Suddenly, Lu Ying noticed that Su Nan was staring at a girl passing by, and saw that he picked up the controller and pressed the girl, and then controlled her.

Lu Ying took a closer look and found that this woman was actually Zhao Xiaomin's second sister, Zhao Ruomin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan actually saw Zhao Ruomin.

After he was stunned for a moment, he didn't know where the impulse came from, he picked up the handle and controlled Zhao Ruomin who was passing by outside the store.

Taking a look at Lu Anya who was still picking things up, Su Nan walked out of the store without saying hello to Zhao Ruomin.

Zhao Ruomin looked at him in surprise, and then smiled: "Brother-in-law, I might be too excited to see you and can't move."

She was a little regretful, and wanted to hug her brother-in-law.

Su Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked her, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Ruomin replied: "My sister took us out to play, now, where is she?"

Her eyes signaled to a women's clothing store opposite, Zhao Xiaomin took Zhao Junmin to look at the clothes inside.

Su Nan sweated, and quickly controlled Zhao Ruomin to go out through the handle, and said to her: "Let's chat in another place, how about going to my house?"

Zhao Ruomin was very curious about her current state, but her intuition told her that it had something to do with her brother-in-law, so she didn't show nervousness. When she heard her brother-in-law said that she would take her to his house, her smile brightened and she nodded repeatedly.

Su Nan took Zhao Ruomin into the elevator with bad intentions, and led her down to the first floor, where Lu Ying ran over to grab Zhao Ruomin, but she was still a step too late.

She hurriedly looked to the next door, and found that the elevator next door had to wait. Su Nan probably ran away with Zhao Ruomin by the time she got there.

Lu Ying gave up taking the elevator and ran to the stairs. Zhao Xiaomin who just walked out of the clothing store saw her flustered look, and couldn't help muttering, "Why is it her?"

Although Lu Ying seemed to be in a hurry, Zhao Xiaomin didn't intend to go up to say hello, and found that the second sister was missing, so she led the third sister to look for her everywhere.

Lu Ying ran to the first floor out of breath, but she didn't see Su Nan and Zhao Ruomin. She was anxious and ran out to the square outside. From a distance, she saw Su Nan leading Zhao Ruomin into a taxi by the side of the road , and walked away, she looked anxious.

It's over, Zhao Ruomin was taken away by Su Nan, and I don't know where he will take her, but it is certain that Zhao Ruomin will definitely be bullied.

In this state, Su Nan knew what he would do without even thinking about it.

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. The car was out of sight, and she couldn't catch up with her. She quickly picked up her mobile phone to call Su Nan, but it showed that the phone was turned off, not to mention Zhao Ruomin's was the same.

She put down her phone with a disappointed face. The open square was sunny, but she felt a little cold.

Lu Anya turned her head and found that Su Nan was gone. She searched all the way outside, but saw Lu Ying standing at the door with a lost face and didn't know what was going on.

Meeting Lu Ying at the place where she was dating Su Nan, Lu Anya was a little guilty, but she had already told Lu Ying that she liked Su Nan, so it was fine even if she met her, and she could even announce that she and Su Nan were already close couple.

Thinking of this, she felt at ease, and approached Lu Ying, and found that Xiao Ying's face was not quite right, a little pale, as if she was very anxious, she immediately asked concerned: "Xiao Ying, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Ying forced a smile, but instead of answering, asked, "What about you, auntie, why are you here?"

Lu Anya laughed dryly: "I want to watch a movie, so I asked Su Nan to accompany me, but this kid doesn't know where he went."

Lu Ying thought for a while and said, "I seem to see him getting into a car with his girlfriend's sister."

"Uh, Su Nan has a girlfriend?" Lu Anya felt guilty for no reason.

Even at such a time, Lu Ying couldn't help laughing when she saw her aunt's timid face, she nodded and said, "Yes, didn't I tell you that he has several girlfriends."

Lu Anya didn't know what to say, her mood was a bit complicated, she thought Lu Ying was joking before, after all, normally, how could Su Nan have several girlfriends, but now Xiao Ying doesn't seem to be lying, which makes her feel a little embarrassed Not allowed.

Lu Ying said: "His girlfriend is also in the mall, why don't we go meet her."

For some reason, Lu Anya nodded in agreement.

The two re-entered the mall and soon found Zhao Xiaomin who was looking for her sister.

When Lu Anya looked at Zhao Xiaomin with surprise eyes, Lu Ying said, "Xiao Min, can you help me find Su Nan, I need to find him urgently."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little speechless, and said in a sour tone: "Aren't you going to call him?"

"His phone was turned off. By the way, I saw him and your sister get into a car just now. At that time, your sister and Su Nan behaved a little strangely."

Lu Ying hesitated for a moment, then continued: "Ruo Min seemed to be crying at the time, and I don't know if I read it wrong."

Lu Anya was taken aback for a moment, wondering if Xiao Ying lost just now because she was worried about Su Nan's girlfriend's sister, Su Nan shouldn't be that kind of person, she can also do something to her girlfriend's sister.

However, Zhao Xiaomin's complexion changed suddenly, and Zhao Junmin's complexion also changed, with deep worry appearing in his eyes.

Yes, they don't believe that Su Nan is that kind of person, but there is one exception, that is, when someone is in a state of punishment, Su Nan's self-control will be weakened infinitely.

But why Ruomin, could it be that Ruomin was also infected by himself?

Zhao Xiaomin was extremely anxious, and secretly regretted that she would not have gone home if she had known.

She couldn't tell Lu Ying this reason, the most urgent thing was to find Su Nan as soon as possible.

Faced with Lu Ying who was looking at her with questioning eyes, Zhao Xiaomin had to rely on her strength, and said with a sad face: "My sister and I quarreled and scolded her to tears, and she ran away in a fit of anger. Although Su Nan followed her, we Or are you afraid that something will happen, can you help me find them?"

This is what Lu Ying was waiting for, and said seriously: "The four of us will go looking for each other in four directions. If you have friends, please call them out to help, as soon as possible."

Her words seemed to be full of hints, Zhao Xiaomin didn't think too much, walked aside, took out her mobile phone and called Chu Xi, senior sister, and Qin Xiaowan respectively, telling them the seriousness of the matter.

After receiving the call, the third daughter immediately put down everything and went out to look for it. Zhan Weiling even called Li Gongting and asked her for help.

The four girls in the shopping mall also split up and searched separately.

During the whole process, Lu Anya couldn't figure out what happened. She was obviously dating Su Nan, so how did she develop into helping Su Nan's girlfriend find someone? Su Nan did the same, she couldn't get through the phone, and she didn't know what to do. up.

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