Lu Anya's suspicious eyes kept lingering on Su Nan and her, she couldn't deny it, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it's not appropriate for a girl and a boy to stay in the same room and close the door. It’s not too small, so pay more attention.”

The tone seemed to imply blame.

Lu Ying forced a smile, feeling a mess in her heart, and replied very formulaically: "Auntie, I understand."

Su Nan couldn't stand it anymore, and said, he raised the handle in his hand, "We are going to play games together, for fear of disturbing you, and the class monitor is also worried that you will scold her for being addicted to games, so she closes the door, never next time I will." He said with an apologetic look on his face.

Lu Ying was taken aback, but quickly realized, and echoed: "Recently, many boys in class are chatting about games. In order to understand their interests, I asked Su Nan to find the games for me, and let him teach them by the way. I."

She had a look of embarrassment on her face.

Su Nan secretly admired it, the more beautiful the girl is, the more she can deceive people.

Lu Anya also saw the handle in Su Nan's hand. There is no such thing at home. If Su Nan and Lu Ying really have something and deliberately come to see her, it is obviously impossible to come with a handle, so Su Nan's words Should be true.

Lu Anya believed the explanation in her heart, but she didn't let go of her vigilance. A question she hadn't thought about all this time was the possibility of Su Nan and Lu Ying having a crush on each other.

My niece is a beautiful woman, and she is in the same class as Su Nan. There are many crushes in the school. It is impossible for Su Nan to have no idea.Because of her relationship, Lu Ying needs to be in constant contact with Su Nan, and it is not impossible for the two to have a long-term relationship.

She blamed herself for being too nervous in the past. Of course, she hadn't thought about what to do with Su Nan before, so she didn't really care who Su Nan liked, but since she made up her mind that time, she went through the office with Su Nan last time. Well, she suddenly felt that it would be nice to be with Su Nan.

After she thought this way, she would naturally not allow Lu Ying and Su Nan to get too close, and she secretly decided to avoid this as much as possible in the future.

While thinking about it, Lu Anya asked with a smile: "What game, let me watch it too."

As she said that, she took a step forward and wanted to enter the room, but the strange thing was that Lu Ying remained motionless, blocking the door and not letting in.

Lu Anya was a little taken aback.

In this short period of time, both Su Nan and Lu Ying came to their senses. One of them smiled apologetically, and the other manipulated the handle secretly to get out of the way.

Lu Anya only thought that Lu Ying didn't want her to know about the game she was playing, and she didn't think too much about it. Seeing her get out of the way, she went into the room without thinking. She sat down on the bed and asked, "You guys haven't started yet, and the computer isn't working yet. Open."

Su Nan smiled and nodded: "I just arrived and was about to start the machine, so you came here."

"Hehe, so I ruined your good deed." Lu Anya said in a coquettish tone, and gave Su Nan a covert look.

Su Nan's eyelids twitched again, feeling that Lu Anya was warning her not to get too close to Lu Ying.

He replied calmly: "Yes, it would be fine if you came a little later. The first time I saw the class monitor begging me, I wanted to bribe her well, so that it would be much more convenient for me to leave early and skip classes and fail to hand in homework."

"You have a good idea!" Lu Ying pretended to be angry, and took advantage of her aunt's inattention to wink at Su Nan.

At this time she was still standing at the door, it would be too strange to stand for too long.

As a last resort, Su Nan had no choice but to agree, while calmly using the handle to control Lu Ying to come over and sit beside Lu Anya.

After that, Su Nan sat in front of the computer and turned on the computer.

There is no way, since you lied, you can only lie.

He casually found a not very big stand-alone game on the Internet to download. The Internet speed of Lu Anya's house was very fast, and the download was completed in a short time.

Putting the game controller aside, Su Nan started to enter the game, while Lu Anya and Lu Ying focused their attention.

Su Nan looked at the game controller frequently, and glanced at the two girls next to her out of the corner of her eye.At this time, Lu Anya moved a chair and sat beside him curiously watching him enter the game, while the monitor was still sitting on the bed motionless.

Looking at the class monitor who was sitting quietly, Su Nan suddenly felt a little impulsive when he thought that he could freely control her behavior. He stretched out his left hand out of nowhere and pressed a button on the handle.

Because Lu Ying couldn't move, she was staring blankly at the backs of Su Nan and her aunt, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly she felt a tightness in her chest, subconsciously looked down, and found that it was her hands that were doing the trick.

She froze for a moment, then looked at Su Nan nervously, motioning him to stop quickly.

However, Su Nan just gave her a meaningful look, and went back to continue playing his game.

Lu Ying's heart suddenly cooled down, and she suddenly thought that Su Nan might have lost her mind.

Unknowingly, her hand began to exert force, she frowned subconsciously, and almost made a sound, but she was afraid of being heard by her aunt, so she held it back, her pretty face flushed.

Seeing this scene from the corner of her eye, Su Nan felt happy.

But he didn't dare to look too much, as Lu Anya was still sitting beside her.

But as time went by, Su Nan became a little out of control. He got up and moved out of the way, and said to Lu Anya, "Come here, I will teach you how to play."

Lu Anya smiled slightly and did not refuse. She got up and sat in front of the computer, and then Su Nan leaned down and pointed at the keyboard keys to teach her how to operate it.

"Try it." Then Su Nan said.

Lu Anya asked curiously, "Don't you need a controller?"

Su Nan shook her head: "There seems to be something wrong with the handle. I didn't notice it before. It's the same with the keyboard."

"Oh." Lu Anya nodded, and began to try the game with interest. It is true that she rarely played computer games, at most she played small games on her mobile phone in her free time, but this is a game that Su Nan is interested in. Teach her specially, let her feel a little bit useful, and decide to give Su Nan face.

Just when she was addicted to the game, she didn't realize that Su Nan secretly held the handle in her hand, teaching her how to play with her mouth, and pressing the buttons with her fingers.

At the same time, he turned his body so that he could see the squad leader.

At this time Lu Ying had already stood up from the bed, walked behind Lu Anya, glared at Su Nan with a blushing pretty face, and raised her hands on her chest.After that, the clothes were lifted to operate.

While doing this, she nervously observed her aunt who was addicted to games, and stared at Su Nan with murderous eyes from time to time, but Su Nan was not afraid of her at all, and instead became more excited.

This made Lu Ying feel ashamed and indignant, and Su Nan seemed to have become unscrupulous.

At this time, apart from Lu Ying feeling ashamed, the other girl wanted to pass out because of this, the wife... You have no morals!Su Nan is such a pervert!

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