Su Nan was playing the female character. Under Su Nan's control, the game characters moved nimbly and swiftly, knocking down the enemies one by one.

After successfully killing the enemy, the expression on the character's face became more excited, slightly bright red.

Su Nan played happily, manipulating the character to pass the level continuously, and the buttons of the handle made a crisp sound under his ravages.

After spending the fastest time to clear the game, Su Nan woke up and was very excited: "I'm going, why am I so good today, I actually passed the level smoothly!"

Probably because of the feeling of playing, Su Nan looked at the time, it was twelve o'clock, because it was a bit late for breakfast, so she was not very hungry.

Then he turned off the game, and continued to search for it in the game files. It was rare that he felt good today, and he planned to find a game that he couldn't clear normally to play.

Suddenly Su Nan stared at an icon on the screen, unable to move his eyes away, he murmured to himself: "Death or life, it seems that I have downloaded it and haven't played it much, forget it, just this."

He clicks the button to enter the game.

After entering the game interface, Su Nan suddenly found that all the optional characters had a naked state. He secretly complained: "I'll go, when did I download the integration package, I'm too gentleman."

Because it was a pirated resource shared by someone on the Internet and downloaded casually, Su Nan didn't remember it very clearly, but it doesn't matter, it's more fun to choose a naked state.

"Who should I choose?" Su Nan kept pressing her left thumb, looking at the many beautiful girls on the screen.Finally, the icon came to a person, and Su Nan's eyes were slightly excited: "It's you, Mary Rose!"

With a flick of his finger, he chose this Swedish girl dressed as a maid.

Speaking of which, the reason why Su Nan downloaded this game was also because of watching this girl's film and television fanfic. It is really a social security.

Besides Mary Rose, another character named Honoka is also his favorite, and this time he chose Honoka as Mary Rose's opponent.

After the opening animation of the game, the figures of the two girls came into view, one poor and the other male, forming a stark contrast, but each had its own characteristics, and no one was inferior to the other.

Su Nan suddenly entered a state of excitement. After starting, he manipulated Mary Rose to attack Honogo through the handle, and clicked with two thumbs at a speed of many times a second.

Amidst the girl's coquettish shouts, Honoka was hit by Mary Rose, and then Su Nan started to hit repeatedly, and the frequency of pressing the keys became faster.Under his control, Mary Rose made all kinds of graceful body movements, exuding her own charm infinitely, which made Honoka scream.

Su Nan didn't notice that when Mary Rose, the character he chose, had an abnormal blush on her face when she attacked others, her coquettish voice also seemed weak and soft.

Suddenly, Mary Rose lost control and fell limp on the ground for an instant, before being knocked down by her opponent Honoka's combo of blows.

During this process, Su Nan kept pressing buttons, trying to manipulate Mary Rose through the handle, but to no avail. His game character was thrown into the air, gracefully postured, sweating, screaming again and again, and then the blood tank bottomed out, lying on the ground. The ground twitched endlessly.

"The handle is broken?" Su Nan looked down at the handle, then tried it, and couldn't help but wonder: "No problem, is it a bug?"


Su Nan re-selected the character, this time he chose Honoka, with an amazing weapon, and her opponent was Mary Rose.

A few minutes later, in a violent sway, with Honoka's high-pitched screams coming from the earphones, Su Nan's chosen character was emptied of blood, fell to the ground and twitched, and the ground was wet with sweat .

This time, the same bug appeared. At the last moment, he suddenly lost control of Honoka. He couldn't control it no matter what, and was knocked down by his opponent.

Looking at the powerless Honoka on the screen, Su Nan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

He thought for a while, and started a new round. This time he chose the player vs. player battle, and the characters were still Honoka and Mary Rose.

Mary Rose stood still, and Su Nan controlled Honoka to attack her.Fingers frantically pressed the buttons on the handle, Honoka swayed her body, moved towards Mary Rose with flushed cheeks, her arms and legs made fierce attacks, knocking Mary Rose into the air.

However, at the last moment, Honoka lost control again and fell to the ground twitching with a loud voice.

Su Nan was stunned, what kind of bug is this, it's too strange.

Suddenly, Su Nan noticed something unusual. On the screen, the game character who fell on the ground and was panting, was blushing at this moment, looking at him shyly and angrily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan suspected that her eyes were dazzled, so she wiped her eyes and looked again, and found that the heroine in the game was indeed looking at her, and her eyes were very humane.

This discovery made him feel creepy, but he had experienced a lot of strange things, and he didn't panic. After calming down and thinking about it for a while, he felt that someone might have accepted the punishment and entered the game.

And his behavior today is also a bit strange, he actually played the game on a whim, and thought the game was more fun than his girlfriend, it was simply inexplicable.

Going to see Honoka again, Honoka seemed to realize that she was exposed, her eyes panicked, and she quickly lay down and pretended to be dead.

Judging from her reaction, Su Nan concluded that she was not one of Chu Xi, Xiao Min, and the senior sister. These three experienced many battles, and they would not behave like this if they experienced punishment again.

So who will it be?

Several suspicious names popped up in Su Nan's mind, Zhao Junmin, Qin Xiaowan and Lu Anya.

He didn't say anything, but asked, "Can you hear me?"

Honoko didn't respond, Su Nan repeated it again into the headset, but it was still the same, it seemed the same as when Xiao Min and her senior entered the phone.

So Su Nan put down the handle, hesitated for a while, stretched out his index finger and poked Honoka's shoulder on the screen, to see if he could touch it directly with his fingers.

The conclusion is that it cannot.

Honoka lay motionless on the ground, the game screen almost stopped, her body in the game was naked.

As an old driver, Su Nan didn't feel anything when she saw it just now, but after realizing that this was a girl she knew, she inevitably felt a little strange in her heart when she went to see it again.

He averted his gaze, thinking that he had to communicate with this girl whose identity was not known yet. A girl who hadn't been punished many times must feel very disturbed in this situation.

Communication was probably only through writing.Su Nan found paper and a pen, buried her head in writing, and pointed at the screen.

"Don't worry, your situation shouldn't last long, and it will probably return to normal by tomorrow."

Although Qin Xiaowan, Lu Anya, and Zhao Junmin have all been punished and have experience in this, Su Nan still comforts them in this way, the main purpose is to pretend not to recognize them, so as to avoid embarrassment for everyone.

In addition, Su Nan was a little worried that this girl was experiencing punishment for the first time.

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