"Senior sister, this is the video I took tonight. You can use it. Regarding the fact that you have become weird, now that you are in a bad mood, I won't tell you. Rest early."

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Li Gongting received a video from Shu Bao'er. She opened it and was stunned.

In the video, she was massaging Su Nan, and Shu Baoer didn't know what to think. In addition to taking pictures of Su Nan lying on her stomach, she also pointed the camera at her, showing the complex and unspeakable complexion on her face with silk Si's excited expression was also photographed.

Seeing such a shameless self, Li Gongting was stunned, followed by shyness and panic, throwing the phone away as if it was hot.

At this time the phone rang, she hesitated for a while, got out of bed and picked up the phone again, looked down at the caller ID with an inexplicably complicated expression.

Taking a deep breath, she chose to answer, "Hey, Wei Ling, what can you do to find me so late?"

"It's nothing, you seem to have come to your aunt these two days, are you okay, I remember you have a little menstrual pain." Zhan Weiling asked with concern.

Li Gongting was startled, she never kept these private matters from Zhan Weiling, but what made her feel weird was that the slight dysmenorrhea that would accompany her aunt in the past didn't appear this time.

A little puzzled, Li Gongting replied: "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

"Haha, as long as it's okay, Ah Nan is at my house, so I won't chat with you for now, you should also go to bed early and drink plenty of hot water." Zhan Weiling hung up the phone after speaking.

Hearing the familiar name, Li Gongting was a little distracted, and when he came back to his senses, he heard the busy voice.

She put down her phone, feeling sad.

"Su Nan, what's your plan for noon?"

Before the morning reading started, Su Nan received a greeting from the class monitor. He glanced at the class monitor's slim back, bowed his head and replied, "Let's have dinner with Chu Xi and Xiao Min."

"Then you can contact me after dinner." After sending the message, Lu Ying stuffed the phone into the desk and picked up the Chinese textbook to read.

Su Nan didn't understand why she was looking for her for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, today is Friday, which seems to be the day when Lu Anya's illness broke out.

After realizing the purpose of the class monitor looking for her, Su Nan started the morning reading with a strange mood.

At noon, I accompanied Chu Xi, Xiao Min, and senior sister for dinner, and Zhao Junmin and Qin Xiaowan also followed.

After the meal, Su Nan excused something and left from their team.

Back in the class, the monitor was already waiting there, and she was the only one there.

Su Nan walked over and sat in front of her, and asked, "Do you want to go back now?"

Lu Ying hesitated for a while, then sighed, "It's hard to determine when my aunt's seizures will occur. It's too troublesome for us."

Although today was the day when Lu Anya had an attack, it was uncertain whether it would be morning, noon, or afternoon, which had a great impact on their plans.

Su Nan also had no choice but to rely on luck, but when I was in class, no one else seemed to have any seizures, and I don't know if it was my illusion."

Lu Ying frowned. This is not good news. After all, if Su Nan's guess is true, it means that there is something behind the scenes silently leading all this.

But after thinking about it, Lu Ying relaxed again, even punishments beyond common sense happened, so it makes sense that there is an intelligent leader behind him.

After hesitating for a while, she said, "Then you can go back with me after school in the afternoon. By the way, how is the situation these days?"

she asked instead.

Originally, she was supposed to meet with Su Nan every day to understand the situation, but she was worried that Chu Xi, Xiaomin and the others would find out, and what happened that day made her really ashamed to face Su Nan, so she delayed asking Su Nan these few days until now. The encounter of the day.

Su Nan thought for a while, and replied: "Except for your aunt, no one around me has abnormalities recently, and there have been no bizarre incidents."

Lu Ying said: "It seems that other than my aunt, the other people around you have already experienced punishment many times, but is there only such a few people, where is Junmin? And...the Qin Xiaowan who lives with you."

Su Nan looked a little embarrassed: "Junmin should have been punished twice, not so fast, and Xiaowan, it seems like three times."

Lu Ying looked at him with strange eyes, and said in a sour tone, "You are really a pervert."

After all, those punishments represent very ambiguous events, and those girls may have done it with Su Nan in various strange ways.

Thinking of this, she felt a little sore in her heart.

"Cough, this is a force majeure factor." Su Nan said cheekily.

Lu Ying also knew that it was wrong for her to be jealous, but she just couldn't bear it, sighed in her heart, and said, "I haven't eaten yet, I'm going to the cafeteria first, you should also get ready first, and go back with me in the afternoon."

Su Nan nodded, got up and left the classroom.

After sitting in the classroom for a while, Lu Ying was about to eat, when someone entered the classroom, walked up to her and stopped, looking at her quietly, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"Look for me, what's the matter?" Lu Ying was slightly flustered, but calmly said.

"You're really calm." Zhao Xiaomin said bluntly, "Be honest, what do you think? Ah Nan is my boyfriend, right?"

Lu Ying gradually calmed down from her nervousness. In fact, from the moment she decided to help Su Nan, she thought that she would face such a situation one day, so she was already prepared.

While thinking about it, Lu Ying said formulaically: "I have nothing to do with Su Nan, don't think too much, I am his squad leader, sometimes I will ask Su Nan to understand your situation, it's not what you think."

Zhao Xiaomin frowned, and said: "Our business has nothing to do with anyone, so don't talk to Ah Nan in the future."

Lu Ying shook her head: "I'm sorry, although you are his girlfriend, it doesn't mean you can take care of who he hangs out with. Classmate Xiaomin, I'm hungry. I'll go eat first, so I won't chat with you."

She stood up coldly and prepared to leave.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little surprised, she had already made it so clear, she didn't expect that this sister who was related by blood would still refuse to give up, she was really cheeky.

Watching Lu Ying leave, Zhao Xiaomin frowned tightly, feeling a bit difficult, although for the sake of a man, she didn't mind arguing with her sister who was related by blood, but if it made things big, everyone would look bad if it got out, Su Nan will also be dissatisfied.

What's more, she was afraid that if she had too much contact with Lu Ying, she would infect Lu Ying with the disease of shame.

It seems that I have to discuss it with Chu Xi.

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