He held up the paper and looked at the screen. In the game, Honoka lay motionless and did not turn her eyes. In desperation, Su Nan had to move the mouse to click on the less sensitive parts of the girl's body to remind her, but the girl still loved him. ignore it.

Playing dead because you're too shy?

After thinking for a while, Su Nan chose to end the match, re-entered the selection interface, chose Honoka who was dressed, and then started the game again.

It was still a player vs. player battle mode. After entering the battle, Honoka was standing, and Su Nan quickly pointed the paper at her.

But after a while, when he looked at Honoka in the game, the other party didn't look over. Was this trying to hide himself?

Su Nan shook the paper as a reminder, but Honoka still stood like a log. As the battle time passed to zero, the game ended.

Su Nan felt a little helpless. He had a strong urge to play games in his heart, but he still controlled himself. He just wanted to communicate with the other party first, but the other party ignored him at all.

Su Nan can also guess the reason, it's just to cover up, maybe he feels embarrassed, but if this goes on, he will not be able to bear it, although this result is inevitable, but at least he hopes to communicate with the other party first.

Going back to the [selection] interface, Su Nan sat in front of the computer and froze. First, the other party didn’t want to communicate with him, which made him a little helpless. Second, he felt an itchy feeling in his heart, as if he wanted to vent something through the game.

This is the prelude to being out of control.

The girl in the game is probably not Qin Xiaowan and the others. It is the first time she has experienced punishment. If she does too much and leaves a psychological shadow on the other party, it will be bad.

Now the other party should be aware that he has discovered her abnormality, if he does it recklessly, he will offend the other party.

Su Nan hesitated, he wanted to leave this room, to go out from home, but there was always an urge in his heart that made him sit rooted in front of the computer.

As time passed, Su Nan swallowed her saliva and became more impulsive. He raised his hand as if to touch something.

At this critical moment, the phone rang, accompanied by vibrations.

Su Nan glanced at the mobile phone on the table, the caller ID was the monitor.

He gritted his teeth, forcibly turned off the computer, grabbed the phone on the table, and dragged the icon to answer.

Before the squad leader could speak, Su Nan took the initiative to speak: "Squad leader, let's go on a date!"

As if being struck by a thunderbolt, the squad leader's stuttering voice sounded, with a touch of shyness: "How do you...know, I'm looking for you for...a date?"

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and then the squad leader's slightly flustered explanation came from the phone: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask about my aunt last time, are you free, come out and meet when you are free."

Su Nan nodded, and was about to agree to her, but there was a sense of rejection in her heart.

He secretly thought something was wrong, where was the silence for a while.

"...Why didn't you speak all of a sudden?" Lu Ying said a little uneasy.

Su Nan took a deep breath and said seriously: "Squad leader, please tempt me! Tempt me to go out on a date with you, otherwise... I won't go out."

"What are you talking nonsense all of a sudden!" The squad leader seemed very angry, and said, "Student Su Nan, pervert, don't think that you can bully me casually because of my aunt!"

Su Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Squad leader, you misunderstood. In fact, there is a girl who is currently being punished. She is in my computer. I'm afraid that if I don't leave, I can't help but do something to her."

"...Why is this?" Lu Ying muttered, feeling very surprised: "Why can't you resist bullying others? Is it because you can't control yourself?"

"Yes, I don't want to go out now, so monitor, please lure me out."

Su Nan's voice sounded a little hoarse at the moment, Lu Ying realized something was wrong, and quickly said, "I'll go find you!"

"That's too late."

"But what can I do through the phone?" Lu Ying was worried, but she couldn't hear Su Nan's voice, she immediately knew that Su Nan was too impulsive to reply.

In a hurry, Lu Ying opened her mouth and said, "Come and find me, I'll help you like last time." As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she blushed and scolded herself for being shameless.

But at a critical moment, she couldn't think of a better way, so she could only do it according to her own understanding.

Su Nan still didn't answer, she said in a soft voice: "OK? Come and find me, I will treat you well..."

She couldn't continue, so she kissed the phone, and the sound was clearly transmitted to Su Nan's ears.

Su Nan's breathing became short of breath.

Lu Ying heard it, and said happily: "Do you like this? Let me kiss again, okay? As long as you are obedient."

Without waiting for an answer, she kissed again, her cheeks flushed slightly, thinking that it was just a kiss on the phone and he heard the sound, it was no big deal.

"……not enough."


"I can't say enough!" Su Nan said in a difficult voice: "Squad leader, let's make something more attractive, I can't hold it anymore!"

"...But me, me, me, what should I do?" Lu Ying asked shyly, she couldn't think of a better way, and she was at a loss for words when she wanted to say all kinds of love words to Su Nan.

Su Nan ordered: "How about it, monitor, you kiss your fingers."

Lu Ying obediently kissed her, and asked embarrassingly, "And then."

"Let me listen to the voice." Su Nan said maliciously

Lu Ying's cheeks turned red immediately, and she scolded, "How could you treat me like this..."

Su Nan interrupted her and growled, "Hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"

Lu Ying was also shocked, and instinctively followed suit. She felt ashamed and wronged, but she was worried that Su Nan would lose control of herself and do bad things to the person she was punishing, so she endured it and didn't stop.

When she thought of Su Nan being shy with other girls, even in a punishing state, she felt very uncomfortable. Compared with that, she felt that it was acceptable to stop Su Nan in this way.So I feel better.

"Squad leader, don't kiss all the time, use more tricks." Su Nan ordered again.

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