Lu Ying thought to herself that her sister shared Su Nan with others, how could she have the nerve to say such a thing.

She knows her aunt's temperament well, and after knowing that Zhao Xiaomin is Su Nan's girlfriend, she may not believe it, but will investigate, and it is estimated that Chuxi's existence will not be concealed by then.

Maybe my aunt will tell her dad that although dad doesn't care much about Zhao Xiaomin anymore, but his daughter is a mistress for someone else, this kind of thing can't be tolerated by an arrogant dad.

Therefore, in order to dispel her aunt's thoughts about Su Nan, she could only describe Su Nan as a philandering radish, and did not dare to tell her aunt who Su Nan's girlfriend was. Only then did Ying realize that it was because of the shame disease.

It could be seen that my aunt was very concerned about this, Lu Ying said with a smile: "I only found out about it recently, Auntie, why don't you restrain yourself."

Lu Ying also had expectations in her heart, hoping that her aunt would give up her thoughts about Su Nan, but she was obviously disappointed, Lu Anya shook her head and sighed: "It's too late."

Lu Ying's heart tightened, what does it mean to be too late?

Lu Anya didn't want to say more, and changed the subject: "Since Su Nan found it, I'll go first and go back to the company."

She walked away dispirited.

Lu Ying hesitated for a while, and gave up asking, thinking that it should be the reason for the punishment. Although it was not the real body, my aunt had also experienced contact with Su Nan at a negative distance, so she said it was too late.

In fact, Lu Ying was quite concerned about this, but she could only comfort herself in her heart: "It's okay, just treat it as if the two of you had a sexual dream."

When Zhan Weiling found Su Nan, she happened to see Zhao Xiaomin's sister kneeling in front of Su Nan, being forced by Su Nan to serve her.

While such a scene made her cheeks blush, she also felt very bad in her heart. After all, it was still a step too late, but fortunately, the two of them didn't have fun.

Finding that Su Nan was too rough, the girl seemed a little out of breath, Zhan Weiling didn't care about anything, and hurried over to pull Zhao Ruomin up, and snatched the handle from Su Nan's hand.

Su Nan's eyes cleared up, and he said in shock, "Sister, why are you..."

Immediately realizing that what she did to Zhao Ruomin was seen by her senior sister, Su Nan's expression instantly became awkward.

Zhan Weiling rolled his eyes at him, then glanced down at his waist, did not speak, but took out a tissue from the bag with slightly red cheeks, and carefully wiped the saliva from the corner of Zhao Ruomin's mouth.

Zhao Ruomin burst into tears, breathed fresh air at this moment, and sighed: "Finally came back to life."

Zhan Weiling's pity increased greatly, and she was about to comfort her, but Zhao Ruomin changed the subject and said to Su Nan with regret: "Brother-in-law, have we been arrested and raped?"

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, unable to answer.

Zhan Weiling was stunned, why does Zhao Xiaomin's sister not seem angry at all?

If Zhao Ruomin was forced by Su Nan, would she ask this kind of question after being rescued?

Realizing something, Zhan Weiling's eyes instantly became strange.

Seeing her standing still, Zhao Ruomin continued to say to Su Nan: "Brother-in-law, please let me go first, I'm in a hurry to urinate."

Hearing what she said, Zhan Weiling remembered something important, hurriedly hid the handle in her bag, and quickly led Zhao Ruomin out.

Although Zhan Weiling doesn't know that as long as the target stays away from Su Nan, she will regain her freedom, but she knows that Su Nan is not satisfied, and may turn into a beast in the next second, so the top priority is to take Zhao Ruomin away from Su Nan.

Su Nan was indeed still impulsive, but the rash intrusion of the senior sister made him sober up a lot, so he didn't stop them from leaving.

Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh - burning with desire

Zhan Weiling pulled Zhao Ruomin away from Su Nan and came near the gate of this scenic spot.

At this time, several girls in a hurry ran in from outside, namely Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin, and Zhao Junmin.

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes fell on her younger sister, unable to control her emotions anymore, she ran over to grab her hand, and asked nervously, "Are you okay, did Ah Nan bully you?"

Zhao Ruomin tilted his head and said in puzzlement, "Bullying me? Why does my brother-in-law bully me?"

The innocent expression on her face relieved the three girls who came nervously, but Zhan Weiling turned her head away secretly to prevent everyone from seeing the strange look on her face.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little worried, and asked, "What are you and Anan doing here?"

"Brother-in-law said he would bring me here for a visit. Not long after we arrived, sister, you came here."

Zhao Ruomin's tone sounded regretful, and the foreheads of Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin's sisters went black, and then she was a little thankful that she waited for someone to arrive in time, and Su Nan had not had time to do anything.

"Where's Su Nan?" Chu Xi asked.

Zhao Ruomin pointed to the bamboo forest and was about to speak, when Zhan Weiling hurriedly said, "Chu Xi, you three, take Ruomin away quickly, I'm afraid Xiao Nan will come over, this is the culprit this time, you take it away too , I'll take care of Xiao Nan."

Zhan Weiling couldn't help but stuff the handle into Chu Xi's hand.

Chu Xi was startled, then took a deep look at her, and nodded in agreement.

Zhao Xiaomin also felt that Su Nan was not in the right condition at this time, and it would be safer to leave with her two younger sisters, so she also agreed, but seriously told Zhan Weiling: "Sister, Anan, please take him home."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him." Zhan Weiling smiled.

Watching the four girls leave, Zhan Weiling put away her smile, it's better not to let Xiao Min and the others see Su Nan's state, otherwise everyone will be suspicious.

Then she sighed in annoyance, she didn't know how to tell Xiao Min about Zhao Ruomin, she couldn't say it, and she was too cruel to Xiao Min.

Although she arrived in time, Su Nan still inevitably made some mistakes. What was even more troublesome was Zhao Ruomin's attitude, which was not angry at all. Obviously, she had secretly developed feelings for Su Nan, her nominal brother-in-law.

If Zhao Xiaomin knew about this, she would probably be pissed to death. After all, the three sisters had an affair with Su Nan, and Zhan Weiling felt that she was very pitiful.

Thinking of Su Nan who was still in the bamboo forest, Zhan Weiling suppressed these troubles for the time being and went to look for him.

Some of the same kind are undergoing punishment. Although the abnormal handle was taken away, Su Nan will not return to normal. If you don't pay close attention, you don't know what Su Nan will do.

On the other side, after getting into the taxi, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin sandwiched Zhao Ruomin, and Chu Xi asked her sideways, "Why did you leave your sister and sister and come here to play with Su Nan?"

Xiao Min and Jun Min also pricked up their ears to listen. At that time, they were shopping in the mall. After Zhao Ruomin met Su Nan, he left the two of them and ran away with Su Nan. It was a bit abnormal.

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