After they left, Zhao Xiaomin sat up with a sad face. She looked down at the messy bed sheets, and her face became even more sad. She made such a big embarrassment in front of her senior and Ah Nan, how could she hold her head up in the future.

It's fine if Su Nan sees it, at most it's a special shame play.

But being seen by a senior is the most embarrassing thing.

Just imagine, when they quarreled over certain things in the future, the senior sister would say 'you used to wet the bed on my bed', which would knock her speechless, and then she would be so ashamed and angry that she would run away.

The worried Zhao Xiaomin thought for a while, but couldn't think of how to save face, so she got up first, took off all the clothes on her body, and took off the dirty sheets and quilts.

Just after finishing this, someone knocked on the door.

After opening the door, the senior sister stuffed in some clothes and said, "This is the clothes I bought online. I forgot to unpack them when they delivered them the day before yesterday. You can just make up for it."

Zhao Xiaomin took it with a blushing face, and said in a low voice: "Sister, don't worry, I will wash your quilt and bed sheets for you."

Zhan Weiling was speechless, she didn't play the cards according to the routine, wouldn't it be good to just throw them away?How would she answer this? Could it be that "I feel disgusted by the things you stained, please throw them away?"

In this way, she was afraid that Zhao Xiaomin would be ashamed and indignant, but can these things still be used?

She was not used to it, and when she thought about it, she felt a chill, so she had to say euphemistically, "It's old anyway, so just throw it away. I was planning to buy a new one."

Zhao Xiaomin immediately knew that she disliked it, and she was ashamed, and said loudly: "I will throw it away for you, and then buy a new one to compensate you!"

After speaking, I felt ashamed to face my senior, so I closed the door, and there was a "bang" due to too much force.

Zhan Weiling was stunned, then turned to Su Nan behind her and asked, "Is she mad at me?"

"No, it will be fine after a while." After Su Nan answered, he hesitated for a while and said, "I'll go in and talk to her, senior sister, don't mention this to her in the future, she should just talk to her after a while." will forget."

"Well, I see, you go, I'll wait for you to come out for breakfast." Zhan Weiling nodded seriously.

After watching Su Nan enter the room, she suddenly froze, no, she should be the most angry, the date turned into wings, and the rival still wet the bed on her bed.

Why did Zhao Xiaomin's heart soften when he saw Zhao Xiaomin looking like he was about to cry?

But she also knew that girls were thin-skinned, and even Zhao Xiaomin was similar in some things, and she might do something irrational under shame.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling decided to talk about it after a while, anyway, Zhao Xiaomin's handle is already in her hands, and it won't be outdated.

When Su Nan took Xiao Min's hand and walked out of the room, although Xiao Min's expression was unnatural and she didn't dare to look directly at her senior, she seemed no longer sad.

Zhan Weiling knew that it must be Su Nan's consolation that worked. To Xiao Min, Su Nan's opinion was the most important. As long as he didn't dislike her, Xiao Min would soon get out of the predicament.

She didn't take the initiative to mention this matter, and invited Su Nan and Xiao Min to have breakfast with a smile.

In the middle of the meal, someone rang the doorbell, and the senior sister went to open the door.

"Chu Xi, good morning." Seeing the person coming, Zhan Weiling was startled, and then greeted with a smile.

"Senior, good morning, is Xiaomin with you?" Chu Xi just asked, when she heard Zhao Xiaomin's laughter from inside the room, she couldn't help sighing, and looked at Zhan Weiling apologetically: "It seems that Xiaomin gave to Xue last night. My sister made trouble, I feel sorry, and I will tell her to leave."

Zhan Weiling was a little speechless, thinking that you are Xiao Min's mother, you can't do it, you control her in everything, and even apologized for her.

On the surface, he maintained a smiling face and said politely: "Xiao Min came here in the morning, she has no malicious intentions, and now she is having breakfast with me, do you want to come together?"

She said that she felt bad right after she finished speaking, because after hearing what she said, Chu Xi's face became weird, and the way she looked at her was also weird.

Zhan Weiling suddenly realized that Chu Xi knew that Zhao Xiaomin spent the night with her last night, and last night was her date with Su Nan, but adding Zhao Xiaomin meant that Chu Xi couldn't have imagined something.

Zhan Weiling only felt that under Chu Xi's scrutiny, she didn't seem to have a ray of hair, and she was very ashamed.

She hated Xiao Min to death in her heart, and she didn't know how to explain it, where she froze.

Chu Xi took a deep look at her, and said, "I also made breakfast. If you don't eat it, it's a waste. Since Xiao Min is with you, then I won't bother you."

She turned away.

But Zhan Weiling looked at her back, thinking that Xiao Min, who is so open-minded, wondered if she had ever cooperated with Chu Xi.

Thinking of Chu Xi's temperament, but dealing with Su Nan with Xiao Min on the bed, Zhan Weiling felt strange in her heart.

Then she remembered the experience of last night, that feeling... Her body quietly burned, and she hurriedly closed the door.Leaning against the door, with her palms stroking her bulging chest, she kept adjusting her rapid breathing.

Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin stared at her in a daze, a little confused about who the senior sister had met, with a look of emotion and excitement?

Zhan Weiling quickly put down her hands, and said calmly, "It's Chu Xi, she came to find Xiao Min, and she's leaving now."

Hearing that it was Chu Xi who came, Zhao Xiaomin was a little guilty. After all, she ran out secretly last night. If Chu Xi knew about it, she would definitely guess what she did last night. It seems that she needs to explain to Chu Xi that she went out in the morning. just work.

After breakfast, they rested for a while, and when it was time to go to school, Zhao Xiaomin shyly refused to go out and let them go first.

Su Nan and her senior sister knew by heart that Zhao Xiaomin was going to deal with the sheets in the room.

In order to take Zhao Xiaomin's face into consideration, they took a step ahead, leaving Zhao Xiaomin alone at the senior's house.

More than ten minutes later, after the usual time for Chuxi to go out, Zhao Xiaomin quietly went out with a big ball, ready to take it downstairs and throw it away.

When the door was closed, someone was talking beside me.

"Hey, why did you come out from the senior sister's house?"

Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and turned around to look, only to see Qin Xiaowan staring at herself suspiciously, and beside Qin Xiaowan was her younger sister Junmin.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, tried to calm herself, sighed and replied, "They played too much last night, so they went to school first because they were afraid of being late. Just now, Ah Nan gave me the key and asked me to deal with the mess in the senior sister's room." Quilts and sheets."

After hearing this, the two innocent girls blushed. They had already discovered the thing Zhao Xiaomin was holding. Although the wet place was hidden, some traces could still be seen outside.

Although they were unaccompanied, the two girls didn't know anything. They immediately imagined the earth-shattering decisive battle between Su Nan and the senior sister. They all felt blushing and spit secretly.

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