Also, at that time Lu Ying said that she saw Zhao Ruomin crying, but when everyone saw Zhao Ruomin, they didn't find her sad or sad.

"Brother-in-law said it's fun here, and I like to play, so I followed him."

Zhao Ruomin played with his mobile phone listlessly, and replied without raising his head.

She was a little unhappy, it was rare to be with her brother-in-law, and the fun games made her feel obsessed, but her sister brought a group of people over for no reason, ruining this beautiful thing.

Of course, Zhao Ruomin also remembered the feeling of playing games with Su Nan before, thinking with anticipation in his heart, next time he will play with his brother-in-law again, the novel really did not lie.

Zhao Xiaomin said angrily: "So you left the two of us? Do you know that I am very worried, afraid that you will be abducted!"

Zhao Ruomin looked at her sister strangely, and said mockingly: "Sister, you are like the one who was kidnapped by bad guys. Every time you pass by the station, you will give them money if they ask you for money. When our sister was kidnapped, you must be the first to be fooled..."

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, and argued forcefully: "I am caring, is caring wrong?"

"Anyway, I think my sister is an idiot." Zhao Ruomin said.

Zhao Xiaomin couldn't hold back her face, and angrily tried to hit someone.

"My sister hit someone, my sister hit someone." Zhao Ruomin hurriedly leaned towards Chu Xi, squeezing half of Chu Xi's cheek against the car window, especially when her arms were tightly hugged, and she felt that plump feeling.

The corner of Chu Xi's mouth twitched to stop Zhao Xiaomin's attack, and then he pushed Zhao Ruomin away calmly, took out the handle Zhan Weiling gave her and asked her, "Do you remember this handle?"

Zhao Ruomin stared at the handle with a strange expression, as if she liked it very much. After she nodded, she said, "This is brother-in-law's treasure. You should keep it safe and don't break it."

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, both wondering what Zhao Ruomin had experienced and what the handle was for. They walked too fast just now and forgot to ask Senior Sister Zhan Weiling.

"What kind of baby? Even your sister doesn't know, how do you know?"

Chu Xi continued to inquire around.

Zhao Ruomin stopped talking, and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

It was the same after a few more questions, so Chu Xi had no choice but to give up asking.

She lowered her head to look at the handle, only to feel that the handle feels good in the hand. When she held it in her hand, she couldn't help rubbing it gently and pressing the buttons on it. At the same time, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, which made her a little puzzled.

Zhao Ruomin was taken away by her seniors, even though Su Nan resisted to keep them, there was an unavoidable feeling of emptiness in her heart.

Under such circumstances, he dared not chase after him, fearing that outsiders would see him doing something irrational, so he had to find a relatively clean place to sit down.

In order to divert his attention, Su Nan forced himself to think about the problem, thinking about why the senior sister appeared here, thinking about why the senior sister saw him, and the first reaction was to grab his handle Su Nan thought that the senior sister should have found out The problem, otherwise she wouldn't have rushed to find Zhao Ruomin, and at the same time took away his handle.

The question is how did the senior sister know about this?

Su Nan couldn't help thinking of the monitor, and quickly figured out the truth of the matter.

The squad leader must have seen the scene of taking Zhao Ruomin away by himself, and Zhao Ruomin appeared in the mall at the time, probably with his sister and sister, so the squad leader found them, told them about it, and then misled them through verbal hints , making them think it has something to do with the shame disease.

That is to say, not only the senior sister is looking for her, but also Xiao Min, Chu Xi and others. It is very likely that they have also come to this scenic spot.

Su Nan felt a little guilty. He didn't know how to face Xiao Min after what he did to Zhao Ruomin just now.

At that time, he had been patient for a long time, and he couldn't hold it anymore. He did it as soon as his head got hot. He didn't think too much, and then he gradually realized the seriousness of the matter.

"What? He looked flustered, scared?"

A sweet voice full of ridicule sounded, and Su Nan turned her head to look at the pretty senior sister who came to her with an inexplicable smile on her mouth.

Those eyes that seemed to see through everything made Su Nan turn her head subconsciously, not knowing what to say for a while.

The senior sister and everyone knew the reason why he would do such a thing, so they should forgive him, he thought so, and then felt that he was too scum for taking such a natural thought.

Seeing the expression on his face, Zhan Weiling softened her heart, sat down next to him, hugged his head, buried his face in her chest, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, next time, senior sister will with you."

Su Nan was moved, and had the urge to tell her senior sister that she knew about the existence of shame disease, but then thought of the agreement with the monitor, so she held back.

When he was talking with Lu Ying, Lu Ying asked him hesitantly, if he could not confess to his girlfriends, and let the two of them cooperate to solve this matter.

Su Nan soft-heartedly agreed for a while, besides, he was not sure what would happen to his relationship with them after confessing, so after hesitating, he decided to keep it as it was.

Burying her head on the plump chest of her senior, breathing in her seductive scent, listening to her almost sworn words to herself, Su Nan's heart was soft, and she couldn't help but hug her tightly, with rare no distractions in her heart.

However, it only lasted for a while, and after a while, distracting thoughts filled his mind again.

Quietly hugging Su Nan to comfort him, Zhan Weiling felt very warm, but suddenly she felt her chest being licked, she was a little speechless for a while, and felt an urge to laugh.

Fearing that this guy would mess around, Zhan Weiling quickly pushed him away.

Su Nan also woke up, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

Seeing this, Zhan Weiling softened her heart again, bit her lips, pulled his hand to stand up, leaned into his ear with a blushing face and said, "It's not convenient here, can you go home with senior sister?"

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat and he nodded.

The two walked out on the road hand in hand, and boarded a taxi that just passed by.

Zhan Weiling urged the driver to take the two of them back quickly, because Su Nan's state is not safe outside.

But here is still too far away from home, the road conditions are good, and there is no traffic jam, it takes more than half an hour to run, Zhan Weiling thinks it would be better to take Su Nan to open a house.

Just thinking about it, she felt that something was squeezed under her buttocks, it was Su Nan's fingers, and the fingers were very flexible.

Zhan Weiling bit her lip, and quickly pressed Su Nan's hand to keep him from moving, but seeing his longing look, she softened her heart and let him go.

The way back is too long, if Su Nan is not satisfied, she is afraid that Su Nan will mess around.

Afterwards, her face slowly turned red, she quickly controlled her messy breathing, and looked ahead nervously, until she confirmed that the driver could not see her through the rearview mirror, and then she was slightly relieved.

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