Su Nan, who was being searched by people all over the city, had brought Zhao Ruomin to the suburbs by car at this time. There was a scenic spot in the suburbs. Usually there were very few tourists, which was suitable for couples to date.

On the way in the car just now, Su Nan had already hugged the immobile Zhao Ruomin into her arms, holding her little hand to play with. She was also very happy to lean in her arms, not rejecting his intimacy at all.

After getting off the car, Su Nan held her hand, and the other held the handle buttons to control her forward, led her into the park, and found a remote grass to sit down.

Sitting in his arms, Zhao Ruomin noticed the changes in him and found it interesting. She wanted to sit on him hard, but she couldn't act accordingly.

She looked down at her brother-in-law's hand on her stomach. Since the meeting, her brother-in-law had been holding this handle. Zhao Ruomin also realized that her inability to move was related to this handle, so she was a little curious, but she didn't ask any questions.

Although she didn't know why her brother-in-law had this handle and why she was controlled, she didn't bother to think about it.

She enjoys the current situation quite a bit, her brother-in-law's embrace and his intimate treatment make her feel very comfortable, and she doesn't want to think about it. She just thinks it would be nice if her brother-in-law could be closer to her.

As if hearing her inner voice, Su Nan slipped in with one hand, pressed on her chest, and practiced Tai Chi.

Zhao Ruomin exclaimed subconsciously, and then felt her whole body go limp, her cheeks blushed inexplicably, and her breathing became short of breath.

"Ruomin, I'm sorry." Su Nan bit her ear and murmured, but he hated her even more.

Although it was very rough, Zhao Ruomin felt happy, shook his head and murmured: "It's okay, I'm also very happy that my brother-in-law can treat me like this."

Su Nan didn't respond, she still murmured sorry, and after swimming with her hands, she entered from the edge of her pants.

"" Zhao Ruomin was surprised, and tried to join her legs to prevent her brother-in-law from moving, but failed. As time went by, she felt a gradual change in herself, a very strange feeling, and her beautiful brows unconsciously Frown.

After a while, she lay weakly in Su Nan's arms, her expression was surprised, puzzled, and shy, and she looked at Su Nan with a touch of nostalgia.

She resumed her actions, couldn't help but turned around and kissed Su Nan on the face, and said happily: "I don't know what this is, brother-in-law will teach me again."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing the innocent expression on the girl's face, Su Nan's evil thoughts increased greatly, and she agreed with a smile: "Okay, but it's not convenient because there are too many people here. Let's change to a place with fewer people."

He looked elsewhere. Although it wasn't a popular scenic spot, he vaguely saw some tourists, which would affect the next few things.

"Then let's go there." Zhao Ruomin said without any objection, pointing to Xiao Lin not far away.

Su Nan looked at the bamboo forest from a distance, and found that it was still quite lush, and there was a sign saying "No Bamboo Shoots Digging" outside. Because the location was remote, no one came here at this time.

He took Zhao Ruomin's hand and walked over, pretending to be passing by the bamboo forest, seeing no one around, he got in.

The ground is thickly piled with rotting bamboo leaves, and it feels soft when stepped on. The dense bamboo forest is dotted with spots of light on the ground, and there are only bugs chirping around, making it very quiet.

Su Nan led Zhao Ruomin to the depths of the bamboo forest, then let go of her hand and took a few steps back.

Zhao Ruomin looked at him puzzled and asked, "Brother-in-law, don't we play games?"

Did she treat what happened just now as a game?

Do you really understand, or do you not reject it at all?

Su Nan felt that it was both. Zhao Ruomin had obviously never experienced such a thing, and only had a rough idea in his mind. Although he was ashamed, he did not dislike his frivolity.

"The game we'll play later is a bit special, just wait." Su Nan said meaningfully. He was very rational, but he didn't feel anything wrong with what he was going to do next.

Zhao Ruomin wanted to ask again, but when he saw that he was pointing the handle at her, she suppressed her curiosity and stared intently with her eyes open.

After Su Nan pressed the button, she lost control of her body. She couldn't help opening her eyes wide, her beautiful eyes full of disbelief. As a normal person, the things in front of her really challenged common sense.

Su Nan smiled, and controlled Zhao Ruomin to approach her. During the process, she put her hand on her chest.

Zhao Ruomin was astonished. Even though she had experienced it just now, her behavior became uncontrollable again, and she still didn't understand it. She was very curious about what this handle was.

Su Nan didn't answer, and manipulated Zhao Ruomin to turn around, squat down, or make various provocative behaviors.

If it was a normal girl who was treated like this, she would have been terribly ashamed and angry, but although Zhao Ruomin looked surprised, she looked happy: "Brother-in-law, you can control me, just like playing a game."

Su Nan asked her: "Do you hate letting me control?"

Zhao Ruomin blinked and replied: "No, it doesn't matter what brother-in-law says, I'm happy."

Su Nan's remaining sanity was erased by these words. He controlled Zhao Ruomin to walk in front of him and knelt down. For a while, many unhealthy game operation methods appeared in front of his eyes. He followed the prompts and felt that his lower body was being crushed. The wet mouth swallowed it.

Everyone searched for Su Nan separately, at home, in Internet cafes, ktv, and even some hotels and hotels, but there was no news. It is really not easy to find two people in a city, even if they exclude everyone The same goes for some lively places.

Although Lu Anya was upset about this, she was just upset. She didn't know what was going on, but Lu Ying, Chu Xi and others who knew the truth were very anxious, especially Zhao Xiaomin, who thought that the second sister might also be poisoned. , she was distraught.

Just when everyone was confused, Zhao Xiaomin received a call from Zhan Weiling.

"I found it. Gong Ting's friend happened to see them and sent me a message. I'm rushing over now."

Zhan Weiling said on the phone that because Li Gongting had a wide network of contacts, she asked Li Gongting for help, but she couldn't get through on the phone, so she had to contact Li Gongting's friends.

That friend had also met Su Nan, and when she heard her talk about it, he told her that he had seen Su Nan on the way back from the suburbs just now, and those who took that road usually went to the scenic spot in the suburbs.

Zhan Weiling didn't dare to delay, and after sending a message to a few trusted people, she rushed over without stopping.

On the other side, Chu Xi and others who received the news also rushed there, except Lu Ying and Lu Anya.

Lu Ying knew that Su Nan had been found when she received a call from Zhao Xiaomin. Although no one wanted to invite her to meet Su Nan, it made her tense heartstrings relax a little.

In order to stop Su Nan, she asked Zhao Xiaomin and others for help, and made them realize the seriousness of the matter through hints. Now she finally found Su Nan, but she just hoped that Su Nan could not do anything before it was too late.

Lu Anya found her later, and said with a sad face: "Why is Zhao Xiaomin that guy's girlfriend, why didn't you tell me earlier."

Of course she knew Zhao Xiaomin, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't know her very well, but Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, Zhao Ruomin, knew her very well.

Knowing that Su Nan was actually Zhao Xiaomin's boyfriend, Lu Anya was really shocked. Although she was not related to Zhao Xiaomin by blood, she felt ashamed just because she was robbing Lu Ying's sister for a man.

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