Suddenly Qin Xiaowan sniffed and said in shock: "This smell... Senior sister is so open!"

Zhao Junmin also smelled it, her face flushed slightly, but she couldn't help thinking to herself: The reason why senior sister broke the dike must be because Su Nan is too powerful.

Then she recalled the experience of exchanging bodies with her sister back then, and all the forgotten feelings were recalled at this moment, which made the girl's heart burn.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled awkwardly, and it was difficult to explain that it was her own fault. After saying sorry to her senior in her heart, she quickly said: "I'm going to be late, go and throw away the trash first, little sister and Xiao Wan, you should go to school early too Bar!"

After leaving this sentence, Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly left with her things in her arms, her steps appearing to be hurried.

Qin Xiaowan only thought that she was afraid of being late, so she didn't feel anything wrong, but Zhao Junmin faintly felt that something was wrong, her sister seemed to be too flustered, why?

She suddenly thought of a possibility, could it be that my sister actually spent the night at her senior's house last night?

Then the three of them...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Originally, Su Nan was supposed to accompany Qin Xiaowan today. This was a previous appointment, but after a few discussions with Chu Xi and the others, they decided to let Su Nan rest for a few days to raise her spirits.

And Qin Xiaowan also felt that compared to working days, dating Su Nan on weekends is more advantageous, and she can be with him all day, so she agreed.

So Su Nan has nothing to do tonight, and went to see Li Gongting right after class in the afternoon.

He also doesn't understand the relationship between himself and Li Gongting now. He said that he asked her to be his teacher to learn art, and it was too serious. Most likely, it was just a relationship with her to learn something when he had time.

After these days of practice, Su Nan has also mastered the knack of dealing with people, instead of directly defeating them with brute force as before.

As for the use of learning these things, he didn't think about it for a while, but there is no harm in the end, and it would be too wasteful not to learn to master them with brute strength.

When walking into the woods, Su Nan felt a little uneasy. She didn't know if Shu Baoer was here today. What happened to her kiss yesterday?

With such a mood, Su Nan came to the old place, Li Gongting and Shu Baoer were sitting under a tree chatting, the others were not there.

Su Nan was hesitating whether to go there, but Shu Baoer had already seen him over there, and she waved to him happily and shouted: "Senior, you are here, come quickly!"

Li Gongting's original smiling face became a little unnatural, but Su Nan didn't realize that he was guessing what Shu Baoer was thinking at this moment, and greeted him as if nothing had happened. Is it really as she said, Kiss him just out of curiosity?

Then what did she mean when she was leaving yesterday?

With a flash of thought, Su Nan walked over as usual on the surface, glanced over the smiling Shu Baoer's face, and asked Li Gongting: "Senior sister, why haven't I seen anyone else these two days?"

Li Gongting blushed slightly, and pretended to be calm and replied: "They are actually members of the same fencing club. They have learned something from me recently, and they have already learned a lot. They will probably come here less often in the future."

Su Nan was stunned, no wonder those girls practiced the posture as if they were practicing fencing, but they turned out to be fencing enthusiasts.

But it didn't affect him at all, he wasn't familiar with those girls who were practicing swords. Speaking of which, after these people were gone, he would stay with Li Gongting and practice together in the future, so he wouldn't be pointed at.

Li Gongting's face turned hot, she lowered her head and dared not look directly at Su Nan.

Things didn't go as she said, in fact, because of some special reasons, she needed to be alone with Su Nan from time to time. In order not to be exposed, she had to send those girls back to the club.

Su Nan's eyes fell on Li Gongting's face, she was stunned for a moment, and said, "Senior sister, do you want to start practicing now? What are you practicing?"

There are several ways that Li Gongting taught Su Nan, the main way is to share experience with him, and the second is to fight him.

The so-called fighting is not twisting together to fight, nor is it like in martial arts movies, but when she makes a move, Su Nan can either resist or evade, or find a weak point to counterattack instantly, which can exercise her reaction and increase her experience in fighting.

The last thing is to go out and find someone to fight.

Generally speaking, Su Nan fights against Li Gongting in the afternoon, but the emphasis is different each time.

"Uh, today...I'll think about it." Li Gongting suddenly stuttered, as if a little nervous, Su Nan was suspicious and didn't understand what was going on.

At this moment, Shu Baoer spoke. She gave Su Nan a blank look before saying, "Sister, I'm not feeling well today, and I can't exercise vigorously."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, remembering yesterday that senior sister Li Gongting went to buy aunt's towel by herself, this kind of thing is very private to girls, he couldn't show any emotions, so he said: "That's not as good as today never mind."

Shu Bao'er pushed Li Gongting quietly, Li Gongting came back to his senses, and said with a low face: "Forget about practicing today, let me tell you some of my experience."

"Alright." Su Nan thought she didn't know why she went back so early, so she agreed.

Shu Bao'er said: "Why don't we go to another place, go to my house, the wind here is a bit strong, it's not good for the senior sister's health."

Li Gongting's pink neck was slightly red, and she nodded: "That's fine, I'm bothering you, Shu Bao." She looked at Shu Bao'er with a slightly strange expression on her face.

Seeing that both of them agreed, Su Nan couldn't object, but wondered why Shu Bao'er wanted to get involved?She really doesn't care about what happened yesterday, doesn't she feel embarrassed?

After that, the three of them took the bus to the place where Shu Baoer lived.

After entering Shu Baoer's house, Su Nan looked down at the ingredients in her hand, with a strange expression on her face. Didn't she say that she wanted to share her experience? Why did she have dinner together again?

Shu Bao'er ignored him, took the ingredients from him, and got into the kitchen with Li Gongting to get busy.

Su Nan was not used to being alone in the living room, and wanted to go in to help, but Shu Bao'er drove her back. The kitchen is not big, and it would be very hard for one more person to squeeze in.

Su Nan had no choice but to sit on the sofa and wait.

Su Nan came to Shu Baoer's house once before, and he still met Lu Anya here, so he inevitably thought of Lu Anya, a woman, and then thought that Lu Anya's next seizure was coming soon.

The memory of the last time flashed inexplicably in his mind again. First, Lu Anya knelt in front of him, and after a while, Lu Ying was lying on his lap.

Su Nan's ears hurt, and she was pinched. At the same time, the sweet voice of the school girl sounded in her ears. She leaned a little closer, and her ears were swept away by the breath from her mouth, and there was a hot and humid feeling.

I was molested?

In the next second, Shu Bao'er stayed away from him, stood aside with normal expression, smiled and said to him: "What are you thinking, senior? You are so engrossed. Come and eat."

Li Gongting stood in front of the dining table arranging the bowls and chopsticks, and also looked at Su Nan curiously.

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