After speaking, he slipped to the front.

Su Nansheng has nothing to love. It turned out that the senior sister still noticed it, but she seemed to have misunderstood that she was bullying Ruomin, and she specially warned herself.

Su Nan couldn't explain this kind of thing, so he could only suffer from being dumb. He couldn't explain to his senior sister that it was actually Ruo Min who was seducing him.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan was going to talk to Zhao Ruomin, but before he could send her a WeChat message, Zhao Ruomin took the initiative to ask him to meet.

After agreeing on a meeting place with Zhao Ruomin, Su Nan called senior sister Li Gongting again, but it showed that the phone was turned off.

As a last resort, Su Nan had no choice but to go to the woods in the school, but when he arrived, he found that there was no one there.

Generally, senior sister Li Gongting is very punctual and will not be late. Why didn't I see her today?

Su Nan was puzzled, heard a chuckle, looked back, Shu Bao'er walked slowly, still wearing the familiar sportswear, there was no trace of makeup on her face, her cheeks were smooth and white.

"Did the senior come to see the senior sister?" Shu Baoer walked up to Su Nan and asked curiously.

Su Nan nodded: "Do you know why Li Xuejie didn't come, and she couldn't get through the phone."

"I'm probably sick, senior, do you want to go see Senior Sister Li with me?"

Shu Baoer asked with a smile, the smile was inexplicably gloating.

Su Nan didn't notice this, hesitated for a while, and nodded.Li Xuejie took good care of him, and it was unreasonable not to go to see him when he was sick.

"I still have something to leave for a while, why don't you go there first, I'll be there later."

Thinking of the agreement with Zhao Ruomin, Su Nan said.

Shu Bao'er said: "Forget it, I'll wait for the senior here. By the way, I will show you the way. Senior, you don't know where Li Xuejie's home is."

Su Nan nodded, "Alright, I'll trouble you then."

Then Su Nan left the woods and rushed towards the playground.

Not long after, Su Nan arrived at the playground. Not long after class, everyone went to have dinner, so there were not many people on the playground, making Zhao Ruomin standing in front of the table tennis table very conspicuous.

Su Nan watched from a distance for a while, then walked towards Zhao Ruomin.


Zhao Ruomin found him, and waved to him with a smile from a distance, she didn't speak but smiled, she looked gentle and virtuous.

Su Nan walked in front of Zhao Ruomin, before she had time to speak, Zhao Ruomin moved closer to him, showing the hand he pinched at noon in aggrieved way, and said: "Brother-in-law, you hurt me."

"Uh, I'm sorry." Su Nan looked at it and found that the back of her hand was still a little red, and she was immediately sorry.

Zhao Ruomin smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll forgive you."

Su Nan said seriously: "Although I was wrong to pinch you, but you are not allowed to do that kind of thing at noon, you know? That is wrong, what should you do if your sister sees it?"

Zhao Ruomin tilted her head and asked, "So it's okay not to be seen? I understand."

She nodded to herself again, with a look of sudden realization.

Su Nan didn't understand why, so she asked her, "What do you know?"

Zhao Ruomin replied: "I can't be discovered by my sister, so I will pay attention next time."

"You don't understand anything at all." Su Nan said angrily.

Zhao Ruomin poked his arm, raised his face, looked at him with a pair of bright eyes, and said softly: "Senior, let's continue playing the game from last time and find a secret place."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan swallowed, he didn't expect Zhao Ruomin to make such a request for welfare, which made him a little restless, inexplicably remembering the last time he lost control and forced Zhao Ruomin to do it.

No, I came to warn her, not to play a game.

Su Nan shook her head quickly, throwing all unhealthy thoughts out of her mind.

He looked at Ruo Min who looked expectant, and said seriously: "Ruo Min, that was a misunderstanding last time, I solemnly apologize to you, in short, I will never bully you like that again in the future, and you are not allowed to ask me again. Do you know this kind of request?"

Probably because he seldom saw Su Nan's serious look, Zhao Ruomin was a little aggrieved, but he didn't dare to forcefully mess around, and nodded listlessly: "I see."

She couldn't figure out why it was an interesting interaction with her brother-in-law, but why did her brother-in-law just say he was bullying her? She wasn't sad at all, on the contrary, she liked it.

I couldn't understand what my brother-in-law was thinking. He was so close to me at that time, why did he decide not to play that kind of game with me again after less than two days? Could it be because of my sister?

Hey, why does true love in this world always go through all kinds of hardships?

Zhao Ruomin was extremely depressed, as if he didn't have dinner tonight.

Su Nan was worried, and added another sentence in a very serious tone: "Not only to me, but also to other people."

He was worried that this girl had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and she was greedy for this kind of enjoyment, so she went to find someone else.

Although it was for Zhao Ruomin's best interest, he had to say that when he thought that Zhao Ruomin would find someone else, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Zhao Ruomin's eyes lit up, she never thought of looking for anyone else, except her brother-in-law, she didn't like anyone, and her brother-in-law didn't want her to look for someone else either.Doesn't this mean that it's not that her brother-in-law didn't want to play games with her, but he just held back for various reasons. As for the reason, Zhao Ruomin thinks it should be related to her sister.

She has read many novels by her sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and the situation in each book is different, so she cannot generalize.

Some sisters-in-law hooked up with their brother-in-law, and finally turned against their sisters, and some sisters-in-law and brother-in-law sneaked around, but they were discovered by their sisters, and then the sisters joined in.

And her sister may be the former, and because of this consideration, her brother-in-law doesn't plan to play games with her anymore.

Zhao Ruomin sighed, why can't my sister be in the latter situation, obviously there is a happy ending for everyone, but she insists on destroying it.

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