After listening, Lu Ying was very surprised, "You mean to say that I was controlled by the handle? And the handle in your hand was changed by that girl who was being punished?"

"Probably so." Su Nan nodded, and then asked: "Squad leader, what should we do?"

"How do I know what to do? To be honest, you probably didn't do it on purpose. Use the controller to control me, and then use it to satisfy your own desires."

Lu Ying thought of something, her cheeks flushed, and she looked at Su Nan suspiciously, but after she understood the reason why she couldn't move, she was relieved.

"No, I haven't noticed anything abnormal about this handle." Su Nan sighed. If he knew, he would not have brought out the handle. It was because he didn't know that he carried it on him unconsciously.

"Who knows if you're faking it." Lu Ying whispered, and then hurriedly urged: "Hurry up and find a way to release me. It should be operated through the handle. You should study the handle."

Su Nan also knew that now was not the time to explain, after all, as time went by, he couldn't help but do something, which would definitely hurt the girl who was being punished.

Thinking of this possibility, Su Nan quickly lowered his head to study the handle.

This controller is a cheap one he bought online, and the buttons are the same as most controllers.

Su Nan remembered the experience of playing games not long ago, and tried to shake the joystick above.

And Lu Ying also turned around.

Sure enough, it's like playing a game, so if you want the squad leader to get out of the controlled situation, you should "end the game".

So he operates in the way of playing games.

The next moment, he heard the squad leader's mournful cry, looked up, his eyelids twitched, and saw the squad leader touching his hands.

"What... what's going on! Su Nan, you did it on purpose!" Lu Ying glared at him angrily, with an expression of shame and indignation.

Su Nan quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I thought it was the same as playing a game, please give me some time."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and continued to study, and then found that except for the keys for controlling the direction, the other keys were different from the game.

For example, after pressing a button, you can touch yourself, and after entering this mode, Su Nan can use the direction keys to control the movement direction of Lu Ying's hand.

This made him subconsciously swallow his saliva, which seemed very exciting.

Immediately, he secretly thought something was wrong, he could hardly control himself, he had to hurry up.

Su Nan lost her caution in a hurry, and tried to press it again. Before her eyes, Lu Ying started to take off her clothes. She screamed and shouted nervously: "Su Nan, stop!"

Surprised, Su Nan regained consciousness, and quickly pressed the button to interrupt her behavior.

Then the two looked at each other with a helpless look on their faces. They couldn't 'exit the game'. Pressing keys at will might trigger bad events, and if they didn't do anything, Su Nan would lose control over time.

They seem to be in some kind of trouble.

After a while, a flash of determination flashed in Lu Ying's eyes, and just as she was about to ask Su Nan to manipulate her into doing ordinary things to confuse this punishment, someone knocked on her door.

"Xiaoying, is Xiaonan here? You heard you calling him." Lu Anya's greeting came from outside.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xiaoying, is Xiaonan here? You heard you calling him."

Lu Anya's greeting sounded outside.

Lu Ying's expression changed immediately, and she quickly gestured to Su Nan with her eyes, warning him to keep quiet.

Su Nan showed helplessness. The squad leader's voice was so loud just now, it's hard to get away now.

"What are you and Xiao Nan doing in the room? Is he bullying you? You open the door, and I'll vent your anger for you!" Lu Anya said angrily, and she didn't know who she was targeting.

Lu Ying forced a smile and said, "Auntie, what are you talking about, how could Su Nan be in my room, you think too much."

There is only one mouth in her body that can be freely controlled. In this case, she must not let her aunt come in, and she must not even let her know that Su Nan is in her room. This will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Lu Anya didn't believe it: "Do you think I'm a fool? I heard it all."

Immediately afterwards, her tone suddenly became worried: "He must not be bullying you! Xiao Nan, I know you are inside, open the door quickly."

Worried and implied a warning, Su Nan's eyelids twitched, obviously Lu Anya was very sure that he was in Lu Ying's room, and men and women secretly shared the same room, no wonder Lu Anya was delusional.

Thinking of the last contact with Lu Anya's company that seemed to go deep into her soul, Su Nan felt that this "misunderstanding" should be clarified.

He thought about it, his eyes fell on the handle in his hand, and he quickly thought of a way, but it was a bit risky.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan finally decided to take the risk.

When Lu Ying heard Lu Anya's words, she also realized that something was wrong, and was sweating profusely, when she suddenly found that her body moved uncontrollably and walked towards the door.

"What... what's going on?" Lu Ying turned her head and looked at Su Nan nervously, only Su Nan could control her body.

Su Nan said in a low voice: "There's no time to explain, monitor, don't let your lips show."

Lu Ying was vaguely aware of what Su Nan was going to do. Although she was uneasy, she also understood that this was the only solution at present.

She took a deep breath, bit the bullet and let Su Nan control herself to the door, then raised her right arm involuntarily.

The four buttons on the right side of the handle represent hands and feet respectively, which are the same as the King of Fighters games played before. In addition, the functions of some buttons are not clear, and Su Nan dare not use them randomly.

In Su Nan's eyes, when Lu Ying's hand touched the door lock, the word "unlock" appeared out of thin air.

Su Nan clicked to unlock the lock, and the option to open the door appeared again. He gritted his teeth and resolutely chose to open the door.

When the door slowly opened, Lu Ying inevitably became nervous, but she still greeted Lu Anya with a smile all over her face.

Looking at the aunt standing outside the door who seemed to have an unattractive face, Lu Ying pretended to be coquettish and said: "Auntie, what nonsense are you talking about? I just closed the door because I was afraid that it would affect your nap."

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