Hearing his excited voice, Lu Ying secretly scolded Mrs. Dashi, the teacher bullied her like this, but she was helpless, racking her brains to figure out how to lure Su Nan out of the house and lure him to her.

Lu Ying shyly said: "Su Nan, come and find me, okay? Don't you want to look at me like this? Maybe I'll let you help me instead."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


What to use instead?

It's easy to get confused about this question.

Su Nan inevitably wanted to go to a dirty place, and became excited, saying: "Squad leader, you wait at home, I will go to you now!"

"Eh?" Lu Ying was surprised, and stammered, "How about...we meet at a certain place?"

"How is this possible!" Su Nan interrupted her unceremoniously, and said confidently: "I am in a very bad state now, what if I am spotted on the street? And the squad leader, I will take the lead later. You have to keep seducing me during this process, otherwise I might not be able to reach your house."

"Why is this?" the squad leader said distressedly, and then sighed as if giving up, "I will try my best, but you have to hurry up, it's so embarrassing."

Su Nan thought about it, and said: "Maybe it's okay not to do this, I have other ways, but I don't know if the monitor is willing to do it."

"any solution?"

Su Nan immediately told the squad leader her method, but the squad leader fell silent after listening.

After waiting for a while, the familiar impulse came again, and Su Nan was a little impatient: "Squad leader, are you ready?"

"Hey, I must have owed you in my previous life." Lu Ying muttered, and then began to hum a cute voice.

Su Nan couldn't imagine how embarrassing the monitor was at this time, but hearing the monitor humming like this, his bones were broken, and he couldn't bear the urge to see the monitor anymore, so he hurriedly got up and walked out. , but he subconsciously put the game controller in his pocket.

The girl who was punished felt that she had fallen into a narrow and dark environment, separated by a thin layer of fabric, and felt an astonishing heat. The touch under the fabric made her feel a little uneasy for no reason.

However, it feels much better to be controlled to make various large-scale movements compared to being possessed in a game character without a thread.

But what's the situation now, suddenly from the handle to the game character, and then changed back to the figure and I don't know where it was stuffed.


What did the faint girl grasp.

At this time, she felt shaking, being moved by her body, and herself as the handle also moved accordingly, and the surrounding fabric tightened, causing the handle to be oppressed.

Also, the handle is unknown, and the girl smells a faint and special smell, which is the smell of laundry detergent and a faint smell of sweat.

Strange, how can there be laundry detergent smell.

The girl is confused.

Suddenly a flash of lightning struck her mind, and the girl was stunned for a moment. Su Nan stuffed the handle into a dark place, which was wrapped tightly with cloth, and there was even the smell of laundry detergent and sweat.

An astonishing possibility emerged in the girl's mind, that she was actually in Su Nan's pocket.

A strong sense of shame came from the bottom of my heart.

Su Nan's house is not very far from Lu Anya's house, because he was worried that people would find out about his abnormality when riding in a car, so he scanned the two bicycles and went to find the squad leader on the bicycle.

Lu Anya should go to work today, that is to say, there is only the squad leader at home, Su Nan feels excited when she thinks that she can do something to the squad leader in a legitimate way, and the inexplicable urge to vent also weakens a bit.

When riding a bicycle, it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to stuff something in your pocket.

It was only then that Su Nan realized that he had brought out the handle. He was a little baffled. He was about to think about it when a sound came out from the earphones. The squad leader, who was panting for a while, started her seduction task again, and must let Su Nan come to her house.

Su Nan's head was empty, except for looking at the road, all her attention was focused on the pleasant voice of the monitor. The monitor's snort gave off a lovely feeling, which melted the heart.

Su Nan's heart beat faster, and she murmured: "Squad leader, your voice is so nice, I want to see you."

Lu Ying took a breath, and felt a little shy when he heard him praise herself, and muttered, "Then come here quickly! Also, I'm tired and don't want to shout anymore."

Su Nan quickly coaxed: "I'm almost there, monitor, don't stop, I won't have the strength if you stop."

"Hmph, let's see how I deal with you later!" With a soft snort, Lu Ying spoke again in desperation.

And listening to her voice, Su Nan pedaled vigorously on the bicycle.

After a while, Lu Ying muttered, "I'm tired, so I won't shout anymore."

Su Nan panicked, but then heard the sound of the squad leader licking a popsicle. It turned out that the squad leader thought it was too tiring, so he changed back to this method.

But Su Nan didn't care, he liked it too, he just wanted to hurry to the monitor to meet her.

After Su Nan hurried on the road, he came to the community where the squad leader was located, parked his bicycle and went in, then Su Nan went straight to the destination.

Running all the way up, Su Nan didn't feel tired. She stood at the door and looked left and right. Seeing no one, she whispered into the earphone microphone: "Squad leader, I'm here."

As he spoke, he dialed the handle of the pocket and felt a little more comfortable. A certain girl breathed a sigh of relief. If it was the real body, she would have blushed up to her ears.

After waiting for a while, the door opened, and Lu Ying's blushing face appeared, her eyes were embarrassed to look at him, she just stepped aside slightly, and said, "Come in."

Su Nan took a look at the monitor with eager eyes, and then strode in, seeming to notice his gaze, Lu Ying's cheeks turned redder, and she felt a little panicked for no reason, but she saw that something was wrong with Su Nan, so she didn't dare to let him go he comes in.

After closing the door, Lu Ying took a deep breath, turned around and was about to talk to Su Nan calmly, but at this moment Su Nan leaned over, hugged her at once, pushed her back against the door, and then bowed her head to kiss her.

Lu Ying hurriedly avoided, and was kissed on the cheek.

Seeing that Su Nan still wanted to kiss, she hurriedly said: "Don't mess around, my aunt is sleeping in the room."

"Why is she here?" Su Nan's heart turned cold, and her impulsiveness subsided a little.

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