Although he didn't want to tell Chu Xi about this, Zhao Xiaomin decided to look for her when he was helpless.

"You mean to say that Lu Ying fell in love with Mu Nan?"

After school in the afternoon, there were only two people in the activity room. Chu Xi raised his head in surprise, and asked Zhao Xiaomin who was facing him with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed slightly, and nodded: "I think so. Once I happened to meet the two of them alone on the roof of the school building with the door locked. Occasionally they would have a tryst in private."

"Munan actually cheated!" Chu Xi said coldly, she almost tore a page from the book she was reading.

"Uh..." Seeing that she seemed to be angry, Zhao Xiaomin quickly persuaded her, "Don't be impulsive, I'm actually not sure, after all, I haven't met her face to face, I just suspect it, besides, I think it might be Lu Ying who is seducing he."

After telling Chu Xi about Lu Ying's attitude at noon, Chu Xi was thoughtful. The Lu Ying she knew should not be the kind of bad woman who snatches her sister's boyfriend. There may be some reasons that no one thought of.

She thought of the shame disease all of a sudden, but she was in the same class as Lu Ying and Su Nan, if Lu Ying had the shame disease, she would not fail to find out.

Normally, Su Nan rarely had any contact with Lu Ying.

Zhao Xiaomin was full of jealousy and said: "In the beginning, she used meddling in our affairs as an excuse to get close to Ah Nan. She must have liked Ah Nan for a long time, and we took the lead. She did this because she was unwilling."

Could it be that the reason is really what Zhao Xiaomin said?

Chu Xi frowned, and then shook his head in his heart. When Lu Ying approached Su Nan, it must be because he couldn't understand the chaotic relationship between them, so he chose to intervene.

The reason why it became like this may be that something happened during the contact between Lu Ying and Su Nan, which made Lu Ying gradually fall in love with Su Nan.

And considering Lu Ying's view of love, maybe after she found out that she liked Su Nan, she chose to pursue Su Nan actively, and then hoped that by making Su Nan like herself, she would give up everyone.

Such a guess seemed to be close to the truth, but Chu Xi felt that something was wrong in her heart. At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin's words interrupted her thinking.

"Chu Xi, what do you think I should do? Both Jun Min and I are like this, and this idiot is still here to get a kick. It's so annoying."

Zhao Xiaomin said with a sad face.

Chu Xi thought for a while, and said, "I think the problem lies with Mu Nan. If he is willing to reject Lu Ying, Lu Ying will have no reason to approach him."

Zhao Xiaomin sighed and said, "I have thought about talking directly to Ah Nan, but I'm not sure how deep his feelings for Lu Ying are, and Ah Nan has been raised by us so that opening a harem has become a matter of course for him, since We can accept senior sister, Jun Min, and Xiao Wan, why can't we accept Lu Ying? He must find it very strange."

Zhao Xiaomin's worry was actually what Chu Xi was worried about. If Su Nan really liked Lu Ying, they allowed him to have a harem and date other girls, and at the same time forced him to give up Lu Ying.

Even if they used the excuse that they hated Lu Ying very much, it would be difficult to justify it.

However, Chu Xi also considered Lu Ying's attitude, she told Zhao Xiaomin her guess, and then said: "Lu Ying definitely cannot accept sharing Mu Nan with us, as long as we don't make trouble with Mu Nan, one day Lu Ying will I couldn’t bear it and gave up voluntarily.”

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up, and then she thought of something, and the thoughts in her heart turned, and she looked at Chuxi with flattering eyes: "Chuxi, in order to catch Ah Nan's heart, it seems that we have to cooperate more."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi understood what Zhao Xiaomin meant, blushed suddenly, and refused coldly.

"You have a good idea, don't expect me to help you do those embarrassing things. As long as we don't fall out with Mu Nan, Lu Ying will definitely not be able to compete with us. You don't have to do extra things at all."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little dissatisfied after hearing this: "You are too big-hearted. If Ah Nan is really taken away, it depends on what you will do! There is no such thing as embarrassment. Didn't you have a good time back then?"

"It's great for your size!" Chu Xi rolled her eyes at her, but her face was even more charming.

"Forget it, since you don't want to, then I won't force you." Zhao Xiaomin sighed suddenly.

Chu Xi was a little puzzled, why is this girl so talkative.

Only Zhao Xiaomin continued: "I'll go to Senior Sister Wei Ling, she cares about Ah Nan so much, she will definitely agree to me."

She showed a narrow smile, took out her mobile phone in front of Chu Xi, and prepared to call Zhan Weiling.

Chu Xi frowned. If Zhao Xiaomin said that a few days ago, of course she would not believe it, but on the night when her senior sister and Su Nan were dating, Zhao Xiaomin went to get involved, and it actually worked out, which made Chu Xi a little uncertain How good is their relationship.

In case the senior sister agrees to Zhao Xiaomin's ridiculous request, the two of them will accompany Su Nan at night, but they will sleep alone.

Thinking that this kind of situation would happen, Chu Xi suddenly felt very resistant in her heart. Even she didn't know what she was dissatisfied with. Was she dissatisfied with Su Nan and others flying again, or was she dissatisfied with not participating in it?

In short, after feeling uncomfortable in her heart, Chu Xi immediately took measures. Of course, in order to cover up her thoughts, she said calmly on the surface: "Senior sister will take the college entrance examination next semester. You have made her indulge in enjoyment and have no interest in studying. In the future, when she fails the exam, she won't hate you to death."

These words scare Zhao Xiaomin. After all, the college entrance examination is a very important matter, and Zhan Weiling also attaches great importance to it.

Although even if the senior sister failed the exam, it can't be blamed on her, but people are like this, and when they are depressed, they might make excuses for themselves and blame her.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't want to be hated by her senior, after all, she wanted to maintain the harmony in the harem.

In fact, she didn't have to cooperate with Zhan Weiling, she was just making gestures to make Chuxi feel threatened. Her purpose was to normalize the three-person relationship, which was conducive to the harmonious development of the relationship between the three.

After rolling her eyes, she said hypocritically: "So that's the case, then I won't bother senior sister, and go back to find Xiao Wan or my sister."

Chu Xi was speechless, "You are really a pervert, you can even kill your sister."

"After all, my sister is like that. It won't be cheap in the future, Nan. There's nothing wrong with getting used to it earlier."

Zhao Xiaomin sighed, and continued: "Actually, I'm quite conflicted, after all, she is my own sister, but Chu Xi and you refuse to cooperate, so what can I do?"

It seemed that Chu Xi was all to blame.

Chu Xi felt that Zhao Xiaomin was provoking him on purpose to force him to compromise, because no matter what, Su Nan would never give up on them for a woman, so it doesn't matter if he didn't do that.She insisted on forcing herself to agree to her request.

But I have to say that Zhao Xiaomin's stimulation is also effective. Chu Xi knows this guy and knows that she will do it for Su Nan, for future harmony and so on. Maybe she will really do something stupid like pulling her sister together when her head gets hot. .

After hesitating for a while, a blush appeared on her face, she held back her shame and said, "Let me think about it."

The corners of Zhao Xiaomin's mouth turned up when she heard this. In fact, what Chu Xi said meant that she almost agreed. It was just because of face that she didn't say it so bluntly.

Noticing that Zhao Xiaomin was smiling, Chu Xi turned away, blushing even more.

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