The female driver couldn't bear it, and comforted her: "Don't be too sad, excellent boys are everywhere, and there must be many people chasing a beautiful girl like you..."

Lu Ying was upset, she couldn't hear what the female driver was saying, she was caught in a tangle, wondering if Su Nan really fell in love with her aunt?

Even though he has done so many excessive things to him, he still likes his aunt. This is too much, she is a scumbag!

She thought indignantly in her heart, thinking that she should just ignore Su Nan, and stop caring about his mess with his aunt and other girls.

But after this idea was born, she felt a strong reluctance in her heart, so she gave up like this, so what is her persistence all the time?

And does Su Nan really like Auntie?

He didn't know his aunt for a long time at all, and the number of times he met was even less, at most, it was only a few times that his aunt had seduced him when she had a fit.

Su Nan's heart will definitely be there, but Lu Ying doesn't believe how deep his feelings for his aunt are.

She raised her head and looked at the car in front of her. Su Nan was sitting in the back seat, he must have insisted on it, and the auntie had no problem driving, which showed that Su Nan had controlled herself.

Thinking of this, she felt more confident.

When passing by Su Nan's house, Lu Anya did not stop, but continued to drive forward, and Lu Ying had no choice but to let the driver continue to follow.

After driving for another ten minutes, the vehicle entered the parking lot of Wanda Plaza. The interior of the parking lot was a bit dark. Lu Ying asked the driver to park the car near my aunt's car and secretly observed her. Auntie got out of the car with a smile on her face, and then Su Nan also Get off the car, but Su Nan looks a little helpless.

Lu Ying thought to herself, it should be my aunt who insisted on bringing Su Nan here, maybe now Su Nan can't hold herself anymore, so the attitude of rejection is not very firm.

A flash of joy flashed in her heart, and then there was dissatisfaction with her aunt. Lu Anya lied to her that she was going to the company, and deliberately took Su Nan away. It turned out that she wanted to bring Su Nan here for a date.

What followed was worry, if Su Nan couldn't control herself, she would definitely manipulate her aunt in the future. In a shopping mall with people coming and going, it would be a big problem.

Seeing the smiling auntie pulling Su Nan to take the elevator, Lu Ying also got out of the car and climbed up the stairs under the sympathetic gaze of the female driver.

She guessed that my aunt did everything possible to bring Su Nan here, probably to watch a movie, and maybe go to dinner together later, which is standard for couples on a date.

What's more serious is that the room will be opened after dinner, but Lu Ying thinks that the two of them should not be to this extent.

She was afraid of meeting her aunt, so she didn't dare to take the elevator, so she climbed the stairs to the cinema in one go. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw her aunt dragging Su Nan to the ticket machine to pick up the ticket.

When my aunt was picking up the ticket, Su Nan stood behind her. He took out the handle from his pocket, but put it back after looking at the people around him.

After that, Su Nan looked uncomfortable.

After picking up the ticket, the aunt turned around, as if she noticed that Su Nan's face was not right, she quickly took out a tissue from her bag and carefully wiped his sweat, but Su Nan grabbed the aunt's hand.

The two just paused in place, looking at each other quietly, as if they would kiss each other in the next second.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ying felt sore in her heart, and gritted her teeth viciously.

Fortunately, there were many people watching movies today, and the behavior of the two attracted attention. Su Nan quickly let go of Lu Anya's hand, turned around, walked to the seat and sat down.

Afterwards, Lu Anya went to buy two Cokes and a popcorn, and came to sit beside Su Nan. After she handed the things to Su Nan, she got up and went to the toilet.

Lu Ying regained her spirits, and seeing her aunt entering the women's bathroom, she quietly walked up to Su Nan and sat down.

The seats were connected, and the two sat back to back, a little close to each other, and could even feel the heat from each other's body.

Before Lu Ying could open her mouth, Su Nan felt something was wrong. There were so many places around, but this girl insisted on sitting behind her, which was a bit abnormal.

He looked back, startled, and stammered: "Squad, squad leader."

Lu Ying turned around and looked at him, sneering again and again: "Student Su Nan, your home is in a movie theater."

Su Nan looked embarrassed. Not long ago, she promised the squad leader that she could handle it, but now she caught him, it was so embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lu Ying didn't intend to pursue it, she said seriously: "You really plan to watch a movie with my aunt, the movie lasts nearly two hours, don't you worry that you will lose control?"

Su Nan sighed and said, "What can I do? Your aunt insists on me accompanying her, and I can't refuse in my current state. Squad leader, why don't you find an excuse to take your aunt away."

Lu Ying frowned: "Doesn't this leave you here alone?"

"I'll go down immediately and drive home by car." Su Nan said.

"I'm not worried, why don't you come with me." Lu Ying said her purpose, her face flushed slightly.

Su Nan was taken aback. In his current state, if the squad leader took him away, there was a high possibility of being bullied.

However, the squad leader was still going to do this, and Su Nan was a little moved.

Just when he was about to make a statement, Lu Ying's expression suddenly changed and she lay down.

Su Nan was stunned, then thought of something, quickly sat up straight, looked forward, and it turned out that Lu Anya had returned.

Lu Anya found a girl lying behind Su Nan, and looked at it curiously, but didn't pay attention carefully. Seeing that it was almost time to enter, she led Su Nan to the ticket gate.

Lu Ying got up just in time to see them entering the arena, her expression changed.

Then she got up and came to the entrance, and found that they entered the third theater. Lu Ying took out her mobile phone and watched the movie on the third, and found that there was still some time, so she hurriedly booked a ticket.

She went to pick up the ticket, and after passing the ticket inspection, she entered the third hall.

The interior was a bit dark, the movie hadn't started, and there was an advertisement playing on the screen. Seeing the positions of Su Nan and Auntie, Lu Ying sneaked up and quietly came to sit behind Su Nan and Auntie.

This movie is not very popular, there are not many people watching it, and Lu Anya probably didn't come to see the movie, so the reserved seat is at the back.

After Lu Anya sat down, she tilted her body and leaned her head on Su Nan's shoulder, eating popcorn with a smile, and feeding it to Su Nan from time to time.

Lu Ying's eyelids twitched when she saw it. At this moment, she saw Su Nan take out the handle from her pocket with her right hand, as if she wanted to control her aunt.

She was startled, and quickly patted Su Nan on the shoulder secretly.

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