hurry, and now they dirty their bed, so they don't need to sleep tonight.

But it's also Zhao Xiaomin's fault, if she hadn't messed around last night, why would she be so angry when she woke up, how could she be reconciled to the fact that her rare date turned into wings.

Besides, Zhao Xiaomin just couldn't hold back after being hit a few times, how could anyone be like this, she must have an M physique!

Zhan Weiling thought strangely.

"Ah!" Zhao Xiaomin quickly turned her neck to look at Su Nan, and seeing that he was indeed looking at her, she immediately lost her temper and couldn't hold back, she was so ashamed that she covered her face tightly and dared not see anyone.

Seeing this, Zhan Weiling sneered in her heart, hum, you really have a shaky physique, let's see how I deal with you in the future!

But this is not the time for revenge, in order to avoid further embarrassment for Zhao Xiaomin, Zhan Weiling picked up his and Su Nan's clothes that were thrown aside at random, and left the room with Su Nan.

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