Su Nan looked back at her, dumbfounded.

Lu Ying glared at him, and then her eyes fell on the handle in his hand, her pretty face flushed slightly, and after biting her teeth lightly, she leaned over and leaned into his ear and said, "I can't help it, just control me."

The coquettish tone made Su Nan's heart agitated, and she almost couldn't hold it back.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-four

The squad leader's suggestion made her almost unable to hold back. At this moment, Lu Anya seemed to hear a voice. She sat up straight and wanted to look behind her.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and in a hurry, she quickly put her arms around Lu Anya's neck, hugging her and letting her lean towards her.

Lu Anya seemed to have misunderstood, her face turned red, but she turned her head and kissed Su Nan proactively.She closed her eyes and kissed softly, her lips were as soft and sweet as jelly, Su Nan was stunned for a moment.

He is a little too impulsive now, and he responds quickly.

Lu Ying, who was about to turn around and startled when she saw her aunt, turned dark immediately when she saw this scene, and looked at them with gritted teeth, feeling extremely sad in her heart.

She wanted to pull them away immediately, but she didn't dare to expose herself. At the same time, for some reason, Su Nan was in that impulsive state at the moment, and couldn't bear girls' teasing.

Seeing that they kissed more and more passionately, and even had a tendency to get worse, Lu Ying had an idea, saw the handle in Su Nan's right hand, and she secretly took it.

In Lu Ying's view, all of Su Nan's anomalies were caused by this handle. This handle is far more attractive to Su Nan than her aunt. Press the various buttons on the handle.

Sure enough, after the handle fell into Lu Ying's hands, Su Nan suddenly became a little irritable, and he pushed away Lu Anya who was entangled.

Lu Anya asked in amazement, "What's wrong with you?"

Obviously the kissing was coordinated very well, Su Nan's hand even climbed onto her chest, why did she suddenly change her attitude? Could it be that she did something wrong?

Su Nan didn't want to be too obvious, so he said perfunctorily: "If there is surveillance, we can see it in any surveillance room."

This reason convinced Lu Anya. She had seen similar news, and there were often surveillance videos of men and women playing in the cinema.

Thinking that Su Nan is quite considerate, Lu Anya's heart warmed, and she forgave him for pushing her away, but she just leaned into his ear and whispered in a charming tone, "After the movie is over , let's find a place without monitoring."

Su Nan swallowed his saliva, and his breathing became rapid in an instant, he really couldn't control it.

Lu Ying, who was behind her, was annoyed again, looking at Su Nan and her aunt with suspicious eyes at the same time. Is the aunt trying to tease Su Nan, or is she really going to do it?

She was a little confused and began to feel uneasy.

Seeing Su Nan's embarrassment, Lu Anya chuckled lightly, and stopped teasing Su Nan. When the movie started, she sat up straight and focused on the big screen.

Seeing this, Lu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Auntie was only verbally teasing Su Nan.

Su Nan resisted the urge to pounce on Lu Anya, and slowly took a deep breath to adjust his emotions. At this moment, he felt his right hand was held by a small hand that was so nervous that he was sweating, and then a handle was stuffed in.

Su Nan grasped the handle tightly, looked back, and saw the squad leader's reddish face under the light of the screen, her eyes dodged, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at herself.

Silence seemed to allow him something.

Su Nan stared at the monitor in a daze for a while, said "thank you" in a low voice, then pointed the controller at the monitor behind him, and pressed the button lightly.

In the next second, Lu Ying lost all control over her body. She sighed inwardly, closed her eyes and put on an expression of death, but her fair cheeks turned red unknowingly, and her curved eyelashes trembled slightly. , expressing her nervousness and anxiety.

Su Nan's fiery gaze lingered on her face for a while, because he was worried that he would attract Lu Anya's attention, so he turned his head away, pretending to be watching a movie, but quietly pressed the button of the handle with his right hand.

In the darkness, Lu Ying's hand landed on her body, she clenched her lips tightly trying to resist, but she was powerless, she could only watch helplessly as she repeated what she had done not long ago.

It was probably too embarrassing, her head was pressed against the back of Su Nan's head, and then buried in the back of his neck, her gushing breath hit the back of Su Nan's neck, it was hot and humid, making her body hot.

I could still feel the squad leader's trembling body slightly.

This went on for a long time, until Su Nan couldn't control herself and wanted to do more.

At this time, Lu Anya, who was watching the movie, stretched out a hand and took Su Nan's hand.

Su Nan turned her head to look at Lu Anya, and found that Lu Anya was being attracted by the content of the movie. She was staring at the screen intently at the moment, and had no time to pay attention to herself. Holding hands at this moment was also an unconscious behavior.

Su Nan felt relieved, and then pressed the button with his right hand, manipulating Lu Ying to stretch his head from behind, and he turned his head himself, and their lips touched each other, and they just kissed each other like this.

The sound of passionate kisses was also overshadowed by the sound effects of the movie.

While holding Lu Anya's hand, Su Nan kissed Lu Ying, and thinking of their relationship, suddenly felt an unspeakable excitement and excitement in her heart.

After staying like this for a few minutes, Su Nan stopped such behavior, and at the same time, after venting like this, the impulsive feeling in his heart finally eased.

However, Su Nan still didn't stop controlling the monitor. He was still reluctantly pressing the buttons on the handle, thinking that the girl possessing the handle should feel the same as the monitor at the moment, that is to say, he had sex with this unknown girl just now. kiss.

Thinking of this, Su Nan's heart was weird, but also felt more exciting. Lu Ying, Lu Anya, and an unknown girl, he flirted with three at the same time, full of sense of accomplishment.

After that, Su Nan didn't try to make physical contact with Lu Ying, but focused most of her attention on the movie to divert her attention, so as not to put too much pressure on the monitor.

But even so, Su Nan's thumb still maintained the frequency of pressing the handle once a second. Behind him, Lu Ying's head was pressed against his seat, her silver teeth clenched for something.

It was maintained like this until the end of the movie. When the movie ended, Lu Ying finally felt relieved.

Everyone was leaving, but she didn't dare to raise her head for fear of being discovered by her aunt.

Lu Anya stood up with some unfinished thoughts, and walked out holding hands with Su Nan, not noticing Lu Ying behind her.

After a while, after all the moviegoers had left, Lu Ying raised her head, revealing a pretty face like a flower, and her rosy cheeks gave her the cuteness of a shy girl.

She moved her body and found that she had regained control of her body, but her frown did not loosen. Su Nan was still walking with her aunt, which meant that he might still lose control.

Without continuing to rest, Lu Ying immediately got up and left the cinema, following Su Nan and her aunt from a distance.

At this time, her aunt passed by a store and pulled Su Nan in to look around, but Su Nan was not interested and looked around.

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